This exchange activity on the Divine Emperor Continent lasted for a long time. After all, this is the closest and most advanced civilization that the Earth Source Continent can visit.

Learning here is better than learning in other low-level civilizations.

So the Goddess of Life also fought for the longest time after receiving the invitation from the Divine Emperor Continent. They can stay here for 5 months.

Luo Luo's efficiency became extremely low this time because of the sudden situation. It took him about a month to record all the knowledge of the Church of Light into the central processor.

And there is a book that cannot be recorded.

The Secret Book of Light.

This can be regarded as the treasure of the Church of Light. This book is also different from other books.

You can easily see and read the content in it, but you just can't understand it.

Because this book is a book of laws, recording the power of the laws of light.

As for the difficulty of understanding, give you a look to experience it yourself. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

Of course, if you can understand the knowledge in the book, then his gains will definitely be amazing.

Luo Luo can be said to have spent all his time studying this book.

But more than three months had passed, and he hadn't learned even the tip of the iceberg.

Seeing that the exchange time was almost over, Luo Luo felt very anxious.

He knew there was a shortcut, which was to practice with the Holy Fruit of Light, so that he could quickly master the knowledge of the secret book. But regardless of whether this method was true or not, the Holy Fruit of Light was extremely rare in the universe. It was said that the Lord of the Light Clan had the good fortune to get one before the rebellion, which was why he stole the secret book in the end.

At the moment, Luo Luo couldn't find a second one.

"My God, we have sorted out and planned the soul knowledge analyzed from the soul virus, and distributed it to various schools."

"I believe that we will soon be able to cultivate a group of students who have a preliminary understanding of soul power. At the same time, we can now use the power of soul to improve the wisdom level of the mechanical race."

As early as a week ago, Luo Luo's divine power had analyzed the soul virus.

But because he was busy comprehending the secret book, the corresponding plan was delayed.

"You have done a good job. The scope of the mechanical race with improved soul power is now tentatively set as the BOSS mechanical race." He did not forget where his soul knowledge came from. There are soul viruses in the universe.

Because of its special nature, the mechanical race will not be infected, but it will be different if its intelligence is improved.

Everything has two sides. There is gain only when there is sacrifice. The BOSS-level mechanical race is the highest combat power under Luo Luo so far.

With a small number, they need to have independent consciousness to better complete the task, so it is more suitable to improve intelligence, while other mechanical races are not in a hurry.

Luo Luo is making preparations for both situations. If there is an emergency, there will be countermeasures, so as not to be wiped out.

Moreover, any new technology needs to go through an adaptation period. It is not necessarily good to rush to launch it quickly, large, and fully.

The factory in the God's Domain began to modify the BOSS mechanical race, and the one in the Hell plane could not be modified, because the spiritual attributes of the BOSS mechanical race after modification skyrocketed, which has gone beyond the category of dead objects.

Previously, it was possible to send the unmodified mechanical race to the designated target through the virtual network, but if the soul power is injected. This is not possible, the virtual network cannot transmit living objects.

The living objects here refer to creatures with normal intelligence, flowers, plants, trees, etc. are not included, unless they open their intelligence and become people similar to the tree clan or the wood clan.

Because the ring of the virtual network is to regulate the fluctuation of mental power, only stable mental power can use the transmission function of the virtual network.

If the object is a living object, it will put a relatively high mental pressure on the user, and the mental pressure at any level is very high, so Luo Luo simply turned off this function.

It is precisely because of turning off this function that they avoided a catastrophe.

Zerg Tempura Galaxy.

This is the Zerg base camp in the spiral arm universe where the Earth Source Continent is located.

"Master, we have tried it. We cannot teleport life forms to the designated location, including low-level reptiles."

"I understand. This plan seems to be unworkable. Let's put it aside for now. You should focus on the front battlefield. A Zerg squad in the B556 area was instantly wiped out. Which high-level life passed by? Inform the troops along the way and avoid them."

The Zerg is not invincible. On the contrary, there are many creatures and forces in the universe that they are afraid of.

Of course, this does not include civilizations like the Divine Emperor Continent or the Earth Source Continent.

They are the main targets of the Zerg invasion.

Luo Luo himself closed all the virtual network connection nodes in the Zerg territory, and also restricted the use of Zerg life.

But there are traitors. The Zerg, through multiple controls, command a theoretically completely unrelated person to serve them. Even the controlled person does not know that their online operation is operating.

Although these are troublesome, at least they can temporarily skip the restrictions of the virtual network, but this is very inefficient.

At the beginning, the Zerg master wanted to use the virtual network to transport the troops into the universe.

Of course, although the virtual network is convenient, it is built with the laws analyzed by low-level void gems and illusion gems. Therefore, it is still impossible to be as perfect as people think in terms of function.

It is just because most of the basic functions have been developed and can be used, which makes everyone temporarily ignore the shortcomings of the virtual network.

The Zerg just came into contact with the virtual network a few days ago, and then the master thought of this method.

He wanted to experiment to see what the lowest life form that the virtual network can bear looks like, but after many experiments, he found that. Not to mention large animals, even an ant cannot be transmitted.

Of course, it was because they transmitted a behemoth for the first time that the virtual network system almost collapsed, and Luo Luo discovered this loophole and turned off the transmission function of life forms.

It can also be said that it backfired. Everything in the world has a fixed number.

Maybe the Zerg master did not expect that it was his own behavior that made Luo Luo fix this loophole.

If he knew, I think he would have wanted to die. After all, at the beginning, some low-level Zerg could be transported by the virtual network. After all, their life level, mental power, and soul power were low, which could be said to be no different from flowers, plants, and trees.

However, the Overlord was greedy. He kept trying to test the tolerance limit of the virtual network, so that he failed in the end, which also allowed various civilizations to escape.

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