The Age Of Global Cultivation: I Have A Hundredfold Reward

Chapter 509 This is the tortoise shell? Bullying

For this unknown situation.

Mu Feihua has two solutions.

The first choice is thirty-six counts.


But in this place, where there is no way to the sky and no way to enter the earth, where do you go?

Of course, behind you is the door.

It just can't open.

The second option.

It is to start first!

Anyone who has been playing games for a long time knows.

It's important to start!

However, whether the injury is scraping or crushing is unclear.

"Punish him!" Mu Feifan shouted.

After shouting, his figure immediately retreated a step.

Protect yourself first, and don't cause trouble to the organization.

Mu Feifan is very self-aware.

Youbai is the main force.

She stood up directly.

Spirit Power surged in his body.

Converged on both hands.

It's about to make a big move!

Chunchun and Xu Dashan are also gearing up.

Eager to try.

Yaksha swept around them one by one.

The protruding eyeballs shined with weird light.

It looks like a ghost crawling out of The Underworld.

The next moment, his hand flashed with brilliance.

A steel fork appeared!

Xu Dashan was startled: "What weapon did Yaksha take?"

Ah Quan got up and said, "I know, this thing is called iron shattered teeth!"


Xu Dashan was speechless: "Grass, you have watched too many cartoons, you are talking about the dog Yaksha."

Ah Quan: "Damn, it's all Yaksha, I'm confused, it's too embarrassing."


Xu Dashan just wanted to say that there is still a mother Yaksha, but considering that there are many women around him, he swallowed abruptly.

Mu Feifan: "It should be a trident."

Ah Quan: "Is it Poseidon's weapon?"

Mu Feifan: "'re mixed up again, this trident is the standard feature of the Sea Clan in our Eastern mythology."

Yaksha is holding a trident.

The momentum has climbed another step.

You Baijiao yelled: "Fate!"

She stretched out her hand.

The next moment, there are horrible big hands in the sky condensed into giant claws.

Shoot Yaksha fiercely!

Yaksha has felt in all directions, all blocked by Spirit Power.

This force is extremely powerful.

As long as you shoot, you will die!

There was a triumphant look in everyone's eyes.

Suddenly, Yaksha flashed away.

It was unexpectedly ejected more than ten feet away.

The speed is staggering.


The giant claw patted on the footing ground in front of Yaksha, directly smashed into pieces.

It also left a huge paw print.

Yaksha looked back at this scene with deep jealousy in his eyes.

You Bai is struggling this time.

"Master, he is only at the level of the fourth-level middle stage Demonic Beasts, watch me die him tenderly." She said triumphantly.

Xu Dashan felt cold inside.

What is the level of only fourth-level middle stage Demonic Beasts?

It seems that I am only equivalent to fourth-level early stage Demonic Beasts.

Although this intangible harm is not great, it is too insulting.

Unexpectedly, Yaksha's sly eyes suddenly fell on Mu Feihua.

The next second, he held the trident and rushed over.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

This old Yaksha, why is he staring at me?

He also knows that persimmons are too soft to pick?

However, Mu Feifan thought too much.

The reason Yaksha stared at him was purely because this guy was outrageously handsome.

Handsome people are angry.

Is the nemesis of all ugly men.

Of course, this is also fueled by Xu Dashan before.

Therefore, Yaksha gave up Ah Quan and shifted his goal to Mu Feihua.


Yaksha opened his huge mouth, fangs fierce.

He had already jumped into the air, picked up the trident, and stabbed fiercely.

On the trident, on every steel fork, there was a cold front gleaming.

If this is poked, luck will be three blood holes.

Bad luck, he died suddenly.

In the face of such fierce things, Mu Feifan said nothing.

Choose to transform.

The next moment he was transformed into a great golden ape.

The size is soaring.

Strong muscles.

The physique is amazing.

However, space is limited.

Mu Feifan controlled his body shape at a height of three meters.

At the same time, a sea king shield came out.

The Sea King Shield, which has gone through numerous battles of various sizes, has never been repaired.

The surface has long been dilapidated.

Potholes, like the surface of the moon.

Maybe the anti-injury array engraved on it has failed.

However, it does not matter.

Mu Feifan's use of the Sea King's Shield was simply too easy to use.

Yaksha didn't expect Mu Feifan to be able to transform.


What is this stuff?

Sea monkey?

But why is it bigger?


Is the hair still so strong?

However, it can't help but wonder.

When Mu Feifan showed the Sea King's Shield, Yaksha's hideous big face finally squeezed out a smile.


What an ugly bask!

Just this tortoise shell is also worthy to fight with me?

Yaksha's self-confidence skyrocketed.

The trident stabs the past faster!


The Sea King's shield showed his might and directly blocked the trident.

Yaksha didn't get angry but smiled, using both hands, pushing up and pushing further.


The shield was directly pierced with three holes by the trident!

Mu Feifan was taken aback.

This almost got involved!

Originally, the Sea King Shield was broken enough, but this time it was leaking.

In the future, I couldn't perform the American team's rush to meet the bullets.

Yaksha laughed.

He opened his mouth and seemed to be mumbling something.

Probably "Sand Sculpture", "Nimei", "Fucking"...etc.

Finally, Yaksha spoke: "What a sand sculpture that is not able to do anything, just use such a broken bastard shell, and still want to withstand my trident?"

Dare to love this Yaksha has been talking about it, just remembering how people talked.

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

How do you know that this shield is integrated into the beast soul of the king of the deep sea?

Suddenly, Xia Yuchan in the distance shot.

A terrifying silver half-moon-shaped ripple was cut directly against the ground.

"Space cutting!"

Yaksha was shocked and hurriedly drew out the trident, about to resist.

Suddenly, the biological instinct that has lived for countless years reminded Yaksha himself.

This trick is too ruthless to be head-on.

So Yaksha hurriedly shot backwards a few steps, avoiding this space cutting technique.


A deep gully was directly broken in place.

Fortunately, he avoided it.

Yaksha's heart is lingering.

Mu Feifan was speechless: "What do you mean? I dared to come up with my shield, but you wouldn't dare to take my wife's hand?"

Yaksha: "...It's everyone's nature to bully and fear hardship."

Mu Feifan roared: "Eat my hot pot!"

He leaped over with a large shield.

Yaksha laughed: "I like to play with monkeys..."

However, in the next second, it couldn't laugh.

Because of a terrifying pressure, he smashed Yaksha fiercely.

Yaksha instantly felt unable to move.

It's like being nailed to space.

It moved its eyes with difficulty, only to find that Xia Yuchan was stretching out his hand, not knowing what method he was using.

At this moment, Mu Fandian's shield has fallen...

Yaksha screamed: "You don't teach martial arts!"


The shield slapped Yaksha's head hard.

Yaksha just felt his brain buzz, blank.

Mu Feifan is eager for revenge.

Bang bang bang!

He took a few more shots in a row.

Everyone was shocked to hear.

This filming method, I'm afraid this Yaksha has been photographed, right?

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