The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 140 Ancient Card-Frost Warlock Profession Card

The development of the battle situation was not beyond his expectations. Slardar directly ordered a full charge. After losing a certain amount of subordinates to withstand the two-headed ogre magician's two rounds of flames and entering the charging distance, a wave of salted fish spurs the ogre car directly. flipped.

More than a dozen Transcendent big naga found the double-headed ogre magician, Li Shengyuan sent a large number of ogres to stop them, but they did not target the double-headed ogres at all, but used the salted fish stab to charge aimlessly. The characteristics of a long-range charge smashed into the interception until the double-headed ogre magician.

Then, these two-headed ogre magicians turned off, and the more powerful Perfect opponent was close in front of them, and it was impossible to free up their hands to continue bombing the battlefield.

So far, although his subordinates suffered two consecutive waves of huge losses, and his total strength was less than a quarter of Li Shengyuan, he still had 17 Transcendent naga in his hand, and the average strength of the remaining main naga was far more than that of cannibals. Magic, the hard power still surpasses the opponent.

The situation is basically set, and victory is in sight.

Lin Xiao looked down at the battlefield with a smile, and occasionally glanced at Li Shengyuan in the distance. Although it was a bit difficult, he finally won.

The last melee lasted for three full hours. The main reason was that the life of the ogre was too tenacious, especially the eight-headed double-headed ogre mage, who was not inferior to the Transcendent Naga in terms of vitality, but was not as powerful as the hegemony. That's it.

Even if the whale rider on the same Transcendent layer stabs and stabs the salted fish, they can't kill them in one hit.

At the same time, Lin Xiao also discovered a weak point of the salted fish stab in this battle, that is, this skill is a piercing type of damage, which is a magical skill against low-level enemies, but it is lethal when facing a large-sized enemy with super vitality. Some chicken ribs.

A single blow can easily penetrate the body of a double-headed ogre mage, but with the Transcendent physique and vitality of a double-headed ogre mage, this strike is not fatal at all.

Lin Xiao squinted his eyes and calculated that he might be able to modulate a powerful skill suitable for slashing and load it to the big naga, specifically to deal with opponents with large vitality.

Anyway, there are two units of good fortune energy, you can try it in the future.

"Well, write it down as a preliminary option."

He nodded and focused on observing the battlefield.

About half an hour later, as the leader of the most tenacious double-headed ogre mage was slain by a few Transcendent big naga vacated, Li Shengyuan's army was wiped out.

But Lin Xiao was not feeling well. In the end, there were only less than 300 murlocs, more than 200 large naga, and even the sixth-tier large naga whale hunter died two, all of them died from the double-headed cannibals behind. The sorcerer’s scorching fire set fire, life and death.

Although the domineering body is strong, it is not invincible after all.

At the end of the First World War, Lin Xiao calculated that Li Shengyuan was indeed the strongest opponent he had encountered in the first battle, and the difference in strength between the two sides was very small.

Don’t look at him in the end, there are so many main forces left. It’s because this time it’s a field battle. There is no plain terrain that can be used. It can’t show the opponent’s strength at all. Terrain, he wants to win it is not so easy.

The battle is over, take a break, and the second round will soon begin.

When he routinely chose the plane and terrain, Lin Xiao chose the default at random. He raised his head and looked at Li Shengyuan in the distance, only to see the corners of the opponent's mouth curling up, revealing a sly smile, his brows wrinkled, and he couldn't think of what he meant for a while.

But he quickly understood why the other party was laughing like this, because when the topography of the two sides was determined, and the map that emerged in the virtual plane was a canyon from the lower left corner of the map to the upper right corner of the map, he knew what the other side was playing.

Yes, Li Shengyuan felt that he couldn't beat him with absolute strength, so he played a trick. When choosing the map, he chose the topography of Yangchang Canyon.

According to the default distance in the summer camp, the challenge map is generally the default, starting with flat terrain such as plains and wastelands.

If you choose the terrain, the terrain that appears is the super-complex terrain selected by both parties, and it is easy to create some terrain that is not suitable for both sides, so everyone defaults to the original plain wasteland terrain.

If one party chooses favorable terrain in the challenge, it is generally assumed that he cannot beat the other party.

Of course, this is useless, and the default does not affect winning or losing. The challenge depends only on the result.

Goatgut Canyon...

Lin Xiao frowned and glanced at the mountains. Only the diagonal one in the center was less than 100 meters wide and only a dozen meters wide at the narrowest. There were cliffs on the left and right sides of the gorge. He raised his head and glanced at the triumphant Li Shengyuan. Chose to surrender.

No way to fight, no way to fight at all.

As long as they put the cannon fodder to the front, ten double-headed ogre magicians continuously threw the flames into the middle station, and they would be able to level the pile all the way, and there was no fight at all.

He couldn't say anything about it. They just broke the default distance and didn't violate the summer camp distance. They could only say that he was careless and didn't pay attention when determining the terrain.

Each of the two battles won one, and for the next three most critical matches, Lin Xiao directly chose the topography of the waters.

Now that the other party doesn't talk about the distance, he will definitely not show mercy under his hands, and directly choose the terrain that his family is best at.

The two sides confirmed that soon a jaw-dropping terrain appeared in front of him.

Lin Xiao opened his mouth wide and looked at the simulated terrain in the plane in front of him. For a long while, he slowly grinned a long arc at the corner of his mouth. He looked up and saw Li Shengyuan, who was also dumbfounded, suddenly stretched out his hand to press his forehead and laughed.

"This is really retribution!"

The terrain he chose was water, and the terrain Li Shengyuan chose was estimated to be mountain canyons, so the two sides chose to combine them to form a strange terrain with countless broken mountains, waters, and flat land.

The edges of the hills with smooth cross-sections are surrounded by water. Occasionally a piece of land is in the water, or sometimes the grass is submerged by shallow water, or a large piece of flat land is covered with mountains on one side and water on the other, and you have to swim to other land.

In short, this is a chaotic terrain. Although the grassland between different open spaces is not completely blocked by mountains and there is a way to go, many places are blocked by water and you need to swim to get there.

Therefore, Lin Xiao said it was retribution after reading the terrain, that is, the terrain was almost bloody to kill Li Shengyuan, just like the other party chose to kill him by blood in the Yanggu Canyon. Now Li Shengyuan's face is as black as the bottom of a pot.

This is one of the reasons why you should default when choosing terrain, because the suitable terrain for different races is different. If both sides choose the terrain that suits their family, it is easy to combine this kind of pitted terrain.

This is not strange. If one party chooses the terrain of the underground world, and the other party chooses the normal ground terrain, then some more outrageous maps will appear, and one party will not be able to fight at all.

At this time, Li Shengyuan had sent his family members into the battlefield with a dark face. Fortunately, although the terrain was strange, there was a large open space on both sides of the plane for the family members of both sides to enter. Basically, it was surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there was only a narrow valley exit. Outside is a large area of ​​water.

Li Shengyuan released all his family members and sent cannon fodder to block Taniguchi. It seemed that he wanted to defend here and fight back.

Unfortunately this is impossible.

Following the order of the epic hero Slardar, many murloc naga swarmed out from Taniguchi and plunged into the water, cheering and snaking around in the plane along the water and land paths that turned around.

This is a super turn. It is obvious that the straight line is not very long, but it will be long if you turn around.

It took more than an hour to hurry, and the army stopped in a water area not far from the canyon where Li Shengyuan's family members were born.

Slardar climbed up the mountain to observe the terrain, and ordered the Murloc Warlock to start summoning the water element.

The water elements were summoned one by one. After the four waves, more than four thousand and nearly five thousand water elements were accumulated. Then the warlocks took a rest and began to ridicule, pushing the lake water in the nearby waters to slowly rise.

The summoned water element also possesses the power of ridicule, and together with more than a thousand sorcerers, it gathers the lake water from farther away, and finally gathers a huge wave of over thirty meters high and rushes to Taniguchi.

There was awe in the sky, and someone said with certainty:

"Li Shengyuan is defeated!"

"As soon as the opening terrain comes out, the loser is set."

"This hero is very powerful. He has such an excellent command and response ability."

"Defeat Li Shengyuan, the young man has already ranked the strongest in the second echelon of this summer camp. Both the strength and the potential are so outstanding, it is worth a special invitation letter."

"Are you sure you want to take out a copy?"

Someone questioned:

"I remember you only have five special recruitment quotas for Ether this year?"

"Yes, I have two in my hand now, but in fact I may not use the second one."

"That's also true. Those six have been decided by default. There are more than a dozen points in the second grade. It is good to get one. The strength and potential below the second grade are not enough, and it is not worth a special recruitment quota."

"Don't you guys?"

"Yes, but I only have a special recruitment quota. I wanted to give it to him, but I also found a good seed just now, and the other party also accepted the invitation."

"That's not a coincidence."

"Who said no, it's a pity that the number of special recruits is too small, otherwise I will definitely fight with you."


During their small talk, the battle within the plane is also coming to an end.

The murloc warlocks only summoned two waves. The first wave rushed into the three-sided enclosed valley and directly rolled out most of Li Shengyuan’s cannon fodder. Then the second wave rolled out all but ten double-headed ogre magicians. , The monstrous river water formed an undercurrent surging vortex outside the valley under the urging of the murloc warlock and the water element. A large number of murloc naga dived into the water and dragged the engulfed enemies into the water to drown alive.

Then there is no more.

There are only ten double-headed ogre magicians, this is absolutely impossible to shake the sky, the dense murlocs flooded into the valley on the waves, chopped to death alive with a thousand swords.

The battle ended, Lin Xiao's seat ascending to Li Shengyuan's position, and Li Shengyuan's seat fell into the bronze level.

At this point, all challenges at this stage have ended. Six mythological quality five-star cards, one ancient god card, and two additional card slots have been obtained.

Well, it has not been settled, because there are still players who have not completed the challenge, but he is already stable. Next, Lin Xiao sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, sitting on the silver throne on the top floor after the nine golden thrones, sitting and watching other players still challenging each other, occasionally looking at the rostrum.

By this time, most of the players had completed the challenge, and more than two-thirds of the unseat players were eliminated, and only two to three hundred people stood there under the fifth floor.

The host instructor Mo has also stood on the rostrum, smiling at the few remaining challenges, and occasionally communicating with the observers of the schools in the void, smiling from time to time.

Suddenly his ears were tilted with his head

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