The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Chapter 232 Taking stock of the development of the territory

Canaan leader!

The original MK-471 galaxy is now renamed as the Galan Gate Galaxy, with the Garan No. 2 Light Industry Base to the north, the Garan No. 3 Orb Galaxy to the south, and the Garan Capital to the east.

A small caravan entered the Gate of Garan and saw a star fort about 2,000 kilometers away from the wormhole. A small fleet was stationed in front of the star fort, and a large number of large and small fleets were queuing in front of the star fort. .

According to the regulations long ago, all caravans entering the Garan's Gate galaxy must register here before they can go to three different places in the north, south and east.

The caravan honestly lined up in front of the Star Fort to be inspected and questioned by the dispatcher. Suddenly, a strange-shaped battleship emerged from the wormhole and passed through the queue of ships at an extremely fast speed to the back of the Star Fort.

The owner of the caravan under inspection immediately protested to the inspector who was inspecting:

"Why isn't he in line? It's not fair."

The inspector glanced at him and said:

"Because he is our lord!"

"Uh, this is your lord."

The escort ship traveled through the void at an extremely fast speed, and directly entered the sublight speed state after leaving the star castle for a certain distance, until it crossed the galaxy to the wormhole on the other side of the galaxy.

Two days later, the escort ship appeared in the galaxy next door to the Jialan galaxy. From a distance, there was a star castle and a large-scale fleet outside the wormhole heading to Jialan.

The wormhole continuously spews out energy, and a large number of player warships emerge from it, or drill into it.

Having not returned for more than a year, the territory at this time looks decent under the development of Yu Yuefei.

Most of the planets in the surrounding galaxies have already started to be developed, or built industrial bases, or transformed into warehouses, etc. Many former legion members joined forces to buy small residential stations and hang them all over the galaxies as their headquarters.

With a large amount of capital invested, Jialan collar's development speed is faster than he imagined.

The escort ship entered Jialan collar, and immediately received a reminder, which was roughly about some precautions in the territory, and it looked decent.

The escort ship did not enter the territory in a hurry, but wandered around the galaxy under the curious eyes of many players.

At this time, the Jialan Galaxy has been fully developed. Even a few frozen planets billions of kilometers away from the stars have been developed as storage bases or military bases. There are three large residential station groups in the galaxy.

Going around to the center of the galaxy, I saw two huge star cities in the starry sky not far from Jialan Star.

One is the original Star City of the Orb people, and the other is the Star City built by themselves. With the 500% construction speed bonus of his talent, more than half of it has been built at this time, and it is estimated that it will be completed in a few months.

In the center of this newly-built star city is a huge outline of a star gate, which is the enhanced version of the star gate he bought before. Tal connects the two places.

The news of Li Qing's return to the territory did not spread at first, but the governor suddenly asked for a week's leave, until a week later he appeared in front of his subordinates with a radiant face holding Li Qing's hand.

After leaving for a long time, I came back and had a routine meeting.

The main purpose is to meet everyone, and by the way meet some newcomers recruited by the territory, basically some administrative officials. Of course, more officials are needed for the development of the territory.

As for the development of the territory over the years, Yu Yuefei had already reported to him in his daily activities during this week, and he basically knew the situation of the territory at this time.

With continuous financial support, at this time, Jialan collar has completed the comprehensive immigration of the Orb people in advance, and has immigrated all the Orb people in Jialan Star to Jialan No. 3 Orbu Star, and Jialan Star has already vacated. Came out and is now undergoing a full remodel.

Because of species differences, the various buildings of the Orb people are extremely unsuitable for human habitation, and the original Orb cities need to be completely destroyed and rebuilt.

At this time, reconstruction has begun, but due to lack of manpower, the progress is not very fast.

But it's not a big problem. He bought 34 billion tauren coolies this time, and when the time comes, he will get more than 10 billion to start full-scale work, and strive to complete the overall transformation of the planet and the overall urbanization of the planet within half a year.

Yu Yuefei had already invited a professional planetary designer from Jinmen to design a future city blueprint for Jialanxing, planning to build 20 super-metropolitan circles on the planet and concentrate the population in these 20 super-metropolises. In the circle, other places are either agricultural areas or natural scenic areas to ensure that the planet's environment is maintained and will not be over-developed.

It just so happens that the newly built star city and star gate in the galaxy will definitely be built within half a year. At that time, some humans will immigrate from Jinmen, and the population will be tentatively set at about 500 million.

At the same time, the Qinghe Li family will also prepare a population of 500 million.

He can also select some obedient Cybermen from the Palm Universe, and try to make up about 500 million.

At that time, the population can be purchased directly from the major provinces of the United Empire of Mankind. More than 200 military leaders can each purchase about 100 million people, which is more than 20 billion people.

So whether population is a problem mainly depends on whether you have money. When you have enough money, this is not a problem.

Other than that, there are no major changes in the territory. Jialan No. 3 has already transformed the immigrants, and the lord's mansion is not short of money, so it promises not to collect any taxes for ten years, and there are some basic subsidies to ensure that it will not starve to death.

No way, more than 20 billion people are all squeezed into one planet. In the initial stage of immigration, except for construction-related industries, there is no need to count on other industries. Without subsidies, there is no income.

Although it is a vassal race and looks ugly, but since it has been accepted, it has to be responsible.

In addition, the industrial base of Jialan No. 2 has been completed, not only the light industrial base, but also the heavy industrial base has also been moved there.

The heavy industry is just like this, and the main investment is in the light industry base. After two years of development, the light industry base has completed a complete set of production lines for the livelihood of the people, and has achieved self-sufficiency in the needs of the people's livelihood in the territory.

This is basically the development of the territory in the past two years, which is pretty good.

There is no way, there is a lot of money, 1000 trillion in capital investment, no matter how it can be developed, even if this quadrillion has not been spent to a third, he immediately took out a full 1 billion billion star dollars and allocated it to the territory on the account.

Yu Yuefei was startled by such a huge amount of money, but she didn't ask how the money came from, but began to figure out how to develop the territory with so much money.

After spending some time with his wife, Li Qingcai got up from the gentle village and started to do business.

First of all, I interviewed many subordinates, including several direct subordinates, and learned about their situation during this period.

Li Lie spent most of the past two years leading the fleet to guard the headquarters, occasionally leading the fleet to clear up large anomalies or pirate fleets that spawned near the territory.

When the territory is established, some large pirate fleets will automatically spawn nearby. As the territory develops, the more prosperous it becomes, the stronger it will be. When the territory develops to a certain extent, some rebel fleets and even bases will be spawned, which can be regarded as a large territory. risk.

Li Lie's main task in the past two years is to eliminate large-scale pirates and anomalies, and the small ones are to be dealt with by the player team mixed around the territory in the form of tasks.

And Li Qi spent most of the past two years forming a caravan to go to Jinmen for trade. He used to go north to the hinterland of the United Human Empire, but since the Baji Consortium started targeting Jialan collar, the business there has been difficult. At that time, it was obvious that some demon moths could be produced in an ordinary transaction.

Later, when he came back to discuss with everyone, he simply gave up the market in the north and only took the road to Jinmen.

Although the market is small, it is always a market.

In addition, he is also responsible for opening the waterway between Jialanling and Jinmen, and clearing out pirates and large anomalies along the way.

As for Hong Changfeng, he was mainly responsible for dealing with players in the past two years.

Originally, he was in charge of patrolling and mining, but after Li Qing found out that he did not need to mine ore, he did not need him to dig. Instead, he changed his job to be in charge of communicating with the former legion members who were separated, and obtained various information through the contact between players.

Mainly understand some new player teams, or new unfamiliar caravans, and evaluate whether these new teams or caravans are related to the Baji Consortium.

Now all the core members of the territory know that the territory is being targeted by the Baji consortium, so they naturally have to prepare early, and specially arrange an important member of the territory to take charge of this aspect.

There have been some achievements these days, and many groups and caravans have been recorded, and they are all marked as suspicious groups.

But it was just a mark, and there was no movement.

Because there is no conclusive evidence, and it is not yet the critical time at this stage, it has not yet reached the point of suppressing people regardless of right or wrong.

After learning about it and listening to their reports, Li Qing affirmed their achievements and gave rewards.

Draw 600 battleships, 1,500 frigates, 1,500 cruisers, 5,000 destroyers, and 15,000 frigates from the ships in the palm universe center, plus two flagship aircraft carriers and a dreadnought, and divide them into thirds and give them to them .

Their strength is Li Qing's strength, if they build a fleet that is not weak, they can have enough strength to help him deal with some miscellaneous fish.

It's useless to be strong alone, there are always times when you can't do it all.

When more ships are built in the territory in the future, they will continue to increase their strength until all three of them are able to stand alone.

After the meeting, Li Qingte exchanged a batch of Servants of Light, turned Hong Changfeng and the group of fellows who followed Li Lie and Li Qi into Servants of Light, and transferred half of them from their hands. placed in other positions.

They are already Servants of Light, even if they are the lowest level because of their poor innateness, it is still a golden name. It is too wasteful to crush most of the players, and it is too wasteful to stay under their hands as a younger brother.

The territory has expanded, and he now has a division-level fleet, and another division will be sent in half a year. At that time, there will be a big gap in the commanders under him, and they will just fill in.

As for Hong Changfeng's subordinates, there is no quota for Servants of Light for the time being, but there are quotas for spiritual awakening. As long as they work hard during this period of time and have no dissatisfaction, they can all get quotas for spiritual awakening.

Observe for a few more years after awakening psionic power, and if there is no problem, then the Servant of Light will be granted.

In addition to them, there are also a group of clansmen from the Qinghe Li clan and Jinmen Yu clan in the Governor's Mansion of the Territory, all of whom were supported by the previous two families.

He was going to ask Yu Yuefei to make two lists, one for the servants of light who performed well, and one for the awakening of psykers who did not perform well, and those who did not perform well, then I can only persuade you to quit.

The last star on the edge of the Garan galaxy, here is the military area divided by the territory. The territory repaired the dilapidated star fort that was originally captured by attacking the Halo Legion and set it up here as its headquarters.

Because it is close to the edge of the galaxy's gravitational well, few players come over, and the huge fleet has the least impact here.

Li Qing came here with a few men, handed over part of the fleet to them, and then released the division-level fleet from the universe in his palm, and it will stay here permanently in the future.

In the future, we have to deal with the alliance of the Shata tribes, and it is not convenient to keep this fleet in the palm of the universe.

In addition, the fleet accumulated in the dock of the Gaowei Fortress these days has also been released and incorporated into the fleet of the First Division of the Territory.

Adding the two together, deducting the allocation to the three subordinates, the First Division of the Territory at this time has 1 Titan Super Flag, 2 Dreadnoughts, 1 Flagship Aircraft Carrier, 2492 Battleships, 15498 Cruisers, 47024 Destroyers, 137,047 frigates, and 16,500 escort ships.

It is said to be the first division, but it is actually an enhanced version of the brigade.

But the problem is not big. In about half a year, the second batch of flagships will be released. At that time, there will be two Titans, two super aircraft carriers, and eight dreadnoughts incorporated into the fleet, plus the advanced mobile fortress. And a large number of battleships and escort ships have been incorporated into the fleet. The comprehensive combat effectiveness of this fleet will definitely become the real first division.

Not long ago, Li Qing adjusted the capacity of the docks in the high-dimensional fortress, and cut off the construction capacity of all battleships below cruisers. Except for the flagship under construction, the remaining construction capacity was used for battleships and escort ships.

Still, each batch of 3,000 escort ships occupies a capacity of 30,000.

The remaining 33,400 are all used to build battleships.

He now has a total of 294 battleship chief engineers, and can preside over the construction of a maximum of 2940 battleships at a time, but the ship capacity allocated by the dock is only 1670, and his remaining battleship blueprints can only last for two rounds. The remaining capacity is then used to build escorts and dreadnoughts.

Conventional cruisers, destroyers, and escorts will only be built on a small scale in the future, and will be used to gradually form a garrison fleet and supplement the strength of Li Lie and Li Qi. The main fleet will still consist of battleships and escort ships.

After half a year, when this batch of flagships and battleships are completed and incorporated into the fleet, they can immediately begin the attack on the Shata clan alliance.

At that time, there will be a total of four divisions in hand, including two standard divisions with sixth-generation technology, and a high-level mobile fortress. It will not be overwhelming to deal with a civilization whose technology level is between the third and fourth levels. , Destroyed.

This half a year is the final preparation time, and Li Qing doesn't plan to stay here all the time, he is going to prepare first, and then take the time to enter the Shata Tribal Union to conduct a reconnaissance.

Especially the heavily guarded Locke Fortress, where there is a fixed battle star fortress with fierce firepower, and it takes a lot of effort to knock it down.

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