The development plan of the alien world has to wait, the time has not come yet.

After inspecting and planning the space fleet, Luo Luo started his own big plan, which he had prepared before.

After the test of the true god, the time of the divine domain became 450 days to 1 day.

The progress of various scientific research has been greatly improved, and the items analyzed by the divine power have been completed quickly.

Among them are the virtual gems and void gems that Luo Luo found in the family treasure house.

Using the virtual laws analyzed by the virtual gems, a more powerful virtual Internet, also called the virtual network, was created on the basis of the Internet of the divine domain.

This technology can be used in all aspects of the universe, and the medium is Luo Luo's special mental power stabilizing medium.

All creatures can use these instruments through a little mental power, stably connect to the virtual network, and enjoy a variety of services.

Now that the virtual network has just been established, there is a lot of content in it.

All are uploaded according to Luo Luo's requirements, such as the Hall of Knowledge, which records the racial characteristics and habits of most creatures in the universe, as well as various materials.

If you want to use it, you have to pay first, and the virtual network knowledge hall will divide the content he can see according to the membership level.

This is a trick that Luo Luo learned on Blue Star before.

Not only that, there is so much knowledge in the universe, in order to collect more knowledge into the knowledge hall.

The virtual network also stipulates that if you can input valid and non-repetitive knowledge into the hall, you will also get a reward.

This encourages people to input various knowledge into the virtual network. Some people will definitely hide their unique knowledge, but after experiencing the benefits of the virtual network, most people will change their stubborn ideas.

And some top-secret knowledge also requires special knowledge to exchange.

This perfectly eliminates the embarrassing situation of knowledge only entering but not leaving. The future knowledge hall will definitely become a place that all cosmic life yearns for.

And all this is firmly in Luo Luo's hands.

The virtual gem carrying the virtual network is placed in a server matrix composed of 1,000 high-level chips.

It not only enables the server to connect to the virtual network, but also undertakes a large amount of storage space tasks, which was discovered by scientists in the God Realm later.

Of course, computing can only rely on server chips.

Looking at the empty virtual network, with only one building, it always feels a bit empty.

He called Tieyi over.

"My God, what do you want?"

"Arrange to build an emergency rescue station in the virtual network."

"If someone is in danger or controlled, they can use the virtual network emergency rescue function to send a request for help to the people around them."

"Of course, a reward must be attached, indicating that once the rescue is successful, the reward will be obtained by the rescuer."

"We can't suffer a loss, we will get a 1% commission."

"Okay, my god, I'll arrange it now." The virtual network is also managed by the mechanical clan, and the content changes in it are also completed by the mechanical clan. They replace traditional programmers and are very efficient.

"Come back, I haven't finished talking yet. Issue tasks to all the lives in the God's Domain. Whoever can make the virtual network more perfect and whose ideas can impress users more can get the faith value reward from me."

"Okay, my God."

After Tieyi left, Luo Luo began to carefully recall the various applications on the Internet in the Blue Star era, and then combined with the specific situation of the God's Domain, consider whether it is suitable to move to the virtual network.

"The video website must be moved to the virtual network. Videos of masters or battlefields can be sent up. These cannot be missing."

"After review, it will be available to all virtual network users, so that everyone can learn combat skills, deploy troops and a series of content. Using video assistance will be more three-dimensional."

"The clicks and consumption of the video will be shared equally by the uploader and the virtual network."

"Most videos can only be viewed for a few minutes or seconds at the beginning, and the subsequent content will be paid for."

Luo Luo wants them to develop a good habit. There is no free dinner in this world. If you want to get something, you have to pay something.

"Moreover, I have a seamless experience, which is much better than the service in the Blue Star era."

After designing the video website, he then designed the communication module, which was based on the information he saw.

The communication module directly acts on the personal interface of the virtual network user, and can add friends or make video calls with friends.

You can also have group chats with multiple friends, and transfer various files and information between groups or individuals.

But if this is not enough, you can also form a small space in the virtual network, and it is also very wonderful to invite a few friends to sit and discuss.

Of course it is not free, this will take up a lot of server computing power.

Then there is another important function in the virtual network, which is also a function that Luo Luo is extremely eager for-online shopping.

This is the transaction module in the virtual network. Using the rules analyzed by the void gem, this function is integrated into the virtual network.

Everyone can upload the things they want to sell or the information they want to buy, and can also complete the transaction by browsing related information.

The virtual network can help both parties to complete cross-space transactions, and at the same time erase the signals on the items and the viruses they carry.

In this way, people can send items to the virtual network at any time, anywhere in the universe, and then the buyer can receive it, which can protect the interests and safety of both parties.

After the buyer pays, the item will be sent to the buyer, and the buyer will deduct 10% of the transaction fee after confirming that it is correct.

The other faith values ​​are deposited into the seller's account, and a single online shopping behavior is completed.

Now the key issue is how to promote it. The more people use the virtual network, the higher the profit will be.

It is not enough to rely on these people in the Luo family alone. Think about the Internet dividends in the South Blue Star era.

Luo Luo's mouth inadvertently shed tears of desire.

In the days that followed, Luo Luo began to promote his own virtual network, and the special connection device was also very simple.

Anyone who has come into contact with the virtual network is attracted by his content and becomes a deep Internet addict.

And the first thing sold in the mall is the reward Luo Luo received when he was a demigod-the Minotaur Totem.

The person who bought the things was Luo Xin. Of course, he didn't know that these things belonged to his cousin. He spent 2 million faith points and fought with others for ten rounds to get such a lovely treasure.

The initial items in the mall include some common things in the Earth Source Continent, as well as various mechanical products made by Luo Luo, non-military armed products such as psychic transport vehicles.

If you want to buy military-type technological products, it is not impossible.

There will be a purchase quota for weapons this month at the virtual network monthly auction on the first day of each month.

As a supplier of the virtual network, Luo Luo has all the information on the Internet.

At the same time, he also sent the mechanical tribe to collect various strange and bizarre items and items that he listed as strongly needed.

Although the virtual network only affected a few surrounding cities, it still burst out with energy that shocked Luo Luo.

The transaction volume continued to rise, and some enlightened people had uploaded their unique secrets to the Hall of Knowledge, because they knew that the more time passed, the less valuable their things would be.

"Alas, it's still too slow. It would be great if the Goddess of Life could help."

Luo Luo hopes to have a higher platform to spread the benefits of the virtual network. For example, the three speakers will be present at the gods' competition, and the most important one is the Goddess of Life. It would be great if he could get the support of the Goddess of Life.

The Goddess of Life travels all year round and visits various civilizations.

It can be said that she is the person from the Earth Source Continent with the widest range of activities. If the virtual network can be handed over to the Goddess of Life for promotion, then the influence of the virtual network will definitely increase greatly.

"But what conditions can impress the Goddess of Life?"

"This is a question. Gods of that realm should have nothing to lack."

"Alas, don't think too much. After the space battleships are assembled, I will go to the outer domain to kill the enemy immediately. I have long wanted to see the style of the outer domain."

Luo Luo is not worried about his own safety. If he wants to destroy the gods, he must break through the divine domain, and Luo Luo's divine domain can ensure that he is in a favorable position.

Since Luo Luo wants to go to the outer battlefield, the assembly of the space battleship must keep up with the times.

This incident fully reflects the fine tradition of the mechanical race, that is, as long as there are more and stronger, it must be good.

Every day, ten teams of warships are ready.

They have begun to practice in the outer space of the God's Domain Planet.

Luo Luo kept sending troops to sweep the scrapped alien worlds he had collected before.

This time he imitated the hell plane and only sent soldiers to invade (mainly because his level exceeded the limit of most alien worlds). These low-level alien worlds had no ability to fight back, but there were also few good things.

There were more basic mineral resources and ordinary plants and animals.

But Luo Luo was betting on probability. If there were more, he would always encounter good things, such as now.

The energy-absorbing ore ranked eighth in the universe, it can absorb most of the energy received.

The absorbed energy can be used for counterattacks or converted into energy.

Another layer of protection was added to the defense equipment. Previously, it was a third-level chaos alloy with a liquid metal coating, which formed the main defense shell.

It has been confirmed in the True God Test that it is an effective and very strong defense method. Now a layer of energy-absorbing metal is coated on the outer surface, so the defense of the space battleship will far exceed the attack energy level of the Zerg.

This mineral deposit is hidden at the bottom of a sea with a chaotic magnetic field, and the divine consciousness of the gods who explored the alien world has not scanned it.

It is a bit tricky for the mechanical race. In the end, the mermaids sent the mining equipment to the corresponding location, and the operation was all outside the magnetic field.

This time, a shortcoming of the mechanical race was also exposed. Although the existing equipment can ignore the chaotic magnetic field, the mechanical race itself cannot.

This problem will be discussed later.

The good news is that the Strategic Weapons Development Institute has conquered the battleship gravity system.

Although it is impossible to directly develop an anti-gravity system as imagined and push the battleship directly into the universe, the emergence of the gravity system still makes the battleship more perfect.

In this way, the fleet personnel do not need to float and can work down to earth, which is very important for the fleet personnel.

After all, in Rollo's conception, all the fleet personnel are mechanical people. If they hit something while floating, it will be a huge problem for the warship.

So this technology is still very critical.

The battleship landing personnel are in addition to the already confirmed F1 flying robot, Y1 liquid robot and T1 commander robot.

It is currently the BOSS robot with the strongest attributes. There are 10 million such heroic robots in total.

Race name: BOSS robot (heroic level)

Level: LV4

Constitution: 20

Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Spirit: 4

Talent: Heroic unit: Heroic unit in the mechanical family, all skills, attributes and abilities are increased by 100%.

Skills: 1. Space Machine: A war robot specially developed for the space battlefield and can be applied to any battlefield in the universe. (passive)

2. Suspension cannon: A weapon specially designed by the hero-level mechanical clan for space wars. There is a levitating cannon bound to the main body of the mechanical clan on each side. It can carry out fully automatic aiming attacks on the enemy. The ammunition it fires is - space fission bombs. . (Cooling time 1 minute, magazine 24 rounds, one round restored every hour)

"Why only 10 million? I remember I gave an order before to replace all of them with Hero Law chips."

"My God, we are also developing towards this goal, but there is a real shortage of raw materials. Each chip integrated with the Law of Heroes requires one gram of special metal."

"This metal comes entirely from special things like hero tokens, and we only got one from the transaction in the virtual network."

After all, it is an item that can directly create a powerful unit. Generally, those who get it will use it immediately. They are very lucky to get one.

"Adding the original one, only 10 million regular chips have been produced, and the gap is still very large."

But there was nothing Luo Luo could do about this matter.

Hero Token, you may not think that this is a small reward during the demigod test, but it is very important to everyone.

Generally no one will keep it, and the sooner it is used, the better.

When Rollo was thinking about the source of the hero token, his men received a video from the Machine Tribe and discovered another space-time rift in the alien world they had just entered.

After using energy stably, the mechanical warrior army began to explore unknown dimensions.

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