The Age of Cinematic Universe: Landing in Advance

Chapter 194 Eat melons and watch a play[【4]

The remaining superman took two steps back in fright.


The cannon disappeared, and the whip was dispatched again.

The superman turned around and ran to the other side.

But the long whip followed like a shadow, and soon entangled the superman.

Whoosh whoosh!

Blood arrows flew, and a strong bloody smell drifted away!

Numerous sharp barbs were born on the long whip, which plunged deeply into the body of the super man.

Megatron pulled back and saw a cloud of blood filled with fog.

At the moment, the rhino man rushed from behind, extremely fast!

Two Decepticons came up to the front, and both flew out with two punches.


In the blink of an eye, he was behind Megatron.

Megatron was unwilling to show weakness by "one, four, three", and turned around, but also attacked with two fists.

A loud bang!

The two separated instantly, and Megatron was shaken back several steps.

The rhino man laughed wildly and said: "Take it to death! Steel monster!"

Megatron's face sank, his arms raised, and he saw dozens of rounds of howitzers, swiftly leaving!

Clang clang!


Two punches!

Three punches!


The rhino man was not afraid, strode forward, punched the howitzer one by one.

In the air, howitzers collided, and the sound of explosions was endless!

Suddenly, in the middle of the sky, thick smoke billowed, and the sky was nowhere to be seen.

Megatron was taken aback for a moment, and the whip went towards the rhino man.

Although the Rhino Man’s steel battle suit is hard, his whip is invincible.

As long as the steel battle suit is destroyed, all shells will be fired to send the rhino man to the sky, it is not a problem.

However, Megatron's thinking was too simple.

On his long whip, although a cutting function was installed, it had no effect on the rhino man's steel battle suit.

In degrading eyes, the rhino man was joined end to end and curled up into a big iron ball.

Only to be heard!

The iron ball rushed towards Megatron.


Megatron was knocked out, but quickly stabilized.

The rhino man roared wildly and rushed towards Megatron again.


The iron fist fell head-on, and Megatron hid back!

Suddenly, a deep pit appeared on the ground.

Ye Xuan is watching the live broadcast through Xiaojingang Xiaodian.

Eat melon and watch the show.

It was a bit surprised to see the Rhino Man crushing Megatron.

"This Megatron is really rubbish!"

"However, this military can't be small either."

Megatron's face changed drastically, and he didn't expect the Super Rhino Man to be so powerful!

It stepped back two steps, and in both palms, two extremely fast-rotating gears were born, and they rushed towards the tail cow man.


Two steps!


Soon, Megatron arrived in front of the rhino.

The gear flew and fell towards the rhino man’s neck. That was the only weak point.

It's a pity that Megatron was fooled again.

Only bang bang!

An extremely hard steel ring was born on the rhino man's neck.

Sparks flew! The gear broke in an instant.

Megatron punched again in the chest, and backed away as he was beaten.

In an instant, the spikes on the steel battle suit seemed to bloom everywhere, and shells were fired.

I saw Megatron's unsteady foothold, but a huge shield in his hand.

It's crackling again, there is a loud noise!

The shells were mounted on the huge shield and made a sound of bang bang bang.

In an instant, a cohesive cannon appeared on Megatron's chest again.


Another cannonball is rushing away!

Then, there was a loud noise, shaking the clouds!

The Rhino Man was also shocked and took two steps back. Megatron has upgraded and upgraded the convergent cannon.

One after another!

Cannonballs fall like rain!

The rhinoceros is shaped like the wind, shuttled forward in the wind and rain of cannonballs.

It was another punch, and it hit the huge shield fiercely!

Megatron's iron arms shook, and quickly retreated

The strength of this rhino man has increased a lot compared to last time.

Boom boom boom!

The rhino man suddenly bowed his head and slammed into the giant shield.

This blow was powerful enough to destroy a mountain.

A hole appeared on the huge shield.

The cannonball fired from the steel battle suit hit Megatron's body.

Boom! Boom!

The hole on the huge shield is getting bigger and bigger, and half of the eye shield has been destroyed!

Suddenly, Megatron saw a black shadow falling over his head.

Fight with two fists!


Megatron was beaten in an instant.

The whole person quickly sinks into the ground!

Rhinoceros turned into a big iron man, once and again!

But within half a minute, Megatron was beaten into half.

On the other side, the little ones watched the excitement, and they just watched vigorously.

"Small, no matter what, you can't let Megatron hang up, understand?" Ye Xuan said seriously.

Megatron can be a card in his hand, and it is also a good choice to come out and beat the military occasionally.

After the little bit gets the order, hesitation is not allowed. 5.7

People are big!

Little is small and strong!

A kick with both feet on the ground, it turned into a small iron ball and slammed into the rhino man!


The rhino man was knocked away!

The little bit is not an ordinary shapeshifting vajra. After it became a shapeshifting vajra, it was inscribed with a lot of magic circles by Ye Xuan. It can be said that it is a creation of technology + magic, so it is much stronger than the ordinary shapeshifting vajra.

Megatron felt it being pulled by something and flew into the air.

The Iron Rhino Man is too perverted, so he decided to retreat first.

The Rhinoceros wanted to catch up, and was knocked away by Xiao Bian again.

After an instant, Xiao Budian also ran away without a trace.

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