The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 27: Invitation from the Tree People

At this time, the Hell Army was still unaware of the coming of danger. After all, they had already made a detailed exploration of this alien world and had already conquered most of it. Only the last few stubborn points were still holding on.

This treeman stronghold was one of them. These treemen were powerful and had strong recovery abilities. They also had natural energy and hell energy that mutually restrained each other. This caused great trouble to their strategy. They had to report to the lord and send some hellhounds to help. This must have made the lord's impression of him plummet.

Race name: Hellhound

Level: LV2

Constitution: 6

Strength: 8

Agility: 12

Spirit: 10

Talents: 1. Hell race: exudes the breath of hell all over the body, affecting normal creatures around.

2. Canine creatures: agile and sensitive to smell.

Skills: 1. Haste: Run towards the target at maximum speed, and agility increases by 100%. (Cooling down for 1 hour)

2. Hellfireball: Launch a fireball full of hell energy to attack the target enemy. (Cooling down for 10 minutes)

Introduction: The cannon fodder vanguard of the Hell Army, but they still cannot be underestimated.

Race name: Treeman

Level: LV2

Constitution: 14

Strength: 14

Agility: 1

Spirit: 5

Talents: 1. Close to nature: Good at using natural energy, is the representative of nature.

2. Bark: Reduce 50% of the physical damage to be received.

3. Immortal species (pseudo): can grow forever without dying.

Skills: 1. Restoration light: can use natural energy to provide recovery energy for friendly forces, can be used by 5 teammates at a time. (Cooling time 1 hour)

2. Photosynthesis: can use photosynthesis to restore its own vitality during the day. (Passive)

Introduction: Tree life form, powerful, can also use magic, if it is not the disadvantage of moving too slowly, it is a perfect race.

The one who has such an idea is the commander of the Hell Legion-Hell Messenger. This is a race that evolved from the Demon Race three times. It is stronger than the lower hell races such as the Demon Race and the Hell Dog. The most important thing is that they have wisdom, which makes the Hell Messenger often become the commander of the Hell Monarch in the outside world.

"But if I can get the treasure of the Treeman tribe, I will definitely become one of the generals under the lord, just like the Ghost King."

The Hell Messenger, who was dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Period, suddenly saw a large number of flying objects appearing behind him on the right. These were the psychic explosion bullets fired by the Mechanical Tribe.

There was even a small team of Mechanical Tribes preparing to fire the improved 002 artillery. This is also a classic work that uses psychic diffusion technology. It has high damage, fast firing rate, and simple operation. It only requires two people to use it. Of course, the two people mentioned here specifically refer to the Mechanical Tribe team, each with ten members, which means that at this time, the muzzles of five cannons are aimed at the Hell Legion.

Equipment name: A002 artillery (improved)

Damage: 3 rounds per minute. Each shell causes a fixed damage of 9,500 points. It explodes after touching the target or the ground, and then burns 10 points per second for 3 minutes.

Function: A high-powered lethal weapon made using psychic diffusion technology.

While the hell messenger was stunned, the attacks came one after another, and the entire hell army camp was blown to pieces.

He immediately wanted to command the hell army to attack the unknown target to stop such an attack, but he didn't know how fast Rollo's army fired, and just when the hellhound was about to use the hell ball. Luo Cai's elf dragon also began to use the energy disorder skill on the battlefield, which caused many hellhounds' fireballs to explode when they were still forming in their mouths, affecting a large area of ​​hell soldiers around.

The bullets fired by the mechanical family were no longer as neatly exploded as before. Many energies were scattered, but some energies were strengthened. This is the horror of the energy disorder skill. Such skills will also appear in some places.

Of course, the energy disorder state that appears in other places is formed by natural phenomena. Such places are generally called forbidden magic areas, and what Rollo wants to create now is an artificial forbidden magic area, and no one dares to use magic.

But the forbidden magic is only the target area where the hell army exists. As long as those outside this area are not affected, the energy explosion bombs launched by the mechanical race will only cause energy disorder within the range of this area. Luo Luo doesn't care whether these energies are annihilated or enhanced above the Hell Legion. After all, it's not his people who are injured.

But the Hell Legion suffered, and large numbers of living forces were quickly destroyed. They couldn't launch a counterattack. After all, if they use magic energy, they will only be injured, which is the effect Luo Luo wants.

Moreover, the attack launched by the mechanical race under Luo Luo's command is continuously extended from the periphery of the Hell Legion to the inside. If they run outward, they will be destroyed faster. If they squeeze inward, it will only be a slow death. The few people who observed the battle situation saw clearly that the Hell Legion was in a situation with wolves in front and tigers behind, and they couldn't help but admire that they were worthy of being the first in the family. Not to mention the powerful people, the tactics were also so mature, which made them sincerely admire Luo Luo.

They could clearly see the battlefield situation, but the Hell Messenger was in the target area but did not know the relevant vital points. He only knew that the surroundings were constantly crowded with soldiers from the Hell clan. No matter how hard he drove them away, he could not make them continue to rush outward, and the attacks from the outside became stronger and stronger and continued to compress inward. The fire damage was also transmitted layer by layer within the range, which made the Hellbringer very uncomfortable. He found that the entire Hell Legion was out of control and his command no longer worked.

"Are these still the demons who are not afraid of pain and the hellhounds who go crazy at the sight of life?"

This made him very confused, but there was not much time for him to think about it on the battlefield. Rollo's extended attack was about to hit his surroundings.

Due to the factor of energy annihilation on the periphery, some attacks were annihilated after touching the Forbidden Demon Realm, without causing harm to the Hell Race in those areas, which allowed them to break out from the gap.

But Luo Luo is not stupid. When encountering such a situation, he will immediately launch a follow-up attack. Therefore, only a few dozen Hell Clan warriors can escape from the Forbidden Demon Realm, and what awaits them are the evil Goblins, Shadow Clan killers and Elf Dragons who have been waiting for a long time in the periphery.

In less than an hour, the entire Hell Legion was wiped out, without a single fish slipping through the net. The burned corpses of the Hell clan were also collected by Rollo and the others.

Although the hell aura of the hell tribe is disgusting. But their bodies after death are treasures and are excellent raw materials for making weapons and special equipment. Rollo also wanted to use divine power to analyze these hellish creatures. See if you can get something useful.

The tree people were stunned when they saw their enemies suddenly wiped out, but when Luo Luo and the others appeared, they immediately became nervous. Looking at Rollo and others with horrified eyes, after all, they were the ones who could destroy the Hell Legion so quickly.

These hell legions had been in a stalemate with the tree people for a long time and almost wiped them out. In this way, they were easily solved by Luo Luo and others. The tree people did not dare to be careless at all. If these people who had just come out were hostile to them, then they might not even have the ability to resist at all.

But when I saw the elves, elves, and elf dragons that appeared with Rollo and the others, I let down my guard a little. These races have a good relationship with the tree people, and they all love nature. The tree people can clearly feel the rich natural scent on their bodies, which is completely different from the previous hell people who exuded the smell of sulfur. From this, it can be seen that this group of people and the Hell Clan should not be on the same side.

At this time, there was the rustling of leaves, and the tree people made way for a passage. An old tree man walked out of it, his branches and leaves were yellow, and his appearance was full of wrinkles. But his aura was very peaceful, causing everyone present to let go of their nervousness.

The old tree man looked at Luo Luo and others and their subjects carefully for a while. First, he looked at the wood elves and elf dragons and found that they showed no signs of being coerced. Then they observed the mechanical warriors again. After all, they had just seen that the attack launched by such a weird race completely annihilated the hell race.

Everyone present was silent at this time.

The old tree man thought for a while and took the lead to break the quiet situation. He said to Luoluo's people: "Children, although I don't know where you come from. But I can feel the peaceful aura on your body, which is different from the ones that exuded before. The races with strong pungent odors are completely different.

"I think it is necessary for us to get to know each other. After all, you must have something to ask for when you appear here. And you have also seen that our tribe is suffering from alien attacks before. This makes our situation very embarrassing and dangerous, and we also We need some external help. This is a prerequisite for us to have good communication. What do you think?”

Rollo and the others were surprised by the wisdom of this old tree man.

"Your wisdom is amazing, and we fully agree with your proposal. The one who attacked you before was a race called the Hell Tribe. It failed this time. Next time they may send more powerful enemies into the battlefield, and we are exploring We really need your help."

"Oh, that's good. It seems that we have reached a consensus. Please come with me. The tree people extend a warm invitation to you."

Rollo and others looked at each other and followed the old tree man's footsteps into the tree tribe.

They didn't just accept the invitation easily after listening to the old tree man's words.

This is mainly due to the information they saw in the information. The tree people have a simple and honest character, are friendly to others, love natural energy, and they do not like killing and are opposed to war. This was one of the reasons why Luo Luo and the others gladly attended the appointment after receiving the invitation from the tree people.

After all, he is their savior after all. He should not do anything to repay kindness with evil.

Of course, this is not the main reason. What is more important is Luo Luo's confidence in their own strength.

"Since I can easily wipe out a Hell Legion, I can also easily wipe out the Tree People who have similar combat capabilities to them."

This kind of strength is the greatest confidence for them to go to the appointment in person. The strong have nothing to fear.

At this time, a tree hole in the center of the tree tribe was filled with fruits and a small portion of barbecued meat sprinkled with salt. After all, the tree people don't need food. They can survive as long as they perform photosynthesis, and they even produce food themselves to provide for the survival of other small animals.

After deciding to entertain Rollo's people, the tree people collected a lot of fruits and sent them. Considering that they were a humanoid race different from themselves, they also prepared some barbecue to entertain the guests. This is truly an unprecedented first time. In most cases, the tree people will not take the initiative to kill other animals.

The old tree man may have seen their doubts and said to them: "These meats are all animals that were trampled to death in the panic due to the attacks of the hell clan in the forest."

After some subjects tried the food first and found that it was non-toxic, Luo Luo and the others began to taste the delicacies of the tree people. Not only are the fruits plump, sweet and juicy, but the roasted meats also taste different. The tree people's barbecue is grilled with fine fruit wood, and then sprinkled with some salt. Every bite of barbecue is filled with the fragrance of fruit wood, giving Luoluo and their taste buds an unprecedented experience.

After eating and drinking, the conversation officially began. After all, no one knows when the next wave of attacks from the Hell Clan will come.

"Humans from an unknown world. I am the leader of the tree tribe. Can you tell me the purpose of this trip?"

Name: Chief of the Tree Tribe

Level: LV3

Constitution: 19

Strength: 19

Agility: 1

Spirit: 12

Talent: 1. Close to nature: good at using natural energy and a representative of nature.

2. Bark: Reduces incoming physical damage by 50%.

3. Immortal species (pseudo): can grow forever without dying.

Skills: 1. Light of Recovery: Can use natural energy to provide recovery energy for allies, and can be used by 10 teammates at a time. (cooling time 1 hour)

2. Photosynthesis: You can use photosynthesis to restore your own vitality during the day. (passive)

Introduction: Tree-like lifeforms are powerful and can use magic. If they didn't have the disadvantage of moving too slowly, they would be a perfect race.

"How do you know we are from a world beyond the Green Star?"

"The entire Green Star is either big or small. But there are races on the Green Star, and I recognize them all. You are very different from the local humans, and you also lead those strange creatures. These do not belong to us. Green Star, so you must be from outside."

Rollo didn't say yes or deny it, but then asked: "How are the other lives on the Green Star doing now?"

"I don't know if the last few strongholds of humans who look similar to you have been breached. But the elves at the other end of the forest should still be resisting the invasion of those monsters. I can feel this."

The leader of the Tree Tribe felt the look in Luo Luo's eyes that wanted to find out.

He slowly said: "This is a disaster. Those monsters appeared a year ago. At that time, the Green Star was dominated by humans and elves. We, the tree people, were dependent on the elves, so we had an easy life."

"But the change came very suddenly. First, a disease spread in the human empire, which made those infected with the disease go crazy soon, attacking and biting the people around them crazily."

"This caused the huge northern empire to be in chaos and on the verge of collapse in just a few months."

"But several surrounding countries turned a blind eye to this situation. They took this opportunity as an opportunity to annex the Northern Empire. So a six-month melee began. They fought back and forth on the territory of the Northern Empire. Today you occupy one city, and tomorrow I occupy two cities.”

"Human beings are getting fewer and fewer during the war, but on the contrary, the number of people infected by the disease is increasing. In the end, a mysterious man in black robes appeared. He organized the previously scattered and vulnerable demons and began to attack the surrounding humans. The gathering place is invaded. Oh, by the way, the demons are the humans who were infected by the disease before. Because they exude an evil aura, we call them demons. "

Unexpectedly, the definition of demon in Green Star is very clear, no different from the outside world.

The clan leader continued: "We tree people and elves are peace-loving. We didn't want to participate in the internal fighting between their human races at the beginning. But after the experience, we found that we were wrong. After the nest was overturned, were the eggs intact? "

"The disease has finally spread from human territory to us. Some elves have also begun to show signs of going crazy. Even if the elves' holy water is used to suppress it, it can only be temporary."

"This epidemic cannot be solved from the root cause. This has also caused internal strife among the elves. Some people demand that the forest be closed and completely cut off from humans, but other people feel that we should help humans unite all living forces to resist this weird virus. ”

"In the end, the blockade faction gained the upper hand. After all, if the elves send troops to help humans, their own casualties will definitely be inevitable. This is unacceptable to the elves with low fertility rates. After all, there is no benefit to helping humans."

“But soon, we paid a heavy price for our decision. After seeking help to no avail, humans abandoned most of their land and infected compatriots. They moved the remaining surviving humans to some difficult terrain. And they built walls day and night to live a life isolated from the sun, and the demons who could not easily break through these gathering places began to march towards the forest."

"We don't have the custom of building city walls, so when the demons attacked, we didn't have enough defense equipment to resist these crazy enemies. Even if our attacks were powerful and we wiped out a large number of demons, they never decreased. They attacked our base wave after wave, which made our warriors very tired and our defense became weaker and weaker."

"Finally, the demons broke through our base a month ago. I led the tree people to move here, and the surviving elves were struggling to resist in the swamp on the other side."

"All our surviving places are connected to each other. At least until the monsters attacked our base the day before yesterday, the last four human bases and the only elf base had not been broken. But I think it's only a matter of time until you show up."

The tree people's chief's narration was very detailed, which was of great help to Luo Luo and his people. At least they already knew the situation on Green Star at this time.

This situation is what Luo Luo and his people want to see most. If the tree people were the only base left, they would persuade the tree people to leave with them. But if there are still so many resistance forces in this world. Then they will consider destroying the Hell Clan.

After all, the resources of a planet are much stronger than the resources of the Tree Clan alone.

Luo Luo and his group began to discuss in a low voice. The chief of the Tree Clan was not in a hurry, and did not urge them. Instead, he silently waited for the result of their discussion. At this time, they were already on the cliff. If they took another step back, they would fall into the abyss. The people in front of them might be their only hope for survival.

Although they knew that putting hope in the hands of others was a very dangerous idea. But in these days, in the confrontation with the Hell Legion, they also found that the enemy's attack intensity was slowly increasing. And they had no backup forces to support until the end of the war.

Not to mention winning, it was even more difficult to protect themselves. They had to grab any life-saving straw, which was the wisdom of an elder.

At this time, Luo Luo and his friends had finished their discussion. Luo Luo said to the Treeman tribe leader: "We can protect you and even help you annihilate the enemy, but we have conditions."

"Oh, what conditions?" The Treeman tribe leader was not surprised. After all, if you want something from others, you must pay some price. It's good to have conditions, which means that this group of people are able to help you. This is great news. What he fears most is that there are no conditions, which is the worst situation.

"We need your race to send a group of potential tree people to pledge allegiance to us and become our subjects."

Hearing this, the old treeman was suddenly startled. Subjects! This is really a distant word.

Luo Luo didn't expect that just saying the word "subjects" would surprise the old treeman so much. It seems that there were gods on Green Star before. Otherwise, he wouldn't react so strongly to the word "subjects".

Then the old tribe leader's words confirmed Luo Luo's point of view.

"Are you all gods?"

"It seems that the history of Green Star is longer than we thought. Then the question is, where did the gods on Green Star go?"

Rollo asked the old tree man.

"I don't know. When I was young, I only knew that Green Star once had gods. I heard this from the elders of our tribe. He is the oldest tree man in our tree people. When I was just born, my favorite thing was to listen to his stories. The legend of the gods also came from him. It is said that there were many gods on Green Star before. But they were all destroyed by a natural disaster, and the tribesmen who believed in them were wiped out in an instant. No matter how much they prayed afterwards, it was useless."

"And the ancestor said that he was not a believer in any god when the gods existed. So when the gods disappeared, he did not die. Those people with deep faith died suddenly on that day, which is why the ancestor speculated that those gods were lost."

"But the ancestor was not happy that he could survive. He used to miss the previous era very much. It was a peaceful era, and all All creatures lived in peace, there was no war, no death, and no hunger. "

"And at that time, the world was ruled by the elves. Humans were just low-level creatures that survived in tribes. They were only stronger than wild beasts. They had no magic and even no strong bodies. This made the ancestors of humans always at the lowest level on Green Star. "

"The elves at that time didn't even think of making humans slaves, which shows how weak humans were at that time, but then they developed faster and faster, especially after the gods fell. The elves, who lost the protection of the gods, began to decline, and the number of new people became very slow. "

"Humans are just the opposite. They learned magic that the elves had looked down on before, and traded with our tree people for the secrets of strengthening their bodies. This made them grow rapidly and become the new masters of Green Star. And the only area that the elves can control is this forest. "

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