The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 132 Active Challenge

Chatting with her feels very comfortable and very pleasing to the eyes.

So he couldn't help aiming at her, and he looked at her with integrity.

Of course, she only looked at her charming face and didn't look at other places. It's not that he didn't want to, but the audit was not allowed.

However, no matter how openly they are, no matter how generous the girls are, they will be shy. When he aimed at himself openly again, Shen Yuexin said with some shame:

"Do you talk to girls like this?"

"No, because others are not as pretty as you!"

"Have you always talked like this with girls?"

"No, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, touch it."

He held his chest akimbo, Shen Yuexin tilted his head and looked disgusted:

"You are such a hooligan, I tell your grandma to go."

Lin Xiao shrugged:

"Then go ahead, my grandma will praise me for playing well when I look back."


Shen Yuexin was speechless for a while, this guy was so slick, there was really nothing he could do with him.

But Lin Xiao said immediately before waiting for her to say anything:

"Well, I won't watch, don't tell my grandma."

It doesn't matter whether she tells her or not. It's mainly enough to give her a step down and play with her lips. It's not good if she can't get off the stage because she can't think of being angry for a while.

Although Lin Xiao was not a master of love in his two lives, he still knew some theoretical skills.

Shen Yuexin is the most charming girl he has ever seen, and she is very good in her own right. Any normal man would have a bad idea. It's normal to try to soak.

Whether or not you can get soaked is another matter, at least there will be no regrets in life.

Fortunately, she has a relationship with her grandmother and has the opportunity to tease. Although she is not a real aunt, she has almost no blood relationship. Grandma and Shen Yuexin’s mother are of the same race, distant relatives, but both girls of the same age. They used to play very well. , Commensurate with sisters.

If you value this kind of long-distance relationship, you are relatives. If you don't pay attention to it, it is the kind that you haven't seen for decades.

With his relationship with his grandma, and of course his own gift of soft rice, he has always been liked by girls, so he can stand next to her and chat with her. If he is replaced by other boys, no one can talk to her.

The two chatted for a while, basically talking about things related to the summer camp. Lin Xiao is very smart and never talks about the beauty of the world. For a beauty like her, there is no shortage of hot girls to show off in front of her, just his side. You don't need to show your ugliness if you are level, just talk about what she is interested in.

Chatting with the beautiful woman, time feels flies quickly, and students keep coming, not long after he heard a cold snort in his ear, Shen Yuexin said softly:

"The tutor is here, let's not talk about it."


He raised his head and saw the tutor Xie Yufei's stern gaze swept over, and quickly swept across a row of them to the back, and the remaining whispers disappeared instantly.

She leaped from a metal platform tens of meters high and stepped heavily on the floor, her fitted military uniform showing her exquisite figure, she strode towards them, and said in a deep voice:

"I'm very disappointed. More than 80% of the more than 400 people chose low difficulty, more than 30% were eliminated, and the remaining more than half suffered huge losses. Your performance has disappointed me!"

"Thirty percent is eliminated, and the remaining half suffers a huge loss..."

In other words, a total of 65% is considered eliminated, and 30% is eliminated directly, and the remaining 70% has a huge loss. The loss during the summer camp is huge, and it is basically missed for the next stage.

Sixty-and-a-half of more than four hundred people, that is... two hundred and sixty?

Lin Xiao took a breath of air, and eliminated so many?

It's no wonder that so many people's faces were not so good when they first came here.

Sure enough, the military was ruthless enough to eliminate most of them without blinking.

He was scolded after he was finished, it was ruthless.

However, this kind of thing is completely normal in the army. What the army wants is an absolute elite, an elite with strong combat capabilities. These summer camp members can be regarded as a genius elite, but this elite is placed in the army compared to ordinary people. , As long as the actual combat ability is not good, nothing will work.

"There is no need for waste in the army, only elites! There is only one way for waste to be eliminated."

Xie Yufei's tone was cold and merciless, and also merciless:

"I know that many of you are dissatisfied. Don't say I won't give you a chance. You can stay here if you are not eliminated. In the next team challenge, you can stay as long as you defeat any member of the rival team. The unsuccessful one Rate it out!"

This sentence made most students with a bad face relieved. Although the chance is slim, it is an opportunity after all.

At this time, Xie Yufei turned around and came to the front of the ten of them, glanced at them, glanced at the crowd behind, and said loudly:

"According to what I said before, any soldier who passes the level will get two designated types of five-star cards of mythological quality. In addition, some soldiers have performed well and completed additional challenges in addition to standard tasks. The military will never hesitate to reward outstanding soldiers. , Now all the soldiers who have passed the level step forward."

The crowd paused, and many people were looking at each other. Lin Xiao saw that the first few of the ten people in his row were all stepping forward, and he also stepped forward. Then a white light fell from the sky, and the familiar light curtain bounced off. There is a countdown of sixty seconds.

He immediately chose two cards that he had thought about long ago, one called'Basic Exotic Mechanical Constructions' and one called'Basic Exotic Alchemy', which are knowledge of engineering and alchemy Realm respectively. When the time comes, he will be able to assist the family members. Come out just to learn for them.

There is no need for much advanced knowledge for the time being, the basic subjects alone will be enough for an up-and-coming goblin to learn for a long time.

Of course, he can't get better knowledge at this stage.

In any world, knowledge is the most precious, simple skills are cheap, but if it is systematic knowledge, it is hard to obtain, even if it is basic alchemy, it is also a myth-level card. If it is advanced and advanced knowledge, it is transcendence. The fifth-level demigod card only had something that he couldn't get if he wanted to get it now.

Only halfway through the second stage of the summer camp, Lin Xiao obtained seven mythical five-star cards, which basically had all the conditions he envisioned for the third type of auxiliary family members. He only waited for another card slot to be obtained. You can start modulation.

One minute passed quickly, and after everyone had chosen the rewards, Xie Yufei continued:

"The elimination in the team is over. One hundred and twenty soldiers are eliminated. The rest will go to the main venue later to start the team PK. The PK rules will be sent to you later. See for yourself on the way. I hope that after the team PK is over, mine The remaining soldiers in the team can exceed one hundred and fifty."


I look down on them directly, which means that the two hundred and eighty people will be eliminated by nearly half.

But thinking about it carefully, it's really hanging. After all, half of the remaining people have suffered huge losses in the team elimination test just now. By that time, they will suffer a lot from PK with other teams, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to beat the original same. Rank students.

As Xie Yufei stretched out her hand and waved, not knowing whether it was the power of the true god or the power of the super war fortress, Lin Xiao only felt that the time and space in front of him was changing, and opened his eyes again to find that he had returned to the original meeting place, or was sitting on the original stone throne. Above, there is a burning flame representing the Fury Team above his head.

He subconsciously observed left and right, and found that there were many empty seats around, which meant that the owners of these positions were eliminated in the previous team elimination.However, most of the people who are eliminated are from his level. There are about twenty or thirty in total. There are only five black iron thrones on the top. No one is eliminated above the bronze, and the one who is eliminated the most is naturally that there is no seat below. .

There used to be more than one thousand six hundred people densely packed, but now there are fewer fractions behind, that is, less than one thousand are left.


He was surprised to find that the elimination rate of Team Fury was not the highest, nor was it another military Spike Team, but from two academies, both of which had elimination rates exceeding 50%.

After thinking about it carefully, he roughly guessed the reason.

It is estimated that the academics will directly eliminate all the unqualified ones, and the military will generally have a second chance as long as they are not eliminated directly, so the elimination rate is not as good as that of the academics.

This actually is not to say that the military is more humane, but for soldiers, as long as they are not eliminated directly, as long as they do not die, as long as they do not give up, they will have a second or even third chance. This is the belief from the military. , As long as you don’t die on the battlefield, as long as the will to fight is still there, you have the opportunity to create miracles.

What Lin Xiao remembered most was the deeds about the super combat heroes that he had accidentally seen in his unrebirth previous life. It was a real magical record, and it was a miracle that novels didn't dare to write that way.

I remember that after watching the magical achievements of many heroes, he watched those dramas and suddenly felt that the brains of these screenwriters could actually be bigger.

"Hello everyone!"

The sudden voice broke up his divergent thinking and pulled back to reality. He looked up and saw the host who did not know when to appear on the podium:

"I'm very glad that so many students can stay. Let me stop talking. The second phase of this summer camp team PK is now starting. I believe you all know the rules. I won't say more. Then you choose your opponents. We will ....."

"I lost it!"

Lin Xiao forgot to read the rules, and immediately lowered his head like everyone else.

Very good, everyone forgot to watch it.

In less than ten seconds, he had a certain understanding of the challenge rules.

It’s very simple. Before, all the players were divided into four levels by their respective team mentors. Now each team student has to challenge at least three different opponents. Each opponent wins two in three games. If the loser does not have a seat, Directly eliminated.

If there is a seat, the seat is lowered to first-level, that is, if the black iron seat is reduced to a stone seat, if the seats of the two sides are not equal, the exchange is reversed. If the seat is lost again, the seatless person will be eliminated directly. I will not say that I can continue to stay in the summer camp without a seat.

The first time you win the challenge, you will get a mythical quality card.

If you win the second challenge, you will get two mythical quality cards and a chance to leapfrog the challenge.

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