The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Does anyone still not know that I am guarding against theft? (have a look)

Didn't I post a single chapter the next day after it was put on the shelf, which clearly stated that it would be manually guarded against theft after it was put on the shelf.

The chapters in reverse order are updated at 2:00 a.m. every day, and the normal chapters are replaced at 4:00 a.m., which does not affect viewing in the morning.

Who the hell will read after two o'clock in the morning? At this time, the anti-theft has no effect.

PS: If someone wakes up in the morning and the chapters are still in reverse order, press and hold the chapter screen to pull down and refresh it. This is how my mobile phone refreshes. You can refresh according to your own mobile phone refresh method.

Generally, it can be done once, if it doesn’t work, refresh it again, if it still doesn’t work, maybe I forgot to change it back, at this time you can scold me.

I don’t want to delete this single chapter, otherwise there will be people who don’t know it, and they can’t get enough of scolding in the circle of book friends. Special Jiaqun scolded me in the group, scolding people endlessly, and I’m speechless.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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