Is the rice tube enough?

When everyone heard it, they were speechless.

"We grow up so big, do we lack the few catties of your rice?"

"What we lack is meat!"

"It's meat!"

The waiter smiled bitterly and explained: "Everyone, listen to me carefully, do you know the historical significance of potatoes? Don't underestimate this potato. During the time of famine, this humble potato became the life-saving food of our ancestors!"


Waiter: "Many parents from poor families raise their children with potatoes, send them to schools, and send them to the city...Teach them to be like potatoes, simple, hard-bearing, and useful!"

Everyone continues to collapse.

Waiter: "So, we are not eating potatoes, but savoring the hardships of history. It reminds us all the time that we must not forget our original intentions, and we must always be a human being."

Everyone was speechless.

It was the first time I saw the restaurant explain the reasons why the ingredients were not good enough to be so fresh and refined.

The most important thing is that everyone is embarrassed to refute.

After all, the topic is too heavy!

"Okay, the potatoes are over, let's talk about tofu..." The waiter seemed to be interested, and the conversation couldn't stop.

When everyone heard that it was pretty good, they hurriedly shouted: "You, enough, take your food!"


Mu Feifan's WeChat alert sounded again.

He opened it and saw that it was Xiao Yue who sent a photo.

In the photo, it was the lunch of the people on Moon Island.

"Is it a seafood barbecue?" Mu Feifan's mouth twitched.

"Brother-in-law, what are you looking at, painting cakes to satisfy your hunger?" Li Meng asked curiously.

Mu Feifan lights up the phone screen.

Come on, show.

He explained: "This is sent to me by classmates who went to Moon Island, their lunch."

Everyone at this table was stunned when they saw it.

I saw that the barbecue grill was filled with seafood.

There are sea prawns, sea crabs, scallops and so on.

A scent can be smelled across the screen.

"Damn, who said we must eat better in the city than in their village?" Someone muttered dissatisfied.

"The urban routine is deep, I want to go back to the countryside!"

"Look at people, seafood feast! Look at us again, except for potatoes, it's tofu!"

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.

Everyone felt that the whole bean banquet at this table was not fragrant anymore.

Or it's not fragrant.

It's just that the feeling of complaining is even heavier.

Li Xiuzhu snapped the phone to lock the screen at this moment, and he was obviously out of anger.

"Damn it's Gong teacher, showing off to me again, isn't it just seafood? I wish you a stomachache after eating!"

The students next to each other shivered.

The resentment of my own class teacher has spread to the entire room.

At this time, the waiter passed by.

Yang Xiaojie couldn't help but interject: "Do you have French fries here?"

The others looked at her with weird expressions.

This is potato, addicted to eating?

Turned into French fries, still potatoes.

The waiter immediately said excitedly: "There are some! We are proficient in 100 ways of potatoes, only you can't think of it, nothing we can't do."

Mu Feifan said lightly: "Then fry some more spiral potato towers!"

The waiter's expression suddenly changed: "I'm sorry, this classmate, we don't have a specific machine, so we can't do this."

Need to use a machine?

Mu Feifan's eyes changed slightly.

I can't say that I look down on the other person completely, I can only say that Wang Zhi is contemptuous.


After the waiter left, everyone on this table leaned their heads and asked strangely: "Brother-in-law, what is a spiral potato tower?"

"You haven't eaten it?" Mu Feifei was a little surprised.

Everyone shook their heads in confusion.

Mu Feifan also thinks about it. In Binjiang City, there doesn't seem to be too much food and snacks.

"It's a snack in which potatoes are sliced ​​into towers, then fried, and sprinkled with condiments." Mu Feifan explained.

Li Meng reacted immediately and said, "Brother-in-law, would you do it?"

Yang Xiaojie also changed into stars in seconds: "Yes, I still miss the noodles my brother-in-law cooked in the cafeteria last time."

"Brother-in-law, enjoy the potatoes." The other boys also shouted.

Mu Feifan:...

You can't yell these words indiscriminately.

Makes me like a landlord who exploits the common people.

The people who led the table were amused when they heard it: "These people are poisoned by potatoes. They don't get tired of eating at a table, so they want to order new potatoes?"

"Isn't it enough to feed you all the dishes?" Mu Feifei was too lazy to cook.

Travel is for pastime.

Do you really treat me as a mobile restaurant?

On call?

At this time, Xia Yuchan whispered: "Husband, is that potato tower delicious~"

Mu Feifan understood his wife's thoughts instantly.

No girl can refuse the temptation of good food.

"I'll do it for you." Mu Feifei put down his chopsticks and stood up.

Li Meng almost slapped the table anxiously: "Brother-in-law, you are treated too differently!"

Yang Xiaojie: "Yeah, we want to eat or not, Sister Xia hasn't said that we want to eat, you have to do it."

Mu Feifan:! ! !

Is this comparable?

She is my wife, and she will accompany me to sleep at night, can you please?

However, Mu Feifan opened his mouth and did not say anything after all.

It's not in Otherworld, there are students all around, so let's keep a low profile.

Mu Feifan: "Let's do it for you too."

Anyway, the decision has been made.

One person is similar to several people.

"Thank you brother-in-law." The two women immediately became happy.

"Brother-in-law, we want it too~" the boys headed by Feng Li shouted.

Just a few steps out, Mu Feifan almost fell over when he heard the sound.

Can you imagine a group of men speaking in that flattering and whining voice?

Mu Feifei's first reaction was to feel cold all over his body.


For the sake of good food, these people don't even need morals.

Although their innocence is not very valuable.

Mu Feifan found the back kitchen, only to see a middle-aged chef inside who was busy.

Beside his chopping board, he was piled up with sliced ​​potatoes.

At first glance, Huang Cancan looks smooth and magnificent.

"Young man, this is the focus of the kitchen, and it is not allowed to enter." The chef said.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, "I have a few friends who want to eat spiral potato towers, so I want to borrow the kitchen."

The chef frowned: "Didn't the waiter tell you that you can't do it? We don't have a special machine, hey, what are you going to do..."

He was suddenly shocked.

Because Mu Feifei had already walked to the cutting board and picked up the kitchen knife.

Because he moves too fast, he looks very aggressive.

The chef was startled: "You, what are you going to do? I warn you, put down the butcher knife and surrender immediately, otherwise I will not guarantee your safety."

Mu Feifan: "...Master, have you watched too many movies?"

The chef immediately put on a fighting pose and said: "If you don't believe me, go out and find out, there are ten miles and eight streets nearby, who has never heard of my master Dou's name, boy, you want to rob, and you are looking for the wrong person!"

Master Dou?

Are you really surnamed Dou?

Mu Feifei was a little speechless: "I said Master Doubi, ah, no, Master Dou, I just want to make a la carte, you think too much!"

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