The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 90 Self-destructing locusts and queen locusts

"Missiles ready!"

At this time, the Daxia was making final preparations, and the X1 bacterial bomb was about to enter the stage of history.

The Daxia was escorted by a whole space fleet, and there were also a large number of magic flying boats on the periphery.

Now it is different from before. The Zerg has learned part of the situation of the Daxia, so they will definitely keep their eyes on the Daxia on the battlefield.

Defense measures must be in place, and the Zerg are much more cunning than imagined.

Not only that, they also carry a new type of Zerg, the self-destructing locust.

This Zerg has a short life and powerful power. It is specially used to restrain various armors. Their explosion damage can easily penetrate the shell of the space flight unit, which is also very dangerous for the Daxia.

Name: Self-destructing Locust

Type: Level 6 Attack Type (True God Advanced)

Attack Method: Rapidly crash into the enemy to penetrate certain armor (referring to the armor of space battleships) and self-destruct (with strong corrosive damage)

Movement Speed: High

Description: Produced by the self-destructing insect mother, it often carries out suicide attacks in clusters. Its single unit is small, and its head is wrapped in chitin armor into a cone. It has three pairs of wings that can move quickly. There are a large number of unstable chemical substances in its body that will explode when hit and accompanied by severe corrosive effects. (It poses a great threat to heavy armor units in the air)


In just a few minutes, the shell of the Daxia became pitted and bumpy, all thanks to the self-destructing locust.

Although the Void Mantis and others could not get close to the Daxia, they could throw the self-destructing locust over before they died.

And this Zerg is very small.

If you only use some gunpowder weapons, it is difficult to hit it, which feels like a cannon hitting a mosquito.

And in the space war, weapons such as flamethrowers were not equipped before.

Luo Luo had to ask the goddess of life to send the subjects of other gods to defend against these hateful fleas.

"Although this locust is small in size, it is of a very high level. Just think about the damage caused by a high-level combat power self-detonation."

"It is not difficult to understand why they are so powerful. There is a quick way to solve it, that is to find their self-detonating mother insect."

"Another disadvantage of the self-detonating locust is that its life span is extremely short, so if you want to use it normally on the battlefield, you must carry the self-detonating mother insect with you."

Name: Self-detonating mother insect

Type: Sixth-level logistics type (True God Advanced)

Attack method: 1. Catalyze a large number of self-detonating locust eggs in the body and control the self-detonating locust to launch a suicide attack.

2. Use its muscular mouthparts to spray concentrated acid stingers (the stinger is chitinous on the surface and contains a large amount of chemical substances. It will produce a violent chemical reaction and cause corrosion when it is hit violently) (the attack range is 700-900 meters).

3. When fighting with close-range enemies, it will use its sharp front claws and mouthparts to attack, and also likes to use the small amount of concentrated acid stings stored in its mouthparts to attack.

Movement speed: low-high (can sprint for short distances)

Description: It is large in size (the hatching organ accounts for half of the body size, and some individuals even account for two-thirds of the body size). It has a huge muscular mouthpart on its head for firing concentrated acid stings or biting enemies, and has thick chitin armor on its body (the hatcher is more fragile without armor).

When fighting with the enemy in close combat, it will abandon the hatcher to increase speed (only a small amount of concentrated acid stings can be sprayed after abandoning the hatcher).

The abandoned hatcher will hatch a certain number of self-destructing locusts that cannot fly and charge the enemy and self-destruct (because it is extremely fast catalytic and has a very short life cycle, it will die naturally and self-destruct after sprinting 60 meters away).

It will continue to produce self-destructing locusts when it is not disturbed by the enemy.

"This way, we can use it on the spot, so that they won't melt away due to time issues before they even go to the battlefield."

"As long as we can eliminate the self-exposure queen, this problem can be solved."

"But Your Majesty, the self-exposure queen must be surrounded by the enemy's protection, and we can't attack them."

Winnie and others are also discussing countermeasures. After all, Rollo hasn't made any effort yet, and the Daxia has suffered multiple blows, which makes their situation worse.

"Yes, that's the problem. We know where the queen is, but we can't attack her. This feeling is really terrible!"

The transmission of energy in the universe is very difficult.

Although the universe seems to be filled with various energies and unknown rays, these things cannot be easily used by ordinary life.

And they all have various shortcomings.

Although some special cosmic races have cultivated this energy, most of them have some irreparable defects.

This also makes various intelligent races reluctant to use cosmic energy.

Not to mention that the self-exposure queen will go directly to the battlefield because of the short lifespan of the self-exposure locust.

It is impossible for her to stand in front of you face to face.

"Goddess, you mean you know the location of the queen!"

"Of course, what! Do you have a way?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, yes!"

The goddess of life said it casually, but she didn't expect to get a positive answer, which surprised her.

Rollo didn't waste time, and after finding the fixed location of the queen, he immediately returned to the Daxia.

Although various missiles have been showing off their power in previous wars, don't forget that the real weapon on the Daxia is a giant electromagnetic gun ten miles long.

This weapon has a simple structure and huge power. At the same time, because of the vacuum environment in the universe, it can hit the target at extremely fast speeds.

And its attack range is also very far.

In fact, the electromagnetic gun is like a meteorite in the cosmic battlefield, but it is artificially blessed with a special energy field so that the metal projectiles fired can touch the target at an unconventional speed.

Looking at the dense Zerg troops in front of him, Luo Luo's eyes were firm.

He knew that the next step was the most important stage in this war. If he got through it, the sea and the sky would be brighter. If he couldn't get through it, he would die.

"Target battlefield area C00091, main gun preparation."

--Dividing line--

Thanks to the book friend "Mo Tong Tu" for providing information on "self-destructing locusts" and "self-destructing mother worms".

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