The Age Of Global Cultivation: I Have A Hundredfold Reward

Chapter 367 Past and Present, Sudden Confession

As soon as he left the school gate, Xiao Yue said goodbye to them.

He didn't want to use this light bulb for a minute.

no way.

Just thinking about the look in Xia Yuchan's eyes, Xiao Yue felt that her whole body was going to be frozen into an ice sculpture.

Mu Feifei obviously also saw the clue.

If Xia Yuchan was reluctant in his heart, even the air around him would be chilly.

After finally shopping, she didn't want to be disturbed by the two-person world.

After getting on the bus, Xia Yuchan said blankly: "Shengtang Plaza."

Uncle Li said, but didn't ask why he didn't go home.

For his own Miss's orders, he has always followed through to the end.

"Shengtang Plaza?" Mu Feihua suddenly showed a horrified expression.

Xia Yuchan: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Mu Feifei quickly returned to normal.

Xia Yuchan frowned: "You don't want to go shopping with me."

"Of course not, I am very willing to go shopping with you." Mu Feifan hurriedly took her fragrant shoulders and hugged her in his arms.

Xia Yuchan's face flushed immediately: "Don't be like this, you're still in the car, Li Bo is watching."

Li Bo: "Don't worry, Miss and Young Master, I will never look at the rearview mirror."

Mu Feifan:...

Xia Yu Cicada:...

This is too shameful!

It's as if the two of them are doing something in the back seat.

The two slowly let go.

Xia Yuchan turned her head shyly and looked out the window.

Mu Feifan's complexion became more and more solemn.

The reason why he heard about Shengtang Plaza made Mu Feihua gloomy.

That's because, in the previous life, Shengtang Plaza belonged to his family...

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan quietly took out his mobile phone, a hundred degrees.

"Shengtang Plaza is a huge commercial plaza invested and constructed by Shengtang Group. As of 3021 in the alliance calendar, Shengtang Group has opened a total of 1,500 Shengtang Plazas in 866 cities across the world."

Mu Feifei exclaimed in his heart: "I rely on it, the scale is so large and spread all over the world, it is far more than the previous life."

Although his father was in charge of the Shengtang Group in the previous life, his mother, Tang Ningyu, was the chairman of the board.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifei couldn't help but search the information of Shengtang Group again.

The result made him even more shocked.

"The chairman of Shengtang Group in this life is actually called Tang Xue?" Mu Feihua was surprised at the same time, but also felt a little disappointed.

Hey, forget it.

In this life, my parents are just ordinary soldiers on the battlefield.

I am not a rich second generation either.

I thought I could know a little bit of their information, but I forgot that the time and space are different, and the background is completely different.

Although he came across, Mu Feifei hasn't met his parents yet.

But blood is thicker than water, and the bond will never change.

He still hopes that his parents can live.

Even if there is a clue to his parents, Mu Feihua will not give up.

He searched Tang Xue curiously again.

It turned out that the other party had only one position and no other information.

"It's worthy of being a boss, hiding so deep, and not making any information public." Mu Feifei thought to himself.

He is a thinking person.

Soon I thought of a lot.

"According to the theory of parallel time and space, although I have traveled to the age of global immortal cultivation, the social and interpersonal relationships I live in will not change."

"I'm still in the ordinary second class of the third grade in Shonan High School, and my friends... Xiaoyueyue, Brother Zhu, even Lynch's stupid fork are exactly the same as the previous life, including the head teacher Gong Xingyu."

"But I remember that in my previous life, Teacher Gong resigned inexplicably after the first month of school. If it is related to what happened before her, she must have had some conflict with Lao Pan, and finally had to leave Xiangnan."

"But in this life, due to my intervention, Teacher Gong stayed in the end."

"It seems that my crossing still caused a subtle butterfly effect. Many things in this life cannot be judged according to the previous life."

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan was relieved.

Who owns Shengtang Plaza, who is Tang Xue, and what does it have to do with him?

This world has already changed!

However, Mu Feifan thought about it again.

The people around you are probably similar to those in the previous life.

There is only one person who has never met in his previous life.

This person is...

Mu Feifan raised his head, his expression appeared more solemn than ever.

He stared at the girl beside him who was looking out the window.

Xia Yu-chan seemed to feel something, turning around, her face was still blushing from the time she hugged.

It looks very charming.

"What do you always stare at me?" Xia Yuchan whispered shyly.

Mu Feifan answered naturally: "I just love to see my wife."

Xia Yuchan suddenly raised the corners of her lips and smiled slightly.

do not know why.

Originally admired with endless thoughts, seeing this smile seemed to be penetrated into the soul.

At that moment, all thoughts disappeared.

The brain is blank!

Only Xia Yuchan's look that made him startled.

"Perhaps, God asked me to come over..." Mu Feifan reached out his hand, gently floated on the girl's white cheek, and said softly: "Just to stay with you."

Xia Yuchan lowered her head, her face was hot, and she felt hot.

"Don't confess in the car... Let's go home tonight." She said softly.

"Okay." Mu Feifan smiled faintly.

Li Bo in front was trembling.

Oh My God!

This Bonn love, my old man can't stand it.

Miss Young Master, please stop for a while.

Thinking of this, Li Bo's speed is faster.

It didn't take long to reach Shengtang Square.

When Mu Feifan got out of the car, he looked at the pale Li Bo and smiled: "Li Bo, your driving skills are getting better and better."

Li Bo was speechless.

I'll be relieved by sending you to you as soon as possible.

Xia Yuchan asked, "What does Uncle Li want to eat? We will buy you one when we come back."

"I was full just now." Li Bo replied subconsciously.

"Huh?" The two looked strange.

Didn’t you say anything when you used to drive?

But I haven't seen Li Bo eat anything before.

"Fed by dog ​​food." Li Bo laughed and joked.

Two people:! ! !

When I operated it myself, I didn't feel anything strange.

Looking back now, there is indeed some shame.

Xia Yuchan grabbed Mu Feifan's shoulder and said grotesquely: "It all depends on you, I have to say such nasty things."

"But you seem to like to listen." Mu Feifan said honestly.

Xia Yuchan's face turned red, and he twisted his waist directly.


Mu Feifan couldn't help but gasp.

His wife's trick is becoming more and more adept.

He was pulled by Xia Yuchan and quickly left the parking lot.

No way, the girl is thin-skinned.

At the door of the mall, Mu Feihua quickly made a choice in front of the basket and the cart.

Push the car away!

"The young man is very prosperous." Xia Yuchan praised him.

The cart has a large capacity and can hold more things.

It seems that Xia Yuchan is going to spend a wave tonight.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

I just think it's easy to push the four wheels.

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