The Age Of Global Cultivation: I Have A Hundredfold Reward

Chapter 467: Develop a department, hire an external consultant?

The three Xiang Qian chatted fiercely outside the door.

In the room.

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan also changed their clothes.

They are all refreshing summer clothes.

Of course, couple dress is essential.

White shirt, cropped trousers, canvas shoes.

Both of them are handsome men and women, and they wear a youthful atmosphere.

Mu Feifan suddenly thought of something and said, "Wife, let's go to bed at night, can we not wear pajamas?"

Xia Yuchan asked back: "Why?"

Mu Feifei pointed to Pikachu and Duck Duck who were put into the suitcase: "...isn't it hot?"

"So you need to turn on the air conditioner."

Facing such a reasonable answer, Mu Feihua was speechless.

He finally understood why some people like to turn on the air conditioner and cover the quilt when they go to bed in summer.

Is this the feeling of experiencing winter?

However, Mu Feifan still feels no small regret.

He still cares about the way his wife wears sexy pajamas.

His wife is such a good figure.

It should not be seen by outsiders.

The key is not to show it to me yet.

I can't bear it...

But Xia Yuchan was too conservative.

This kind of thing can't be rushed.

Can only enlighten slowly.

A man’s dream! They are all looking for a wife who develops a line.

The feeling of self-development is the best.

The two of them finished packing and walked to the door.

The three sheriffs outside were chatting fiercely.

Akun: "Sister Xiang, it's time for you to take the lead as an example. Find us a brother-in-law!"

Xiang Qian: "I refuse."

Xiao Sheng: "How about we get rid of being single quickly?"

Akun laughed and said, "I think it will work."

In the next second, the door opened.

The three of them all looked over with horror.

Mu Feifan looked at them with a weird face.

Even Xia Yuchan, who had a cold complexion, had strange expressions in her eyes.

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

Xiao Sheng said with a trembling voice, "Mu Feifan, you didn't hear anything just now, right?"

Mu Feifan said, "I didn't hear anything."

Akun patted his undulating chest and said, "Fortunately, it's okay. My heart almost stopped beating just now."

Xiang Qian despised: "Look at what you two are doing."

Xiao Sheng: "Sister Xiang, don't you feel any sense of social death?"

Xiang Qian angered: "You two are to blame, now I know that I am a single dog."

Mu Feifan inserted a sentence at this moment: "Where shall we go to take pictures?"

Xiang Qian was taken aback for a moment and replied, "Listen to you."

Mu Feifan: "Go to the hotel lobby, the light is better."

Xiang Qian nodded.

In fact, Mu Feifan felt that he was taking a photo with the sheriff in the corridor of the hotel.

It's like making a mistake and being arrested on the spot.

This picture is easy to imagine!

Mu Feifan and Xia Yuchan walked in front.

Suddenly, Mu Feihua turned his head and smiled at the three sheriffs: "Actually, the way to get rid of being single is very simple, that is, you have to have a childhood sweetheart who has a baby relationship with you."

Then, under the stunned three of them, Mu Feihua took Xia Yuchan and walked away.

Akun: "Damn, didn't you say that he didn't hear it?"

Xiao Sheng: "Fuck, I'm twenty-five, do you still have a chance to find someone to make a baby kiss?"

Xiang Qian: "This is the fifth floor. You don't need Spirit Power to jump off now. You should have a chance to set a baby kiss in your next life."


Akun and Xiao Sheng were depressed.

Although Xiang Qian's expression hasn't changed much, her depression in her heart is no less than that of them!

Mu Feifan, this is too exciting.

Why don't you teach us to start looking for someone from the mother's womb?

A group of people took the elevator and came to the hotel lobby.

At the moment, a spacious lobby.

The windows are bright and clean, and the light is very good.

Xiang Qian smiled at Xia Yuchan: "Could you please take a picture of us?"

Xia Yuchan: "It's okay if you don't take photos next to my husband."

Xiang Qian was speechless.

She is in her 30s, can she still miss the young man?

When Mu Feifei heard this, he almost laughed.

Wife's jealousy came up, it was unreasonable.

Thus, the three sheriffs and Mu Feihua stood together and began to make a concave shape.

Because of Xia Yuchan's warning, Xiang Qian could only stand on the outer side.

Mu Feifan is sandwiched between A Kun and Xiao Sheng.

A Kun glanced at Mu Feihua who was taller than himself, and said, "Brother Mu, it's a pity that you are a sheriff with improper physical condition."

Xiao Sheng looked down at Mu Feifan's chest: "Yes, such a developed muscle tyrant."

Mu Feifan:...

Xia Yuchan picked up the phone and was about to shoot.

But no matter how you look at it, it's not right.

Mu Feifan asked: "What's the matter?"

Xia Yuchan: "You stand among them, the more you look like you've been arrested."

Mu Feifan looked around.

Damn it!

It really is.

Akun and Xiao Sheng both smiled: "This occasion is indeed a bit embarrassing."

Mu Feifan: "...Then I won't be in the C position."

Xiang Qian hurriedly said: "No, you are the protagonist, you must stand in C position."

Mu Feifan had an idea: "I have a way."

He stretched out his arm, took A Kun and Xiao Sheng's shoulders, and smiled: "Is this all right?"

Akun and Xiao Sheng were a little embarrassed.

How does it feel that Mu Feifan is like holding a child.

Unfortunately, they are just children.

Xiang Qian was holding a pennant beside her.

The four people just took a group photo so weirdly.

As soon as the photo came out.

Mu Feifan glanced at it.

He hooked their shoulders with a smile on the back, and finally didn't look like prisoners anymore.

Xiang Qian said, "Thank you!"

Mu Feifan: "You're welcome."

Suddenly, someone came in hurriedly from the hotel door.

When he saw Mu Feihua, his expression was overjoyed: "Hua Feihua, it's me!"

Mu Feifan hasn't responded yet.

The three sheriffs next to him looked surprised: "Team Gao?"

This sudden person is high-powered.

Gao Neng also froze for a moment, but he didn't expect an acquaintance to get on board first.

He smiled and said hello: "So you are here."

Akun and Xiao Sheng replied politely: "The high team is good."

At this time, Gao Neng shifted his gaze to Xiangqian, and smiled: "Xiao Qianqian, it's such a coincidence, are you here?"


Xiao Qianqian?

Akun and Xiao Sheng had strange expressions immediately.

I am afraid that in the whole game, only Gao Neng dare to call the other party like this.

After all, Sister Xiang has always shown her seriousness and cruelty.

Dare to joke to sister, just like touching a tiger's beard.

It's all acts of death.

Sure enough, Xiang Qian immediately became cold, surrounded by a chill.

It's chilly.

Gao Neng is still wondering: "What's the matter with the air conditioner in the lobby of this hotel? Has it suddenly cooled down?"

Xiang Qian coldly snorted, "Isn't Team Gao responsible for the finishing touches of the museum incident? Why do you want to wander here leisurely?"

Gao Neng smiled: "I'm here to work."

Xiang Qian: "People's hotels won't hire you such an ugly doorman."

High energy:...

Am I ugly?

I'm just a little older, but in terms of appearance, I'm a really good old guy.

"Xiao Qianqian, you are misunderstood. My job is to ask him for some questions." Gao Neng pointed to Mu Feifan.


Xiang Qian was a little strange.

When did Mu Feifan become an external consultant of the Public Security Bureau?

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