The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Chapter 133 Destroy the Flagship

Almost instantly, a battleship at the forefront of the aircraft carrier was submerged by the terrifying beam of light, and melted into the blazing beam of light on the spot. The hard alloy only persisted for a second before vaporizing into nothingness.

At this time, there are a total of seven battleships blocking the aircraft carrier. If it is a normal dreadnought main gun, the second battleship can block it.

It's a pity that the power of the divine light is fifty times that of the doomsday light. The seven battleships passed by in a row and melted instantly. The barely weakened divine light hit the middle of the aircraft carrier head-on.

Accompanied by a violently distorted halo that exploded, sweeping thousands of kilometers away in an instant, the 800 million shield of the aircraft carrier sank down violently, collapsing, and the terrifying beam of light slammed into the thick alloy of the aircraft carrier. On the armor, a dazzling halo burst out and quickly caught up with the first wave of twisted halo.

Ye Xian stared closely at the battlefield projection in front of him, and saw with his own eyes that the terrifying unknown doomsday weapon, the light spear, which was bigger than the aircraft carrier body, blasted through the aircraft carrier's shield, melting the armor hundreds of meters thick before stopping.

The aftermath was rolling, and the entire armor of the aircraft carrier melted.

"What kind of weapon is this? The Titan Lance is not that strong."

Ye Xuandong had the illusion that he would survive the catastrophe, so he hurriedly said to Ye Xian:

"Let the aircraft carrier move back a little bit, by the way, the flagship should also move a little bit back."

Ye Xian nodded, and immediately ordered:

"The aircraft carrier immediately stopped to check the status of the flagship, the industrial maintenance fleet stepped up maintenance, and the main fleet moved forward a thousand kilometers to cover the flagship."

"In addition, let the reserve fleet prepare"

His voice stopped abruptly, and he turned his head slowly. The sensor projected another terrifying beam of light that was exactly the same as before flashed across the starry sky at the same position, and hit the aircraft carrier that was about to be repaired hard.

"Cover! The second brigade battle formation cover!"

He almost threw himself in front of the staff group behind the bridge and shouted orders, without even noticing that his voice was trembling.

Just like the earth-shattering super light spear just now, and it hits the same position, the terrifying power melts the remaining armor on the spot, and the aftermath melts the hull structure. From the outside, it looks like a super beam of light that is bigger than the aircraft carrier itself Slowly advancing from the side of the aircraft carrier, it was as if a god's paintbrush was slowly erasing the aircraft carrier.

When Yuwei ended, a full third of the aircraft carrier's hull had been melted away.

Although there are two thirds left, the armor and hull structure on one side of the flagship have all melted and disappeared, and all the cabin structures inside the ship have been exposed, and they have lost their combat effectiveness.

"How is it possible, how could he have such a weapon?"

Ye Xuandong roared inexplicably with horror, and no one could answer his doubts.

They never thought that Li Yuan would order the two Divine Lights to charge continuously. After the first Divine Light started to charge, the second Divine Light would start to charge after a minute. position, and defeated the flagship aircraft carrier on the spot.

Looking at the aircraft carrier with one-third of its hull missing, and the chaotic aircraft fleet that lost its central command all over the sky, being crushed by the opposing fleet with only one-third of its own, hundreds of space fighters were destroyed every second, Ye Xuandong The heartache is unbearable.

This is a flagship aircraft carrier, one of the most important core supports of the fleet he personally owns, but it was sunk by two artillery shells just after the war started.

"The fearless flagship immediately moved back a thousand kilometers. The reserve fleet changed its mission to harass the flagship, preparing to release the electronic aiming interference force field. The flagship maintenance halo unfolded. The main fleet changed its tactics and made an assault regardless of the cost. I need you to rush in with the fastest speed and The main force of the enemy is engaged."

"In addition, the rear aircraft carrier special service industrial fleet is preparing to activate the backup control center system to ensure that the aircraft fleet continues to fight."

After issuing a series of tasks in one breath, Ye Xian said loudly to Ye Xuandong who was still in shock:

"Generally, super weapons like this take a long time to recharge, at least half an hour. We still have a chance."

As a senior naval commander with command skills over level 20, Ye Xian's judgment was very accurate, and it was quick anyway. He made the correct response at the first time, and the main force launched a fierce attack on the Jialan Army fleet.

Although the dreadnought kept retreating, in addition to putting down various anti-targeting electronic interference, a large number of warships stood in front of them, ready to block guns.

The main gun of the Dreadnought flagship was not idle, and continued to charge.


Another ray of doomsday light penetrated the icy starry sky, but this time a huge black hole appeared in front of the targeted battleship and drowned the doomsday light, and the battleship was not damaged at all.

Before, it was to close the distance and relax the vigilance of the opponent, so he did not take any action to let it destroy the battleships.

Now that the two sides have entered a melee, and the light of divine judgment has been exposed, there is no need to make sacrifices.

Anyway, it is a battleship, how can it be destroyed meaninglessly.

Under the command of Li Yuan, the Servant of Light, every warship in the fleet kept a certain distance, interspersed with each other, covered, and the damaged ones retreated. Occasionally, Li Qing would open the door of the black hole to put away some seriously damaged warships.

However, it is only limited to large ships above cruisers, destroyers and frigates are ignored, and they cannot be controlled.

In such a huge battlefield, there are warships sinking every moment, so how can we manage so many.

Li Qing sat in the center of the bridge of the command ship with a serious face. A dozen light curtains in front of him displayed a dozen of the most important battlefields. Countless battle data on the far right dropped down like flowing water, and each line was marked with a red cross. Both represent a battleship being sunk.

In just ten minutes, more than a thousand warships from both sides were sunk, most of which were frigates fighting together.

Needless to say, space fighters, tens of thousands of them have been sunk in a short time.

Although the opposite side has lost the aircraft carrier, the backup command center is not useful after all, and the commander's bonus is not small. The space fleet on their side is more powerful, but the opposite side has more numbers. A Consul-level aircraft carrier With 360,000 space fighters, the gap of nearly three to one is not so easy to smooth out.

He looked at the total of the battle situation. The loss ratio of the two sides was close to two to one. The opponent lost two ships and he lost one. The result of the battle was quite good.

But the ship capacity of the opposite side is much stronger than that of the Jialan Army, the difference in ship capacity is more than three times, if they fight so hard and lose in the end, they must be the ones.

However, whenever these two words appear, it means that there will be a turning point.

The time quickly passed half an hour, and Li Qing blocked the two consecutive doomsday lights of the mixed alliance team, but at this time Ye Xuandong and Ye Xian cheered up instead, especially since the previous terrifying energy index had not been scanned for more than half an hour , Ye Xian said excitedly:

"I just said that the trick just now must be a special method that cannot be used commonly, and they are dead."

At this moment, Ye Xian was keenly aware of the large-scale mobilization of the Jialan fleet, checked carefully, and ordered in a deep voice:

"The fleet will be in place after going around. After one minute, go around in the predetermined direction. The main force and the left and right wings will advance normally, reducing the opponent's room for movement."

After issuing a series of orders, he turned his head and explained to Ye Xuandong beside him:

"They are shrinking the line of defense. It should be that the battle damage is too great. I am gradually reducing their combat radius. After the fleet is in place after the circle, the two-sided siege completely defeats them."

Ye Xuandong also saw this, nodded and said:

"Keep an eye on their command ship. Don't let Li Qing run away. If he shows signs of fleeing, use the dreadnought to destroy him immediately."

"no problem."

Five minutes later, the Servant of Light has reduced the combat radius of the fleet by more than 50%, and the total combat radius has shrunk from more than 20,000 kilometers before to less than 10,000 kilometers.

"not enough!"

Li Qing gestured back and forth on the battlefield projection in front of him, simulating the range of the Light of God's Judgment, drew a circle in one direction with his finger, and said to Li Yuan:

"The battlefield needs to be reduced by half from the existing base. Don't be afraid of losses. No matter how high the price is, I will keep this fleet here."

Li Yuan pondered for a moment, pulled out a battlefield projection with a swipe of both hands, operated it a few times, pointed to the planet that was destroyed by Ye Xuandong's dreadnought ship more than 100,000 kilometers away from the existing battlefield, and said:

"The battleships on both sides are too large. Normally, it is difficult to compress the battlefield, but the terrain can be used. I plan to withdraw the fleet there, use the planet to separate one side of the battlefield, concentrate them in the orbit of the planet, and clear them in one wave. their escort fleet."

"You do it."

Li Yuan nodded, turned around and ordered in the fleet:

"Everyone is there, the first formation, the second formation, the third formation, the fourth formation is approaching the predetermined position, the fifth formation, the sixth formation, and the seventh formation are covering!"

The huge fleet immediately started to move, more than half of the fleet left the battlefield directly, and the rest quickly retracted their defenses, firmly blocking the pursuers under Li Yuan's precise command of a single battleship.

But the even greater disparity in numbers caused them great losses. A battleship stood in front of them and forcibly withstood the concentrated fire of more than 200 battleships, and was blown up on the spot.

Thirteen minutes later, Li Yuan ordered again:

"The first formation, the second formation, the third formation, and the fourth formation arrived at the designated positions and prepared to cover the retreating fifth, sixth, and seventh formations."

The unsupportable three formations retreated immediately. Fortunately, the skill effect of the Servants of Light has a very high speed bonus, and they can retreat calmly at a distance.

Ye Xian immediately gave the order to pursue the victory, the front escort fleet and destroyer fleet quickly exchanged fire with the intercepting fleet, and dozens of frigates in the front row were directly blown up on the spot.

In just this short period of time, they have lost a total of more than 20 battleships, nearly a hundred cruisers, more than 300 destroyers and more than 2,600 frigates, and the total loss of fighter planes has exceeded 40,000.

But the enemy lost even more. In addition to the sunken flagship aircraft carrier, there were at least 30 battleships sunk, more than 200 cruisers, more than 500 destroyers and nearly 4,000 frigates. The total loss of fighter planes has exceeded ten. Ten thousand frames.

The two formations alternated back and forth, retreating towards the destroyed planet.

It happened that the Star Fort of the Legion was in the orbit not far from the planet. Ye Xian thought that they wanted to withdraw the Star Fort and rely on the fire support of the Star Fort to continue fighting. After some consideration, he ordered:

"Half of the brigade around the rear will deploy defenses in front of the Star Fort in advance, no matter how much the price is paid, they must be intercepted."

Ye Xian's operation caught Li Yuan in his arms, and he immediately ordered the fleet to adjust its direction and retreat to the planet.

At this time, Li Qing could see that the once green planet was covered by red lava and billowing smoke, and the constant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions completely destroyed the planet.

"Damn it."

He cursed angrily, and his anger towards Mrs. Ye became more and more intense.

Soon the one-hour cooldown of the Light of God's Hand was over, and Li Qing immediately began to store energy for the Light of God's Hand. At the same time, the fleet had withdrawn to the orbit of the planet, and retreated around the orbit to the other side.

Ye Xian continued to command the fleet to keep up unconsciously. Due to the influence of the planet's atmosphere, the fleet could only circle the orbit, causing a large number of fleets to be crowded on the orbital part of the planet's atmosphere.

Li Qing reminded in a low voice:

"There are still eleven minutes to recharge."

Li Yuan nodded and ordered:

"The fifth formation, the sixth formation, the seventh formation defend on the spot, the first formation, the second formation, the third formation, and the fourth formation stop and counterattack."

Under his precise command, many warships slowly adjusted their positions, forming a V-shaped line of defense, opening their mouths to face the opponent. Although doing so will put a lot of pressure on the fleet and cause great losses, it can try to concentrate the main force of the enemy on an area.

Ye Xian was a little puzzled about what kind of strange operation Li Qing was doing, but at this moment, he couldn't think of any way he could turn things around.

You must know that in order to guard against the two super weapons before, he specially made the Dreadnought flagship extremely rearward, and specially parked on the other side of the planet, so he can't go to the front line with long-distance command, and it is impossible to be attacked.

Eleven minutes later, the Light of Divine Judgment was fully charged, and Li Qing gestured OK. Li Yuan immediately adjusted the fleet, shrinking the V shape again, and then a small team composed of ten battleships charged from the center of the formation. Out into the enemy line.

"What kind of operation is this?"

Ye Xuandong and Ye Xian looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

The purpose can be seen, it is obviously cannon fodder to attract firepower, but at this moment, what is a group of cannon fodder suddenly sent out?

"Do you have a new hole card?"

But in line with the principle of caution, Ye Xian still ordered the flagship radar sensor to be turned on to the maximum, and his subordinates should be careful, and the battleship group was ready to focus fire.


Hundreds of battleship main guns focused fire at the same time, a battleship was blown up in the air, and the flagship's warning light was on amidst the flames. He immediately looked at the deputy captain in charge of the flagship's radar sensor, and the other party immediately reported:

"The same super energy index as before was detected, but the direction is still not determined."

Ye Xian immediately ordered:

"The escort fleet is approaching the flagship, ready to intercept."

Then the flagship radar scanned the opening of a black hole door, and a super light array like before unfolded, from which a blazing beam of light with a diameter of nearly thirty kilometers was blasted into its own fleet.

"Can't hit the flagship and bombard the battleship? What's the use of that?"

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