The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 66 Arrival - Sco Continent

Everyone continued on their journey to other civilizations.

What happened next was quickly forgotten by everyone. After all, it was just a low-level planet and there was nothing to talk about. After a short period of excitement, no one mentioned it.

Rollo was also happy with this. He really didn't want to answer his companions' questions about his harvest.

He can now study this mutated soul virus with peace of mind.

"Ding! Scientific research on divine authority to analyze the 'soul virus' is expected to be completed in 90 years."

The Divine Realm is developing in an orderly manner.

After six days of sailing, the entire group finally arrived at the first civilization they wanted to visit - the Skok continent.

The area of ​​this continent is very huge, more than 100 times that of the Earth Source Continent.

At the same time, he is also a traditional academic parliamentary civilization.

The so-called academic parliament means that although the civilization has a parliamentary system that manages the entire continent, the authority of the parliament is controlled by representatives of the major colleges in the civilization.

In other words, the highest level of management in this civilization is the various colleges.

There is a reason for this, as House Councils of this type are a ubiquitous political institution in magical civilizations.

Because the academy holds a large amount of knowledge, and knowledge is equal to power in the age of magic, this allows them to easily control the development trend of the entire civilization.

It was also because of the oppression of external hostile forces that the parliamentary system established a more efficient system than before. I heard from Julie that the previous Scotia continent was originally jointly managed by the top ten colleges.

This method is not only very backward, but also very slow in terms of processing efficiency.

If it were a peaceful era, there would be no problem in doing so, but now there are many external enemies, and they are very powerful. The main ones mentioned here are the Zerg.

Of course, there are other hostile civilizations, such as the relationship between the Bright Clan and the Earth Source Continent. The surrounding civilizations will always be accompanied by various frictions.

In some serious areas, even two adjacent civilizations are life and death enemies. Before the Zerg appeared, they were fighting for life and death.

Although the arrival of the Zerg has temporarily put aside their hatred, it does not mean that civilizations can live in peace. They still have a long way to go.

And this time, the one who hosted Rollo and the others was Hobert Brunfield Academy of Magic, which ranked first among the top ten academies on the Scotia continent.

Everyone also knows that if a college can be named after a person, it can be seen how important this person is to the college, and even generally speaking, he is a pioneer of the college.

And Hobert Bloomfield is still alive and is the strongest man in Skok.

I heard from Julie that he was a tenth-level magician. A tenth-level magician corresponds to the god in the God Lord stage of the Earth Origin Continent.

Moreover, he is also a lightning attribute magician, which has the strongest attack power among magic attributes.

Everyone on the ship was very excited to be able to enter an academy set up by such a powerful person to exchange and study.

After arriving at the docking location, you must file out under the guidance of the waiter.

After negotiating with the other party, the team leader took them to the hotel in the college to settle down.

The entire academy is very huge, equivalent to the area of ​​a province in the Blue Star era.

Communication between various colleges relies on horse-drawn carriages. The horse here refers to a kind of monster.

Otherwise, an ordinary horse would not be able to cover such a long distance in one day.

"Wow, it's so big!" Luo Luo is an authentic family god. In other words, he has never been to any academy to study.

"It's so rare that it's strange. The top ten colleges on the Earth Origin Continent are no worse than them." Pooh knew Rollo's origins, so he wasn't surprised.

Seeing such a large college for the first time always triggers endless sighs.

"Yes, life is the greatest miracle in the universe."

In fact, it was not that Luo Luo had never seen large buildings before, such as the Divine Capital and Divine Capital Academy in his own divine domain. They also covered an extremely large area, and together they amounted to a whole province.

What is surprising is not the vast area of ​​the college, but the surprising number of ancient buildings.

Can you imagine that our ancient ancestors built a glorious college in a province?

What you see in front of you is like this, majestic and calming.

This was the first time that Rollo had such a feeling. The temple where the spiritual trees were stored before was nothing compared to it. No, more accurately, it was the difference between an ant and an elephant.

"Let's go. I heard that Brunfield College will provide high-level Warcraft meals for a limited time during the dinner. This is a great supplement. If you go late, you won't be able to get it."

"High-level monster? How high-level is it?"

"They are basically eighth-level or even ninth-level monsters, so we are in for a treat."

"Oh, by the way, it's equivalent to what we call the Intermediate Lord God and the Advanced Lord God."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly."

"Hey, Brother Luo, please wait for me. Do you know where the restaurant is?"

The two of them came to the canteen while laughing. There were obviously more people in the same direction than in other places. It seemed that everyone wanted to go up and see these high-end Warcraft meat.

It’s not that everyone can’t afford it, the main thing is to check out the freshness.

Warcraft is a product unique to magical civilization.

Although there are also Luo Luo and others in the divine domain, there is a difference between the two. Warcraft in magic civilization have magic cores.

These magic cores can speed up the magician's training and improve efficiency, while the ones raised by Luo Luo and his friends are pure animals without magic cores, which provide meat for the people in the God's Domain.

You can regard them as energy supplements. Luo Luo often eats them, and he also wants to see the difference in taste between the two.

Of course, the above are all jokes, which is just a way for everyone to chat.

Coming to this college ranked first on the Sco Continent to learn their knowledge and culture is not for food.

As a relatively powerful magic civilization among the nearby cosmic civilizations, Sco Continent has many advantages.

This time, Luo Luo and his friends will stay in this civilization for a month. How much knowledge they can learn depends on their own luck. Anyway, Brunfield College has fully opened the college library to them.

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