The Age Of Global Cultivation: I Have A Hundredfold Reward

Chapter 552 Xuanming Heavy Water, New Yuan Dan

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: "An extra defensive outfit can make a shooter live an extra second. Don't underestimate this second, it can do a lot of things, even a turnaround."

A trace of helplessness appeared on Xia Yuchan's cold face.

She said: "You like games so much, you can be a game developer in the future."

Mu Feifan hurriedly said: "I can play games. As for the development of games, it's a headache to see those data."

Xia Yuchan smiled and said, "Don't you say that you are a master student this time?"

Mu Feifan: "It's enough to have a wife who is a master student. My task is to train you well."

Xia Yuchan: "...Then you can just raise a daughter."

"Then you give me one?"

A blush immediately appeared on Xia Yuchan's face, and she gave Mu Feihua a shameful look, and then hid in the room.

Mu Feifan smiled and sat on the futon in the yard.

"Strange, why didn't I bring in Heavenly Tribulation when I broke through the top of the Foundation Building last time?" He muttered puzzledly.

Mu Feifan didn't wait for Heavenly Tribulation.

But the kidnappers on the sea are miserable.

Almost frightened to death by thunder and lightning.

The shadows were all scared.

"This Heavenly Tribulation is also weird. I can't avoid it in Otherworld, but I avoid it in this world. Is it because I'm on the bottom of the sea?"

Unexpectedly, after Mu Feifei thought about it a little bit, he would have guessed it.

"It seems that this is a way to hide from Heavenly Tribulation... It is strange to say that I have experienced so many Heavenly Tribulation during the Foundation Building period, and others don't need Transcends Tribulation for breakthrough Nascent Soul. Who is going to make sense?"

After vomiting, Mu Feihua started running Spirit Power.

"The Spirit Power of the water I awakened last time is called Xuanming Heavy Water, and it hasn't had time to study it yet."

Mu Feihua worked hard to stimulate Cultivation Technique, and suddenly all Spirit Power was transformed into water Spirit Power.

Then, he reached out his fingers, trying to condense the water Spirit Power.

Look at what Xuanming Zhongshui is.

As a result, after squeezing for a long time, not even a drop can be squeezed out.

"What's the matter? Isn't the strength not strong enough?" Mu Feifei was slightly surprised.

He began to further purify own water Spirit Power.

Finally, when his body was about to be hollowed out, Mu Feihua successfully condensed a drop of profound water on his fingertips.

I'm too hard!

Mu Feifei secretly sighed.

Xuan Ming Zhongshui's appearance was black.

I don't know why, staring at it, Mu Feifan has an illusion that his soul is frozen.

It seemed that Xuanming Zhongshui carried a terrifying ghostly aura.

Suddenly, the Black Tortoise shield lying on the side stood up suddenly.

Mu Feifan: "...Your shield is going crazy? I warn you, we are not allowed to grow up here."

Black Tortoise's voice slowly floated from the shield: "Don't blame the master, I'm so excited."

Mu Feifan came to be interested: "Why, do you know this water?"

Black Tortoise's tone suddenly became very proud: "Master, don't forget, I am now returning to my ancestors to become Black Tortoise, known as the god of the north and the lord of black water, born in charge of Jiuyou!"

Mu Feifan: "Don't look at your strength, you still have a lot of titles."

Black Tortoise was choked, a little speechless: "Although I am still very young, once I grow up, hey, master you will be proud of me."

"Stop talking nonsense, explain this water quickly."

Black Tortoise coughed lightly: "I didn't expect the master to be so impatient...well, I immediately said, this drop of water contains a trace of mysterious energy. This energy energy is the supreme aura that exists in the ghost world of Yellow Springs, which is extremely rare. If you encounter a ghost Spiritual Roots cultivator or a dead old crab, you will be extremely excited."

Mu Feihua said softly.

Unexpectedly, the origin of Xuan Ming's qi was so great.

"Now the master has liquefied Xuan Ming Qi into water, which is equivalent to a compressed energy bomb, which is very powerful." Black Tortoise said again.

Mu Feifan asked: "How powerful is it?"

Black Tortoise: "You can try."

Mu Feifan: "I won't ruin my yard."

Black Tortoise smiled awkwardly: "It's possible."

The next moment, it screamed.

It turned out that the Black Tortoise shield was directly rolled up by Mu Feihua.

With a man and a shield, he quickly shot a few kilometers away.

The mountains and rivers and landforms of Jianlu Island are also very complete.

Mu Feifei came to a long and narrow mountain spring and said, "The spring water can buffer the attack. I will test it here."

Black Tortoise shouted: "Master is wise!"

Then, Mu Feifei dropped the Xuan Ming heavily on his fingertips.

The moment Xuan Ming's heavy water fell into the spring, a terrifying to the extreme low temperature quickly spread to all directions.

Hearing a click, the gurgling spring water immediately condensed into ice.

Mu Feifan was taken aback.

But this is not the end.

The freezing trend continues.

The rolling cold wave, along the direction of the spring water, has been impacting downstream.

At this moment, the downstream shore.

Xiao Lan was washing clothes with a big tub.

Fragrant sweat appeared on her pretty face.

I saw the cold air of Hoarfrost, crushing from the upper reaches.

Like a bulldozer.

Xiaolan was still washing her clothes one second before, and the next second she raised her head, but was dazed.

I saw the spring water in front of me, all turned into ice.

Bright as a mirror.

It can reflect light!

Xiao Lan was shocked.

She clearly remembered that she used to receive water and wash clothes here before.

How can it become a glacier with the effort of bowing your head?

It's not winter either!

At this moment, Mu Feihua was upstream, and he did not expect that he caused such a big trouble to a laundry girl.

He thought that he was only causing trouble to the fish in the water.

Sure enough, the strength is too strong, and the gesture is disastrous.

At this time, Mu Feifan was still amazed by the horror of Xuan Ming's heavy water.

"One drop is so scary, so thousands of drops, don't you freeze thousands of miles of mountains and rivers directly?"

Thinking about that picture, it makes people feel cool.

Black Tortoise smiled and said: "It is true, countless profound waters gather, no cultivator can bear it."

Mu Feifan: "Unfortunately, I can only condense into a drop of heavy water for a while, and I can't mass produce it."

Black Tortoise immediately offered a plan: "Master, don't forget me, I am known as the god of water."

Mu Fandian looked at the big shield with a weird expression.

The Black Tortoise shield shook twice, and said: "Master, as long as you allow me to swallow the profound waters of the profound waters, I will soon control this magical power. When the time comes, one mouth will be a long river of profound profound waters!"

Mu Feifan's eyes lit up: "It makes sense, why didn't I think of it before?"

Black Tortoise smiled: "It's not too late, my attribute is to absorb the water of the world, regardless of the heavens or the underworld..."

Mu Feifan nodded: "So—"

"So hurry up and give it to me." Black Tortoise was like a greedy cat, and couldn't help but rush out of the big shield.

Mu Feifan smiled: "So I chose to give my Xinyuan Pill."


Black Tortoise was shocked: "Master, what is that, shouldn't it be a new tool for you?"

Therefore, Mu Feifan took out the Black Tortoise Monster core.

Black Tortoise: "This Monster core... it feels so familiar."

Mu Feifan gave him a blank look.


It's the Monster core you used to live.

Can you be unfamiliar?

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