At this time, Hu Yufeng was speechless.

At this moment, it was only two hours after Mu Feifan and others entered the museum.

It's just ten o'clock.

Even if Hu Yufeng calculated everything, he didn't expect the sheriff to come so suddenly.


It's only ten o'clock!

Ye Life has just begun, okay?

Even if the family members of these hostages cannot contact them, it takes more than 24 hours to report the disappearance.

Unexpectedly, only two hours.

The sheriff has blocked the water surrounding the museum.

Hu Yufeng had to doubt.

Which bastard leaked the wind...

Unexpectedly, it was really made by Mu Feihua!

Moreover, the report was made before entering the museum!

This made Hu Yufeng depressed.

Hu Yufeng's voice came through the loudspeaker: "Mu Feifan, I didn't expect that among so many hostages, my lowest estimate turned out to be you."

Mu Feifan said coldly: "There are many things you didn't expect."

Hu Yufeng calmed down and said, "You ruined my show and forced me to change the original plan. Now I will play the last game with you."

Jun Ruyu cursed: "Hu Yufeng, do you have a mental illness? Who is free to play games with you?"

Master Zhencai: "You can't run anymore."

Gu Qiu: "Just catch it!"

Hu Yufeng smiled faintly: "My museum is made of special materials. Even the cultivator can't break it. You have to listen to me before the sheriffs outside come up with a solution."

Master Zhencai: "...You are really sick. A museum is built as strong as a Universe spaceship. You are going to heaven!"

Hu Yufeng: "Stop talking nonsense, Mu Feifan, I only give you 30 minutes!"

Mu Feifan: "What do you mean?"

Hu Yufeng: "You have to find me and the hostages within 30 minutes, otherwise you will really not see us if you exceed the time."

Mu Feifan hasn't answered yet.

Gu Qiu said first: "Hu Yufeng, thirty minutes is too hard for someone to do, let alone you have so much space on the upper and lower floors of the museum, how can we turn it over?"

Hu Yufeng: "This is your business, okay, I will stop here, goodbye."

Then, his voice disappeared.

Several people looked at each other, and then looked at Mu Feifan at the same time.

Jun Ruyu asked: "Little brother, what should I do now?"

Everyone is Liushen Wuzhu.

Before they knew it, they had already regarded Mu Feifan as their backbone.

He listened to the other person's opinions without consciously taking every action.

Mu Feifan said: "Let's go out first."

They left the exhibition hall and came to the corridor.

At this time, Xia Yuchan and other three women also came out of the general control room and joined everyone.

Gu Qiu and others were shocked when they saw the sudden emergence of You Bai and Chunchun.

It's okay that Chunchun is just a simple elementary school student from the outside.

You Bai is different.

Not much to say about the appearance.

Everyone has no time to admire any beautiful girls at this time.

Because of the previous battles, Youbai's momentum did not converge in the slightest.

The terrifying Spirit Power fluctuates around.

Master Zhencai opened his eyes wide: "Transformation, transformation stage?"

Gu Qiu: "This woman looks young, but she has such a terrible Cultivation Base?"

Jun Ruyu: "Looking at the alliance, people at this level must have a very high status."

Master Zhencai: "It's a great master, no, a great master."

Unexpectedly, when You Bai saw Mu Feifan, he bowed his head and called "Master" respectfully.

This group of people was shocked all at once.

Jun Ruyu looked at Mu Feifan's gaze more and more horrified: "Little brother, you can hide it deeply. When will you bring such a master in? You call you the master?"

Mu Feifan didn't want to explain too much, just smiled and said, "Shanren has a clever plan."

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Jun Ruyu didn't ask.

Xia Yuchan said to Mu Feifan, "I heard what Hu Yufeng said just now on the intercom."

Mu Feifan nodded: "There is not much time left for us."

Gu Qiu said: "Then let's hurry up and find them. Everyone will split up and find them faster."

Jun Ruyu: "Agree!"

Li Xuanjing: "Yes, yes, we have a lot of people and strength."

Several people were about to run, and it could be seen that Mu Feifei was still standing in place.

Master Zhen Cai asked strangely: "Little brother, why are you still not acting?"

Mu Feifan said: "I'm thinking that the museum is now surrounded. Although the sheriff can't come in right now, it will be a matter of time before the door breaks."

Everyone nodded.

Even if the museum's repairs are solid, in Hu Yufeng's words, the cultivator cannot be broken.

However, don't underestimate the alliance!

Even if you call other powers, it will open sooner or later.

Mu Feifan said again: "Hu Yufeng is a thoughtful person. What he is facing now is catching turtles in the urn. What way will he use to escape in a while?"

Everyone looked confused.

Jun Ruyu was helpless: "You fellow, what you think is really far-reaching... We are still thinking about the first level, and you are thinking about the fifth level."

Mu Feifan: "If you don't figure this out, even if you find him, how can we get out of trouble afterwards?"

Makes sense!

Everyone also pondered.

Gu Qiu thought for a while, and said, "Is he waiting for the sheriff to break the door, and he threatened it with a hostage to let the sheriff free a way out?"

Mu Feifei shook his head: "This method is too low-level, and the probability of failure is very high. In history, there have been few successful cases of kidnappers escaped by hostages, and it is very likely that they will be attacked by the sheriff in the middle. Hu Yufeng will not do it. This kind of risk-taking thing."

He has gradually understood Hu Yufeng's character through tonight's events.

This is a man of great ambition and very cautious.

At the same time, I want to show the world my enchanting IQ.

It's the so-called Hyun Chi!

Hu Yufeng felt that without violence, everyone can play around with his brain.

Otherwise, we won't arrange so many programs at the beginning.

Jun Ruyu: "Will you use Five Elements escape technique to escape?"

"Hu Yufeng Cultivation Base is good, but there must be some masters among the sheriffs outside. How could he let him escape with escape?"

Everyone thought for a while, but didn't have a clue.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, "Since we can't think of it, then let's go and ask him face to face."

Xia Yuchan said strangely: "Listening to your tone, it seems that I already know where he is."


Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Gu Qiu smiled and said, "I said you didn't panic at all, because you already guessed his position."

Master Zhencai looked surprised: "You see, the little brother is so smart."

Jun Ruyu was very proud: "Of course, don't look at whose family the little brother is."

Mu Feifan was speechless: "How to recognize relatives indiscriminately?"

Master Zhencai suggested: "When this incident is over, let the little brother join our program group! The three of us are reckless characters and lack a brainy companion."

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