The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 191 New Divine Transcendent Ability

However, it does not mean that it is directly merged. It can be modified slightly, for example, to merge two mine cards into a larger mine card.

Just ordinary fusion, without good fortune energy.

Two ancient-quality mineral vein cards were placed in front of him, and then he drew two golden cards from the card library in his hand. These are also two mine cards, one medium-sized copper ore and one small silver ore. .

The value of silver ore is higher than that of basic ore such as iron ore and copper ore, so a small silver ore vein is a golden mythical quality card.

All mineral veins have regenerative ability, but they are generally not high, and except for a few special mines, they come with random associated mines. No one knows what mines are associated with them before loading the vein card.

What Lin Xiao has to do is simple. Throw all the four mine cards into the good fortune cube, then take out a few cards that are of no use to him and break them down into nutrients, and then merge all the mine cards into a new one. Of large mining cards.

Yes, it is still a large-scale mine card, but there is a gap between large-scale mines. The actual size is equivalent to the previous two or three large-scale iron mines. The quality of the veins has also changed from the conventional Ascension to the rich mine level, and the cards are still ancient quality.

Five-Star Resource Card-Large Mixed Rich Ore Vein Card (Ancient): Loaded into God's Domain, a large mixed rich ore vein can be formed in a designated location, including iron ore, red copper, silver ore and other ores.

Note: As long as the veins are not mined and exhausted, they can continuously regenerate.

Note: A random type of associated ore is attached to the vein.

Then, take out two weather cards in the card library, light rain and fog, the two are merged into one...

Weather card with light rain and fog.

However, he didn’t load this card into God’s Domain immediately. Put it here first. Although it is necessary for God’s Domain, you don’t need to load it now. He is going to exchange some unused cards for a few more weather-related cards, and then directly synthesize a large one. The weather card pack is loaded into God's Domain with an annoyance, saving a little more card slot.

Then, Lin Xiao pulled out a total of nine cards from the card pack, which were the basic foreign knowledge cards obtained during the first two phases of the previous summer camp.

What is the basic foreign organization structure, basic foreign alchemy, basic foreign engineering and so on.

There were originally only six cards, but there are three new learning cards in the newly acquired card library, which are——

Basic exotic first aid, basic exotic herbal medicine, basic exotic biology.

These basic disciplines all contain a complete set of basic knowledge that the master world scientist comprehensively researches and improves all kinds of magic knowledge in foreign land, which is many times more advanced than the so-called technology of foreign natives, so whether it is emergency medicine that seems to have no technology content, Mechanical construction, which is still a high-end discipline, belongs to the five-star mythical level card.

What Lin Xiao has to do is very simple. Throw all the nine discipline cards into the good fortune cube, and then synthesize one card so that only one card slot is occupied.

Nine glittering cards were thrown into it. He thought about it when he merged, and then thrown into it all the messy books and scrolls that he had previously broken through Alfonso City in the Shattered Plane and scoured the magic tower. , Including the construction drawings of that set of magic towers, as well as the incomplete blood mage promotion scroll.

Reaching out and lifting it, the Rubik’s Cube began to rotate slowly, and many cards and materials were all shattered, but under the action of the Good Fortune Rubik’s Cube, these refined essences were arranged in different categories. With a powerful attraction coming from the center of the Rubik’s Cube, the colors are different. The decomposing essence slowly rotates around the attraction, turning into a stream of light flowing into it.

When all the streamers merged into the whirlpool, Lin Xiao suddenly stared with an unexpected expression:

"Can you do this?"

The feedback from the good fortune Rubik's cube, after merging many knowledge cards, has produced some strange changes. If he invests another 10 million faith power and a unit of good fortune energy, he can synthesize a special miracle card.

A miracle card like the bloody arena transformed into an ancient arena.

There is no need to hesitate. Lin Xiao made the decision without hesitation. A full ten million of the power of faith turned into a milky white torrent and injected into the vortex in the center of the Rubik's Cube, with traces of good fortune energy surrounding and approaching the vortex.

The moment all the power merged into the vortex exploded fiercely, and then quickly contracted inward to a point in an instant, and a crystal card with very, very rich crystal light was suspended in the dazzling light.

Squeeze the crystal card out of the Rubik's Cube. The crystal light emitted by this card is second only to the flame melting sea card, and it is stronger than the ancient arena.

Five-star Miracle Card-Tower of Truth (Ancient): Load it into the realm of God to form a tower of miracles, containing infinite knowledge.

Note: Knowledge can be continuously filled into the tower of truth.

After synthesizing this card, he then synthesized two comprehensive cards, each is a super-large shallow sea comprehensive card, which contains dozens of aquatic biological communities in the shallow sea area Life, and each community contains enough to multiply. The number that comes.

The other is a super-large wild horse group card. Based on one of the prairie wild horses, he transplanted the physique and strength of the armored rhino and the characteristics of the thick bezoar to the horse, including the one on the top of the head. The sturdy and powerful rhino horns are transplanted in the past. The new horse breed is tall, full of muscles, strong limbs, full body armor, and a sharp and powerful horn on the top of the head. It combines the speed of a horse with the violent and combative power of a rhino. .

The newly-born horse was named by Lin Xiao as a unicorn. It has a strength of about third-level as an adult, with an initial number of 1,000.

After doing this, this card fusion is basically almost the same.

Among them, the unicorn maca and the super-large shallow sea comprehensive card can be loaded into the god's domain in advance, and the area of ​​the god's domain is enough to support it, and when the god's domain expands in the future, they will just breed.

As for the tower of truth card...

He communicated with Own's number one family member, the Great Nagas Rada, and released a god metaphor.

In the central temple of the Naga City, Slardar's huge body lays on the smooth stone slab and prays piously. In front of him, there is a huge statue of the Naga. The faint invisible light surrounds the statue and exudes awe-inspiring. Supernatural.

Several times when his true body came to Lin Xiao, he used the big naga form, so he looked like this in the eyes of the family.

In the dark, I don’t know when the idol began to emit a faint divine light. The jewel pupils embedded in the huge idol’s face instantly became agile. As soon as Lin Xiaofu came, he felt the piety close at hand, compared to the last time I met this one. The believer is more pious. In his eyes, Slardar is exuding a faint divine brilliance, which is exactly the same as his own but extremely faint brilliance.

This believer has already walked on the legendary saint road, only waiting for Lin Xiao to condense the priesthood to become a demigod, and soon become a true saint.

"It's not in vain that I spent so much effort training, and there is a little divinity!"

At this time, Slardar had entered the seventh level and was still a divine creature. Lin Xiao nodded and opened the believer's attribute panel:

Hero: Slardar (divine creature).

Race: Great Naga.

Level: Legend.

Heroic Aura: Bloodsucking-25% of the damage caused to the enemy is converted into life energy to feed back to itself. The aura has a radiating range of 3,000 meters in diameter, and the friendly forces within the range get a half effect.

Hero General Talent: Legendary hero physique-immunity to death damage, advanced life regeneration, physical damage reduction 35%, overall resistance +35%, immunity to slowdown, blindness, temptation, hypnosis, fear and other negative states.

Divine Creature Talent: Divine Creature-all attributes +20%, overall resistance +20%, obtain higher life regeneration

Hero Unique Talent: Hero Overlord-creatures with this talent are very powerful, physique +30%, strength +30%, agility +20%, remove all their own weaknesses, immune to lethal and lethality, cannot be slowed, and greatly weakened The negative state and damage from spells greatly reduces physical damage and has a very powerful regeneration ability and vitality.

Hero skills: sprint LV4, salted fish stab LV4, thunder smash LV4.

Physique: 65+20+13 points (You have the physique of Transcendent, you have a strong regeneration ability, even the broken limbs can grow back in a certain period of time.)

Power: 70+21+14 points (You have the power of Transcendent, and your power can easily subdue fierce beasts such as Tyrannosaurus.)

Agility: 52+10+10 points (you have the agility of Transcendent, the speed and reaction beyond the imagination of mortals.)

Spirit: 50+10 points (Your spirit is beyond the reach of mortals, even without training, you can sense the existence of magic elements.)

Evaluation: This is a very powerful legendary hero, he is a mountain, he is a rock, he is power!

Compared to the sixth-tier time, Slardar's strength at this time has been comprehensively strengthened, and his size has skyrocketed, from 25 meters from the front to the end to 35 meters now.

Moreover, his state is not the limit, and he continues to grow.

Legendary heroes, plus divine creature bonuses, and unique hero hegemony supermodel skill bonuses. At this time, Slardar's individual strength has reached the high level of the seventh level, second only to the eighth-level legend. grade.

And as the potential given by the divine continues to develop, his strength will grow by a large amount. In the near future, it is possible to grow into a supermodel creature comparable to the dragon's level and challenge.

Satisfied and closed the subordinate attribute panel, Lin Xiao thought, Slardar who was praying in a low voice suddenly raised his head, the low prayer gradually became high, and his voice was like thunder:

"Supreme Creator, you are one, you are ten thousand, you are the only light, and your pious Slardar is here to listen to your gospel!"

Slardar's voice fell, and silence was restored in the hall, only Slardar's breathless sound.

He didn't make a sound for a long time, but Slardar stayed quietly on the ground, motionless, and his thoughts were as pious as at the beginning.

After a long time, a voice that seemed to come from the firmament of the sky rang in Slardar's ears. Let him summon all the dependents to prepare a grand sacrifice

Lin Xiao came out of God’s Domain after he released the metaphor to Slardar. The metaphor he released was very simple. Let him summon all his family members.

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