After confirming the card group, Lin Xiao selected ready on the light screen interface in front of him and started to match, and the picture before him changed into a chaotic vortex that was constantly distorted.

In less than two seconds, a golden light shot out from the distorted chaotic vortex, Lin Xiao only felt a trance, appearing in an endless void, and at a glance, he saw a cloud of golden light in front of me, not knowing how far away, was falling as quickly as himself. Coming to a virtual plane.

"Please place the scheduled card set within one minute!"

"So fast."

First glance at the terrain of the plane. Unlike the previous summer camp, there is no terrain option, only a random option.

It should be neither he nor the opponent can choose, only random.

"Good fellow, this is to carry out luck to the end!"

Set the activation sequence of the three cards that were prepared earlier, and confirm it. After more than ten seconds, the other party was also confirmed. Lin Xiao only felt his consciousness sink into the plane quickly.

This is a very ordinary hilly terrain, with a length of three kilometers and a width of three kilometers, which can be seen face-to-face with white light spreading across the sky, transforming into countless figures and covering the ground.

Looking from a distance, Lin Xiao saw that there were 3,000 first-level frogmen and a third-level bear goblin knight with a number of about 300. This configuration was a bit powerful.

Although the level of frogmen is not high, there are too many ants, even killing elephants.

If he can't open the hanger, Lin Xiao finds that he wants to beat the opponent.....

Well, it's quite easy, after all, the Five Hundred Crossbowmen are quite powerful.

In the beginning, Lin Xiao only activated five hundred crossbowmen and one hundred heavy infantry. The super fire element was not summoned, but it can be summoned at any time in the combat deck. Cards outside the deck cannot be used in this battle.

His opponent was an ordinary white young man. After summoning his subordinates, he looked up at the opponent for the first time. When he saw that his opponent had only five or six hundred in number, he was immediately confident that he had a chance to win, and he laughed from a distance:

"It seems that your luck is very bad, then I will be welcome."

Lin Xiao glanced at the other party, folded his hands on his chest and said:

"I have five hundred crossbow shooters and one hundred heavy infantry. Although you have many men, most of them are cannon fodder. I can't think of why you think you will win? Just rely on the three hundred wild boar riders?"


The white youth was so confident that Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, and then carefully checked the opposite side. It was indeed a third-level wild boar rider, and there were no other hidden troops. Why would you win me?

I wanted to try again, but now the time has come, the three-second countdown ends, and the battle begins.

The white young man waved his hand immediately, and the three thousand frogmen rushed towards him shouting, and the three hundred wild boar riders followed in no hurry or slow. Lin Xiao didn't understand this combat intention.

But no matter what the opponent's plan is, his operation here is very simple. One hundred heavy infantry lined up in front, and five hundred crossbow shooters lined up in three rows after the heavy infantry, waiting for the enemy to approach.

When the enemy approached about 500 meters, three rows of crossbowmen shot into the air at the same time. The rain of arrows soared to the sky to draw a long parabola and fell, and a small number of frogmen were shot and turned to the ground.

It's still a bit short of accuracy, and the first wave of accuracy is even worse.

But after the second wave of arrow rain fell five seconds later, not only the angle was re-adjusted, but the distance between the two sides was also closer. This wave of arrow rain caused huge damage.

But there was no response from the opposite side, and he continued to charge.

Six waves of arrow rain killed nearly one-tenth of the frogman, but the distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters. Lin Xiao quickly ordered the crossbow shooter to adjust the attack method. At the same time, the second row took the opportunity to continue shooting and then withdrew to the third row to shoot. After the third row was shot, the first row had been wound up, so as to achieve the effect of uninterrupted shooting in turn.

This is a very common method of queuing to kill the enemy in line, allowing a single-shot hand crossbow to shoot in turn to achieve the effect of continuous attack.

At least it seems that the effect is quite good now. A large number of frogmen have been shot, and the casualties of this short distance of 100 meters are much greater than the six rounds just now.

But what puzzled Lin Xiao was that the opponent looked at his subordinates constantly dying as if not in a hurry, and the three hundred wild boar riders were not able to keep up. This also...

At this moment, there was a smirk on the white man’s face, and he took out a crystal rod that looked very gorgeous and looked like a fisted arm and took one of the five fingers held by the end of the crystal rod. A gem embedded in the knuckle exploded, and the void above the three hundred wild boar knights was distorted and deformed, and the three hundred wild boar knights just disappeared out of thin air.

"I lost, teleport the staff!"

You don't need to look at the teleportation point Lin Xiao to know what the other party's idea is.

Sure enough, a large invisible distortion appeared directly in the group of crossbow shooters, and three hundred wild boar riders were directly teleported into the crowd.

Although the crossbow shooter has a higher class level than the wild boar rider, all the strength of the crossbow shooter lies in long-range shooting. The melee ability can not be counted at all. Where can it stop the bear goblin swinging the knife and the wild boar taking turns biting under the seat, and the three-row formation instantly stirs. It's a mess.

The white man laughed at this:

"It looks like you are going to lose."

"That's not necessarily!"

Lin Xiao directly took out the red light-entangled scroll to activate, the sky twisted and opened, from which a house-big fireball fell from the sky and blasted into the battlefield, exploding a circle of tens of meters of fire, accompanied by a roar that penetrated the soul. , The flames in the sky rose slowly, condensing a super-large fire element over fifteen meters in size.

The summoned fire element roared to the sky, a faint flame aura spread rapidly, and the grass on the ground quickly turned yellow and withered and burned, turning into a land of flames with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

"This is impossible!"

The white man stared at the huge fire element as if he had seen a ghost.

"Kill them."

As Lin Xiao stretched out his hand, the arms formed by the four or five-story super-large fire element flames were raised high, the sky quickly turned red, and countless fist-sized fireballs fell from the sky and blasted into the crowd of frogs.

The fire rain technique is the most powerful spell mastered by the sixth-order super large fire element, which can summon a large swath of fire rain from the sky to burn the enemy.

Waves of fire rain ignited the body of the frogman, and the magic flame was far more powerful than the Transcendent fire. A large number of frogmen were burned to death, their morale skyrocketed and collapsed and fled.

Although it was a summoned unit, it was true, but how could it be blocked by such terrible magic and battle damage?

As soon as the frogman escaped, Lin Xiao immediately ordered only eighty to ninety heavy infantry to return to support the crossbow shooter.

The arms of the super-large fire element were raised again to shed a large red light, blessing a fire shield that can reflect fire damage to all infantrymen, and blessing fire damage to the sword blade.

There will be no waves in the next battle. Even if the wild boar knight killed the crossbow shooter, but was killed by a few waves of super-large fire elemental spells, he still won.

The battlefield they are in is virtual, and the death of a soldier will not affect the next battle, and it will be fully staffed later.

At the end of the battle, a turntable appeared in front of Lin Xiao. He knew that this was the opponent's card pool. According to the rules, he could draw one to three supplementary own card pools from the opponent's card pool.

Reaching out and pressing the center of the roulette, the roulette spins quickly, and the speed slows down after more than ten seconds, until it stops and two new cards appear in front of him.

"not bad."

He carefully checked the two cards, one was a three-star whiteboard-quality boar knight card, and the other was a two-star summoning card, which could summon a small pack of wolves and could be ignored.

It's a pity that I didn't get that teleport card, otherwise it would be fun.

Next, after defeating an opponent, he can also choose a card to join the combat deck.

Lin Xiao pondered for a while, took out the Wild Boar Knight Card, plus the two-star whiteboard goblin card, these two cards summoned goblins, and bear goblins were also goblins, and could be fused.

The fusion of the two cards is a three-star rare quality class card, which can summon three hundred bear goblins and three hundred common goblin cannon fodder.

Although the increased combat power is not much stronger, it is not too big for Ascension, but this pile of cannon fodder can just buy more time for five hundred crossbow shooters. One hundred heavy infantry is still too few to stop the enemy. attack.

Besides, he doesn't have any good things, and everyone else has no good things.

Everyone has limited card points and there are not so many advanced card combinations.

Taking a short break, Lin Xiao did not leave the battlefield, and directly continued to match the second opponent.

In the square of the tomb of God, as time went by, the first round of battles were divided into winners and losers. Lin Xu defeated the first opponent and returned to the square after finishing preparations. He found that the surrounding China area had lost more than half of the players.

At least more than two-thirds of the players were directly defeated in the first round. The gap was so big that he was shocked.

Compared with the ease and laughter of the players on the college league side, the China area is quiet and the air is extremely heavy. Everyone is very unwilling and unconvinced.

If it is said that the skill is not as good as that of the human being and loses, or if it is really bad luck, it is acceptable. The problem is that one's own side has a disadvantage in the game from the beginning, which is very unwilling to lose.

But the rule is like this, who said that the owner of the tomb of God is not his own.

Lin Xu was also helpless about this. Although he also had the advantage, his luck was not bad, and it added up well, but he was sure that he would never make it to the end.

Looking around again, Lin Xiao and Shen Yuexin are still there, which means that neither of them has been eliminated, which is quite comforting.

He is not very optimistic about Lin Xiao. He has seen that his card pool is not much better than himself, but he is very optimistic about Shen Yuexin. Her luck is very good. Initially, he has an ancient god card, plus a few gold cards and orange cards. With the advantage, it is quite possible to go to the end and seize the tomb of the gods.

He feels that the hope of China lies in her.

With a hint of comfort, Lin Xu sank and began the second round of challenges.

In the virtual plane, after Lin Xiao carefully observed the opponent’s forces, he summoned the super-large fire element in front of the crossbow shooter, and further ahead were 1,000 heavy infantry and three hundred cannon fodder goblins. The other three hundred bear goblins were early. Leaving and going around from the other side forced the opponent to split a part of their defenses to prevent him from attacking the archer's phalanx after being bypassed.

This opponent is obviously stronger than the previous one. There is a half-elf archer of the same five hundred people, and a large group of ice wolves with thousands of Life in the polar icefield. What worries him most is that this guy has one. A small group of fierce beasts.

This is a very powerful behemoth, with a height of four meters and a length of seven or eight meters. Tanks can't describe it as powerful. Its strong physique and terrifying power make it a fifth-level start.

Fortunately, there are not many, there are only ten, and there are no Transcendent-level mammoth behemoths.

Faced with this kind of opponent, it is difficult to fight head-on, even if he has a Transcendent-level super large fire element.

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