The Age of Cinematic Universe: Landing in Advance

Chapter 141 Sam Autobots, Mutant Base【3】

ABC TV: "Iron Man Double Star Saved New York Again"

FOX TV station: "This is the scene of the New York war whiplash, we can naturally feel the tragic war at that time"

This big event, like a storm sweeping across the United States, also moved the heart of a teenager.

When Sam was at school, he read the news on his cell phone.

When he returned home, he turned on the computer and quickly searched out all the videos of the war.

On YouTube, viewers filmed the battle process from various angles, and saw the Iron Man twin stars, majestic and majestic, as if the god of war descended to the world.

Sam's chest surged, as if pouring out from his chest.

Every teenager has a heroic dream, and Sam is no exception, especially when he thinks of the beautiful girl last time.

Moreover, he also has the foundation to be a superhero.

The old car he bought last time can be shapeshifted, which is amazing.

Sam discovered this secret the night before yesterday.

He suddenly heard that his "car" in his garage was suddenly stolen, and he ran to the car quickly

After several kilometers, I finally came to an abandoned factory.

When he caught up, he saw two cars parked together, one was his broken car and the other was a white ambulance.

Then he heard the voice of the two cars talking in horror.

"Bumblebee, the captain is coming and will soon arrive on Earth!" The white ambulance lane.

Sam’s little yellow car didn’t hesitation and said, “Okay, I’m protecting that kid.

Sam almost screamed in fright, but something more thrilling happened.

Only a few bangs were heard, and the little yellow car was shapeshifting.

With derogatory effort, he became a car monster, tall and mighty, very similar to the iron man double-star steel battle suit shape.

However, the body is even bigger.

Sam fled home in a panic and was frightened for several days.

He didn't know what was going on, so he didn't tell anyone about it. The talking little yellow car didn't dare to drive anymore.

However, a few days later, Sam calmed down and felt that the "car monster" was definitely not a bad person, or he would have killed himself a long time ago, and listened to their conversations to protect himself.

He even has a curious feeling that Autobots can help him become a hero and successfully catch up with that pretty girl.

It's just that he still doesn't dare to communicate with the ‘car monster’. Sam thinks that the Iron Man double star is so powerful, he should be able to help him.

Afterwards, Sam collected all the information about Ye Xuan and Shi Stark and Shi Stark Industries.

"Oh~my~god, it's incredible 1.!"

Sam's face was full of shock.

He saw that in less than a few months, Ye Xuan became a scientist at Stark Industries, and the head of the scientific research department was the largest shareholder.

Ye Xuan is now a world-famous young and rich man, and his speed is almost the same as taking a helicopter.

Soon, Sam made up his mind!

After two days, I went to the New York History Stark Industrial Building to find Ye Xuan.

Since it is a superhero, it must be safe to reveal this secret. What is important is that you can get some enlightenment from the idol Ye Xuan.

Two more days passed.

The news of the New York war did not drop.

The Wall Street tycoons were so angry that they influenced Congress and the President, and then collectively put pressure on the military.

Under pressure from superiors and fishing vessels, the Pentagon’s Department of Defense removed General Kensal, who was in charge of contacting Hanmer Industries, and then replaced a lot of people in one breath, resulting in the largest military incident in decades. Personnel transfer.

According to the gossip, the Minister of Defense was almost replaced. In the end, someone came forward to confirm his innocence and escaped.

Immediately afterwards, arms enterprises ushered in a major rectification, and dozens of military industrial enterprises were banned from production qualifications.

The major media TV stations and news websites even publicized the matter on a large scale.

And Shi Stark's valuation has skyrocketed for several days.

Mutant Base, Monvert State.

Colonel Stryker's mood for the past two days is extremely depressed. The assassination of Ye Xuan failed. Now Professor X seems to have disappeared from this world.

The Mutant he sent out nearly turned New York over, and there was still no news of Professor X.

*." You guys, no matter how much manpower or financial resources you spend, you must find Professor X even if you are digging three feet, or else the poorly guarded yesterday will be your tomorrow. "Colonel Stryker said coldly.

Several military officers were also ashamed, too scared to say a word. They also knew the importance of Professor X.

The Mutants of the military are only a minority, and they are also a group of vegetable chickens compared to the Mutants under Professor X.

"Colonel, there is no news about Professor X now, which is also good news for us." An army officer with a cruel expression whispered.

Colonel Stryker's eyes were cold, and he suddenly said: "What does this sentence mean? You mean that Professor X was lost. Is it right?"

The officer hurriedly said: "Colonel, I (with Li's) have searched everywhere, but have not found Professor X. He is probably dead. Without Professor X, those Mutants are just a pile of loose sand. We can slowly conquer them. .

Stryker rolled his eyes twice, and said thoughtfully, "What you said makes some sense. You continue to search for Professor X, and at the same time grab those Mutants back. Without Professor X, we will use those Mutants as a live experiment hook."

His face couldn't help showing a bit of complacency. With Professor X's group of Mutants with different abilities to experiment, he would kill Ye Xuan and Shi Stark later.

Suddenly, there was an explosion outside, and a wave of air rushed toward the face, and the murderous aura was filled.

In an instant, I saw seven or eight figures falling on the ground, headed by a woman with a blazing red chun, who was beautiful and moving.

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