The Emerald Priests in the rear quickly gave the Chinese army a team of five thousand emerald snake men to bless various buffs to keep up with Li Xiu, a whole body of emerald green jade scales covering much larger than the same kind of emerald snake man high priest raised his jade staff to the ground After a meal, a light green mask wrapped him around, and a large number of emerald snake-man priests gathered in a circle and started chanting.

Strands of green light gathered in the center and poured into the light green mask formed by the high priest of the emerald snake-man, and quickly dyed the mask greener and brighter.

With the energy injected, the ball of light slowly ascending, circles of invisible fluctuations spread to the surroundings, a dazzling green beam of light soared into the sky and exploded into circles in the sky. The green halo exploded, and the face of a huge emerald snake slowly opened. Open erect pupils.

Lin Xiao felt the invisible power swept across the void, and a layer of emerald-colored stone appeared on the surface of countless small fishes.

At this moment, Alemante, the king of intelligent goblins, who had been behind without Lin Xiao's order, hummed and stepped forward. An arbitrary door appeared out of thin air in front of him. Behind him was a large group of magical clothed with silver rims. Robe's wise goblin archmage also summoned any door to enter it.

In the next second, more than one hundred arbitrary gates appeared in the sky, and a large group of sixth-level masters came out of them. Even if they did not cast spells, the Mental Energy fluctuations caused by more than one hundred masters standing together also made Li cultivate his body and many views. War Practitioner's face changed slightly.

I didn’t see them standing either, or they were already standing when any door appeared in the sky, and the central Alemente murmured and stretched out his hand to scratch, and the huge emerald snakeman’s face in the sky was twisted and fiercely invisible. With a pull, it quickly deformed and collapsed.

The emerald snake-man high priest below snorted and the emerald light mask on his body shattered, and countless fragments burned, turning into a circle of emerald flames, and the surrounding circle of emerald snake-man priests burned into an emerald green torch when they touched it.

"Fuck, seventh-level legal hero!"

Li Xiu subconsciously grabbed the crystal scepter in his hand and threw it, the air quickly twisted, the light was absorbed and turned into a black hole, and he threw it fiercely.

"The truth is up!"

Slardar, who was sitting in the army, noticed that his big hand grabbed the huge anchor like a stone pillar and lifted it up. The anchor quickly lit up with dazzling magical auras, layers of auras lit up, and the piercing sound of the'boom' sounded, and the anchor Tear open the void and fleeting.

In the next second, the void tens of meters away from Alémente suddenly exploded, followed by violent shocks one after another, rolling energy fluctuations surging back and forth, accompanied by a harsh scream of tearing air, one large and one small were The twisted shadows slammed together.


The horrible sound of tearing eardrums exploded, one large and one small group of twists broke apart with the exploded air waves. The tiny black shadows returned to Li Xiu's hands in a flash, and the huge anchor flew out hundreds of meters. He flew horizontally in the air and fell, hitting the ground heavily, killing a dozen murlocs and seven or eight snake people on the spot.

Slardar grabbed it with a virtual hand, and the huge anchor flew up and down in his hand slightly, only to find a gap in the anchor's head, and most of the spells attached to it were invalid, but it did not affect its function as a weapon.

Li Xiu shot twice, Slardar no longer sits in the middle army, grabbing the giant anchor and stepping into the battlefield with heavy steps to contain his opponent.

The huge size and terrifying power brought unparalleled deterrence, Li Xiushen had to give up his original idea to intercept, and ordered his own jade priest group to stop the opponent's wizard group.

But his priest group is far less powerful than the wisdom goblin wizard group. Not only does it have no seventh-level legal system heroes, but the sixth-level wizards are only one-tenth of the wisdom goblin wizard group. Alimonte only splits. One-third of the wizards easily suppressed the Emerald Snake Priest Group.Without blocking, the wizard group led by Alement can cast spells with peace of mind. Nearly a hundred sixth-order archmage and a seventh-order hero jointly cast spells, directly summoning a large-scale meteor shower, covering Li Xiu's desperate eyes. Most of the battlefield.

The power of this wave of meteor fire rain under the joint cast has reached the legendary level, and it can be called a war spell. When the meteor fireball with explosive effect in the sky fell into the battlefield, the explosions one after another severely damaged Li Xiu's troops.

Without the same rank mage to block or defend, the power of legendary spells is fully released, which is a disaster for ordinary soldiers.

The ending is doomed. Li Xiushen, who was already at a disadvantage, collapsed all the way after this wave of meteor fire rain. Even if his family members were extremely tenacious in fighting, they could still resist this extremely bad situation, but he was unable to recover and was swarmed up. The little murlocs were overwhelmed.

Li Xiushen watched the entire army wiped out with a trace of desolation. The three-headed Snake on the mount was grabbed and torn apart by the black dragon. In the end, he was the only one left. He slowly ascended and pointed his gun at Slarda:

"I want to challenge you!"

Having always been in the middle army, even if the back shot was only to contain Li Xiu's body, Slardar knew exactly what he should do as an excellent commander.

It wasn't with strong force to open the situation, that was what the general should do, and what he had to do was to take command of the Chinese army.

The biggest role as a commander in the army is to stabilize morale, and to direct the soldiers what to do, just stand there and let the subordinates see it.

So he ignored Li Xiu's challenge at all, raised his huge palm and gently waved it down, and many intelligent goblin mages began to cast spells.

"You look down on me!"

Li Xiushen snorted coldly, and the hand holding the crystal scepter tightened. The rich green light gushed from him, turning his whole person into a huge torch. The torch suddenly flashed and disappeared with a'buzz' sound. Surrounded by Slardar snorted coldly:


Lifting the anchor with his right hand to his left, the huge right hand squeezed into a house-sized fist and slammed it down toward the front.


A huge green fireball slammed into his fist out of thin air, and the void suddenly suffocated and stood still. The next second the green ball exploded, and a wave of air that distorted the void exploded, mixing and breaking. The green flame formed a huge twisted ripple and rushed in all directions to a hundred meters away.

The huge green halo spread to a hundred meters away and slowly disappeared. Slardar, who had been punching, slowly retracted his house-sized fist to his eyes, and gently pressed his left hand on the fist, pinching a thin needle from it. The ordinary crystal scepter was thrown on the ground.


I don’t know how many views War Practitioner exclaimed at the same time, watching Slarda’s every move with shining eyes, I don’t know how many excited voices are shouting:

"Too handsome, this hero is too strong!"

After killing Li Xiu and descending into the body, the battle ended automatically. Lin Xiao's will returned from the projection plane, and he suddenly discovered that there were more than two hundred people watching the battle, and there were 112 points of supernatural income from watching the battle.

Defeating Li Xiushen automatically replaced the opponent's ranking, squeezing Li Xiushen to fourteenth place, his thirteenth place, and my aunt was squeezed to sixteenth place.

Defeating this opponent, Lin Xiao didn't immediately challenge the next challenge. Instead, he opened the wrist wheel, and a handsome man with white eyebrows floating into the temple appeared in front of him, and said after meeting:

"I am Dongfang Piaoxue."

"I'm Lin Xiao, what's the matter?"

"I just watched the battle between you and Li Xiu. I can't match you."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said unexpectedly:

"Then you... want me to release the water?"

Dongfang Piaoxue smiled:

"Of course it's best if you really want to release the water, but you will definitely not do it. I am not looking for you for this, but for the midterm exam."

This surprised him. Lin Xiao remembered that classmate Gu Xiaoming, who was in the same class, also told him about the overdue exam. This...he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to check the so-called'Vientiane'. .

Dongfang Piaoxue said:

"It doesn't matter to me that the first and second in the ranking list are the top three rewards. I don't care about other rewards. I care more about the mid-term exam."

He looked at Lin Xiao with a smile, and said in a questioning tone:

"We are all from Huiyao. Strictly speaking, we are all our own. There is not much conflict. When we wait for the mid-term exam, we can live in peace and be together externally, how about?"


Lin Xiao seemed to have guessed a little bit, but after all, he didn't know the specific situation and didn't immediately agree, but just replied:

"As long as you don't act against me or harbor malice, or conflict with my mission, I am definitely willing to live in peace."

"That's fine."

Speaking of the disappearance of the projection, a friend applied for it, and there was also a message:

"As sincerity, I will admit defeat later."

What kind of sincerity is this... he is speechless.

At this moment, Shen Yuexin's communication came in, and she smiled at Mimi with a thumbs up:

"I just saw you, great!"

Seeing that Lin Xiao was in a better mood, she stretched out her finger and tapped her thumb, and smiled:

"I have something better, would you like to see it?"

"What's better?"

She was puzzled for a moment, and the next second her delicate and pretty face was flushed and charming, and she tweeted softly:

"Bah, rogue, I ignore you."

"Don't, I was wrong."

"Huh! I'm angry now."

Lin Xiao... changed the subject directly and asked:

"By the way, you don't know exactly what is going on in the mid-term exam, Vientiane?"

"Vientiane? Don't you know?"

Shen Yuexin was really distracted, she wondered:

"Based on your grades, didn't your teacher tell you?"

"Maybe, the teacher thought I knew."

"I'm so stupid, I don't know how to ask your head teacher about this kind of thing."

"Hey, I must ask next time."

My aunt covered her face and was speechless.

"The so-called Vientiane is a legacy guarded by a very old god system. That ancient god system is now a non-governmental organization. It originated from the remnants of the top university'Vientiane' that perished more than 100,000 years ago. It is composed of six strong god-tiers. The main purpose of the force is to protect an ancient relic left by that top university."

"Remnants of top universities, six strong god-tier powers? Ancient ruins?"

He immediately thought of the legacy of Major General Kerry at the summer camp.

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