The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 32 Encirclement and Suppression

After sweeping away all the races on the Green Star, Luo Luo and his party successfully returned to the Earth Origin Continent, announcing the successful completion of this alien exploration.

Luo Luo and his party could have a good rest and count their gains, but Simmons had just started the war.

"The robot army is pressing forward." A dog-headed priest was commanding the robot army. This was the wisdom of the dog-headed race. Generally speaking, it was difficult to be born, but who said that there were too many dog-headed people in Simmons' territory, so there would always be a few lucky ones.

The actual command was T1 type robots, but after all, there were too few of them. Each of them commanded a robot army of 100,000, and the details required flexible dog-headed priests.

After all, this weakened version of the robot was far inferior to the real mechanical race in terms of coordination and autonomy.

These dog-headed priests were not Simmons's internal combat power. They were responsible for commanding small groups of robot troops to fight.

A standard robot army consists of 100,000 robots.

40,000 of them are infantry, 20,000 are mobile troops, 20,000 are missile troops, 10,000 are logistics personnel, and 10,000 are air force.

Such a legion is very powerful.

The infantry includes robots holding various firearms and artillery using cannons, while the mobile troops include a series of transportation equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles, and transport vehicles.

The missile troops operate the short-range precision-guided missiles that have been developed before.

Logistics is the place where weapons and ammunition are transported for the entire legion. Sometimes they will act as engineers to replace new parts for the injured robots so that they can return to the battlefield quickly.

Here we need to focus on the air force. The air force not only has air combat fighters, but also ground bombers and drones operated by ground personnel.

And Simmons now has seven such well-equipped robot legions, and the Eighth Legion is also being formed, which will be completed in two days.

He not only launched an attack on Viscount Liang Feifeng in the north, but also launched wars against the lords in the west, south, and east.

Of course, he was not brainless. He had already collected the information of these lords in great detail. This was a plan he made a long time ago when he was preparing to make great plans. Although things have changed, the situation is the same as he expected.

He went to the northern battlefield in person to witness the death of the traitor.

Baron Simmons's northern battlefield, which is Viscount Liang Feifeng's southern battlefield, was now in a solemn atmosphere.

300,000 robots were waiting in the south, and the north was no less than the 2,000-man knight legion, the 1,000-man lich legion and the 200,000 skeleton soldiers confronted the robot army.

The war was about to break out.

Simmons looked at the opposite lineup. He seemed to see Liang Feifeng sitting behind him. His eyes were filled with anger and he shouted: "Attack!"

The dog-headed priest who received the instructions ordered the robot army to advance at full speed and annihilate all enemies.

20,000 missile robots attacked first, countless missiles took off with thick smoke, and more than 10,000 missiles were blown up by the skeleton sea.

The Undead were no less impressive, moving at full speed towards the Robot Corps. The two were moving in opposite directions and immediately collided.

But before that, the guided missiles of the troops hit the target first, and a neat gap appeared in the sea of ​​skeletons in an instant. But this did not stop their determination to tear the enemy apart, and they still rushed to the battlefield.

The infantry also began to fire, and various bullets kept hitting the enemy. However, although the attributes of the skeleton soldiers were poor, they were undead creatures after all. If they could not accurately hit the skeleton fire in their eye sockets, they would not die instantly.

But they lost their combat effectiveness and could only crawl on the ground.

Countless bullets formed a metal curtain that moved quickly towards the Undead.

Liang Feifeng would not sit and wait for death. He knew that this was a fight to the death, and only the death of one side could end it.

He immediately ordered the Undead Knight Corps to charge. Two thousand headless knights wearing heavy armor and riding skeleton horses crashed into the camp of the Robot Corps like a speeding car, and instantly opened a gap.

The robots also counterattacked, causing damage to the Knight Corps, but not many were destroyed.

The Undead Knights took advantage of the victory and continued to drill through the infantry corps' phalanx. Seeing this, Simmons ordered the artillery to turn the muzzle directly and attack the infantry corps that were drilled together with the tank corps, and destroy the headless knights and infantry robots together. This loss was not a big problem in his opinion (an infantry corps was 10,000 units).

Liang Feifeng was dumbfounded. Wouldn't it cause other troops to rebel by firing directly at his own troops?

"Simmons, you idiot, even if you are the lord, you can't arrange it like this!" He had never seen such a form of war, and he didn't know that the creatures he thought were wearing steel armor were actually lifeless machines, without thoughts, not afraid of death, and would not mutiny.

In any case, it had happened, and Liang Feifeng's face was very ugly. One of his elite Undead Knights was defeated on this battlefield today.

And it was not defeated by the enemy. What is this? Is this a trap or self-exposure?

Just when he thought of this, Simmons's army was retreating, which gave him hope.

"Is it not that there was no mutiny, but it was not obvious and I didn't notice it? He was also afraid and wanted to regroup and reduce the impact of the army incident?"

Liang Feifeng laughed and said, "You're just going to retreat so easily. You're dreaming. Counterattack on all fronts!"

What he didn't notice was that all the dead robots were flashing strange red lights. When his legion was about to cross the battlefield to pursue the enemy, a shocking explosion occurred. The power was so great that it even formed a huge pit.

Liang Feifeng was at the back of the legion. Although he was also affected by the damage, he did not die. He only suffered some minor injuries, but this did not make him feel relieved.

"My Lich Legion, ah! I'm so angry, Simmons, I want you to die!"

He was really unlucky. The two pillar legions were all broken here today. The Undead Knights at least broke through an infantry robot phalanx, while the Lich Clan was scrapped before they did anything.

Such a blow made Liang Feifeng almost crazy.

He commanded the bone dragon to fly towards the robot legion. This was his last trump card and the power he believed in the most.

As a high-level combat force, the bone dragon is powerful. Even if it is made of the skeleton of a young dragon, it is not something that ordinary combat units can resist.

The bone dragon's dual resistance and rank suppression greatly reduced the damage caused by the robot's attack.

When the bone dragon attacked the robot army, it did not cause any obvious damage to him.

This time it was Simmons' turn to be horrified, but the T1 robots present were very calm.

Although the bone dragon was not obviously injured, under his precise scan, it could still be seen that its bones were being cut off bit by bit by bullets, even if only 0.0001 mm was needed each time.

That was enough. As long as there was damage, the robot army would not be afraid of any strong enemy.

Of course, it should not be underestimated. The death breath of the bone dragon continued to cause damage to the robot army. At least more than a thousand robots were sprayed down when it flew in the sky.

Such a loss rate was still a bit too fast. The T1 robot had to change its strategy and used all its firepower to deal with this high-level monster first.

And it also notified the second and third robot armies behind to come to reinforce.

"We are not as good as you in strength, but in terms of numbers, robots have never been afraid of anyone."

Before, only infantry attacked the bone dragon, and now a large number of missiles and tank artillery were pointed at it.

It felt uneasy in all directions, and it was even more impossible to fly into the sky. The bone dragon was the lowest flying unit among all the flying units. After all, its wings were only a pile of bones. Calling it a flying unit was already a compliment to it.

Such a height was still within the attack range for some ground targets.

What is a volley of thousands of bullets! What is the destruction of heaven and earth! This is the real power of science and technology.

All attacks acted on the body of the bone dragon. Not to mention that it was just a small intermediate creature, it would not be a problem to be higher.

Of course, this is not without disadvantages. This volley directly consumed one-fifth of the ammunition of the No. 1 Robot Corps.

The previous long-term confrontation had consumed at least three-fifths of the ammunition, which means that the No. 1 Robot Corps now has less than one-fifth of the inventory.

The inventory here includes the ammunition capacity of all logistics robots, which is far from enough for the remaining enemy forces.

But it doesn't matter. The No. 2 Robot Corps, which is not far away, has arrived. They will replace the No. 1 Robot Corps and continue to attack the enemy. No. 1 can return to the back to replenish ammunition with peace of mind. There are a large number of supplies brought by the transport vehicle in the back to prepare for the next battle.

The ammunition in the hell plane is very easy to transport. They are physical metal bullets, and the trigger device is a new technology after magic modification.

This technology is not very harmful to Rollo, but it can completely change the problem of gun ammunition supply in the hell plane.

It uses magic stone for power supply, and the gun is also specially made.

This special version of the gun in hell is equivalent to the flintlock in the Blue Star era. The difference is that the magic stone replaces the flintlock and gunpowder. After the magazine is installed, this gun becomes a sharp weapon in the hands of the robot at this time.

Changing to a short metal bullet can not only reduce the pressure of logistics, but also increase the amount of ammunition transported at one time, which makes the firepower density of the front line increase by one level. It can be said to be a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

So why didn't Rollo use it before?

That's because the magic stone and the energy storage stone are two different things. But their essence is actually the same, both use stored energy to stimulate.

The magic stone can automatically absorb the surrounding energy, and each shot only takes up one thousandth of its absorption rate. It's not that it collects quickly, but it consumes too little.

In fact, the self-energy storage process of the magic stone is very slow, and the energy level is very low. Compared with the magic stone and the energy storage stone of the same size, the energy level of the magic stone is only one percent of the energy storage stone. This is the main reason why Rollo abandoned the magic stone.

Although the magic stone can generate power by itself, it is too slow. It can only work when pushing some metal bullets. If you want to use weapons and equipment that fire energy bullets like the Flame No. 1 rifle, you must use the energy storage stone.

Of course, the choice of which method to improve the firearms must be adapted to local conditions and varies from person to person.

Rollo's divine domain has sufficient energy for him to use, so he can use the energy storage stone with confidence.

And there is another problem. Energy storage stones cannot be produced in his divine domain. The plan studied by Vice President Lacto is nearing the end of the experiment. Their results are also seen by Rollo, which can improve the existing divine domain. Ecological technology.

With such a unique advantage, Rollo can't use energy storage stone technology at will, so Simmons in the middle plane of hell can't even think about it.

Because there is no such thing as energy storage stone in the hell plane, on the contrary, there are many magic stones. Although the magic stones produced by these magic stone mines are not high in energy level, they are also small in size.

But it doesn't matter, only a little is needed on each gun to complete the shooting task, and it is no problem to deal with the most intense war.

This is why the Simmons robot army is equipped with physical bullet guns powered by the magic stone.

Another more important reason is that there is no shortage of metal in the hell plane, so that when making bullets, the cost will be minimized.

In an industrialized society, with complete production lines and sufficient raw materials, any product coming off this production line must be so cheap that you can't believe it.

Well, Luo Luo is actually quite envious. If he had such sufficient metal resources in his divine domain, he would have been able to wander around the universe at will.

But this is not something to be envied. After all, time is short. They had only hurriedly collected some unique metals in the hell plane before returning to the Earth Source Continent.

The hell plane also has energy sources such as wind, tide, and geothermal energy. It is well known that these things can generate electricity.

Moreover, all factories in Simons' domain use electric energy, which is very simple for charging energy storage stones. The only problem is that the hell plane as mentioned before does not have the corresponding resources. It is expected that Rollo will use the energy storage in his god's domain. If the energy stone is provided to Simmons, then there is no need to think about it.

Rollo himself was short of it, and he only specially approved a part of the scrap, that is, the previously equipped Flame Type 1 rifles were handed over to Simmons. These rifles themselves were to be scrapped, and the energy storage stones inside would also be recycled. Take it out for recycling.

Just because he was worried that the robot army would be helpless when encountering some energy-based creatures, Rollo specially approved such a batch of rifles for them to use. It can be said that this is an out-of-print rifle in the hell plane. If it is lost, there will be no backup to replenish it.

Switching the screen to the battlefield, after the supplementary shooting of the No. 2 Robot Legion, Liang Feifeng's army was running out.

The robots have surrounded the remaining enemies, and it can be said that it is impossible to escape. Simmons is trembling all over, with a crazy face. He has been waiting for this moment. After waiting for a hundred years, he almost thought that he would never see what he saw today. scene.

He walked up to the defeated Liang Feifeng and said: "Do you know how long I have been longing for this scene? You don't know! I have never forgotten the scene of you betraying my father! I always remember! Always remember! I never dare to forget! For this moment, you kneel on the ground and live and die in my mind!"

Liang Feifeng looked at Simons angrily.

"I was wrong. I thought you were wiped out by these tin cans, but I didn't expect that you turned to them. You want to restore the glory, you want to restore the history of the Simmons family! Are you worthy? You treat others as dogs, you What qualifications do you have to speak to me?”

"What qualifications do I have to say something about you? Just because I am the winner now and you are the loser. Being a dog to others can restore the glory of my Simons family. Being a dog to others can suppress you, the traitor, under our control." You tell me, what's wrong with being a dog?"

"If I can fulfill my long-cherished wish in life, what does it matter whether I am a human or a dog? At least I am still alive now, and you will die soon!"

"Hahahahahahaha!" Liang Feifeng made a ruthless mocking cry: "I think back then your grandfather, Duke Simmons, was a recognized strongman in the hell plane with his iron-blooded skills. Look at you again! Kowtow in front of others, eager to If you wag your tail, the master will give you a bone. How sad. If your grandpa knew that his descendants were doing this, he would not get up and kill you. Hahahaha!"

"There is nothing in this world that we cannot give up! Success and failure are not eternal truths! The dead are not qualified to talk about glory, and the dead are not qualified to talk about the future. The dead have nothing. I have reserved it for the Simmons family. Tinder, am I wrong to avenge the partition?”

"Is that right?" Liang Feifeng asked.

"Of course that's right! Think about my poor father being killed by someone like you. That's such an injustice. Don't you still understand the truth in hell until now! So what if you are insulted? Even if So what if you are looked down upon? As long as you live, as long as you can become stronger, then it's all worth it."

"Oh, that's right. You are no longer a pure member of the Hell Clan. You have joined the Undead Clan. Do you think this will allow you to dominate and dominate the plane? How is that possible?"

"Okay, I've told you enough nonsense. I'll drag you out left and right and completely destroy them!"

"I don't accept it, you bug, I curse you, I curse you, I'll wait for you in hell!" Liang Feifeng exclaimed the madness before his death.

"Return to hell. I think you have been with the undead for a long time. Isn't the plane now in hell?"

When Liang Feifeng died, Simmons' whole thoughts became clear. He fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

"I'm back!" The previously occupied Duke Simmons Fort.

This is the place that the Simmons family has guarded for generations.

"Anyone who takes something that our family shouldn't take will have to give it back later."

The mechanical army's pace of advancement did not stop, and it continued to spread around, and the surrounding small lords were eliminated one by one.

Simmons not only restored the territory when his grandfather was in power, but also expanded it a lot. Now the main races in Simmons' territory are mechanical races and dog-headed people, and the two complement each other.

The industrialization process of Simmons' territory is very fast, and it has reached the level of the Blue Star era, about two thousand years ago.

All robot factories produce various robots 24 hours a day, just to let them go to the battlefield as soon as possible.

After executing Liang Feifeng, Simmons has not stopped the pace of the attack. The annihilation of some lords made several surrounding big lords restless.

They found out some information about Simmons and finally concluded that Simmons should have colluded with people from the outside world. This can be seen from the composition of his soldiers, and there are more strange races.

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