The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 84 The Informer - The Pope

"Don't you think about it? Using a million high-level Zergs to exchange for nearly 80 million soldiers of the Civilization Alliance, which one do you think is worth it?"

"Yes, I would do the same if it were me."

"Don't be so hindsighty. The Zerg exchanged 1 million for 80 million, but you don't think about it. Maybe this 1 million is just a waste. Who can be sure that he will succeed!"

In fact, what this person said is wrong. The Zerg really knows the intelligence of the Civilization Alliance.

The reason is that we need to ask our "dear" Pope.

The Light Flying Boat, this is the Pope's car.

"Your Highness, our plan may be in vain this time."

Although the Pope ordered people to secretly pass on the information to the Zerg, he hoped to take this opportunity to force the Goddess of Life to hand over the information of the secret weapon.

The Pope's original intention was not to let the Zerg preserve its strength. He just revealed to the Zerg that the Civilization Alliance had a mysterious weapon, and did not say anything else.

But I didn't expect the Zerg to be so smart. Preserving high-level combat power is what all civilizations will do after receiving such news.

But the Zerg's approach is too extreme and very bold.

He used a lot of sacrifices to exchange for the relaxation of the civilization coalition.

Now there is a serious problem on the battlefield. The living force of the civilization coalition has been consumed a lot.

This is something that the Pope of the Church of Light would like to see, but it is not like this in his mind.

He not only wants to consume the power of the friendly side, but also the power of the Zerg, but the current situation is that the power of the Zerg has not been consumed.

Or the Zerg that the Goddess of Life destroyed before were just baits thrown by them.

And there was not much loss when support appeared later.

This is not a good thing. If the civilization coalition cannot stop the invasion of the Zerg, then the Divine Emperor Continent behind will not be spared.

In this case, it is impossible to ask the Goddess of Life for the manufacturing method of secret weapons.

"No, this level is just right." Compared with these stupid people under his command, the Pope is more shrewd and he understands people's hearts better.

"Don't worry, let's wait and see tonight."

A day passed, and the Zerg did not break through the defense line in the stubborn resistance of the civilization coalition.

So at night, the Zerg army retreated like a tide.

Of course, there is no clear boundary between day and night in the universe.

But all creatures have their own biological clocks, that is, biological instincts.

They will be excited for a period of time and depressed for another period of time, which is equivalent to the difference between day and night.

Of course, it does not mean that the enemy will retreat completely, but another batch of Zerg troops will be rotated to attack, and the civilization coalition will also change a batch of troops to defend.

It's like a copy of the previous stage.

At this time, the previous celebration banquet turned into a military council.

The subordinate civilization of the Divine Emperor Continent, Kane Magic Civilization, spoke first: "Since the Earth Source Continent has such powerful weapons, then this defense is still based on them. I think it is feasible."

"I disagree!" The representative of the Sco Continent opposed it.

Although they and the Earth Source Continent are wary of each other, they are still firm allies when facing other civilizations.

"In the previous war, the Earth Source Continent had already done its best. It's a bit unfair to ask him to pay again now!"

"We can give him some resources! Wouldn't that balance it out? Besides, he doesn't need to send people, just take out more weapons from before."

"I'm afraid someone doesn't want to reduce casualties, but the real purpose is to get weapons from the Earth Source Continent!"

The help from the Sco Continent is not completely selfless. After obtaining Rollo's consent, the Goddess of Life also gave the Sco Continent the right to purchase some weapons, including elemental cobalt bombs.

The Goddess of Life saw that this meeting was aimed at them.

"Fortunately, I discussed the specific response method with Rollo before. This kind of situation is a piece of cake. Pope, you really underestimated me."

"So, everyone, be quiet."

The Goddess of Life interrupted their argument.

"The mysterious weapon we have is called the elemental cobalt bomb, which is a weapon made by a special method."

"Now, in line with the policy of civilization and friendship, we have decided to sell elemental cobalt bombs and lower-level elemental nuclear bombs in the virtual network!"

The words of the goddess of life directly confused the pope. He wanted to wait a while before he showed his true colors and challenged the goddess of life.

Unexpectedly, she threw out the chips directly, which was something the pope never expected.

In fact, it is also very simple. This kind of technological creation is different from the magic items they think of.

In addition to being cheap to manufacture and mass-produced, it is also very easy to control.

The easy control mentioned here is because of the difference between the two technological systems. People of magic civilization cannot understand technological creations, so it is difficult for them to discover the secrets.

Luo Luo is not afraid that they will drop shells on his head.

——Dividing line——

I will catch the car tomorrow, so I may take a day off.

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