When the time came the next day, the Vientiane ruins opened again. The entrance was only the China team. The other teams tacitly stepped back and looked at them. The faces of ordinary players in the distance showed envy.

Lin Xiao and Wu Zhonglin cupped fist cupped hands, and agreed to wait for the midterm exams and return to Dongning during the vacation.

They separated from the other students one by one, and finally plunged into the sun-like ruins with Shen Yuexin.

Entering the ruins, he was left alone when he recovered his perception, obviously holding her hand, the beautiful woman was no longer there.

The place where it reappeared was an ancient dilapidated temple. On the moss-covered floor, peculiar patterns could be seen faintly. The top of the head was a dark starry sky, surrounded by broken walls, and in the distance was an invisible mist blocking his vision.

While he was in doubt, the sky suddenly lit up, and he quickly raised his head, and the endless white light crashed down covering him unable to see anything. A cold mechanical voice sounded in his ears:

"Participants detected, initializing..."

"Initialization is complete, and data is being generated..."

"Initial attribute generation, summoning core is being generated..."

Lin Xiao felt that something appeared to him, and then prompted to continue:

"The summoning core has been generated, and the attribute panel is being generated..."

"The attribute panel has been generated, and the local hero template is being generated..."

"The local hero board has been generated and the participant status is being checked..."

"Seven additional initial tabs detected, loading..."

"The additional initial tabs have been loaded, please follow the prompts below."

The mechanical voice paused, and the infinite white light in front of Lin Xiao's eyes slowly disappeared, and a familiar attribute panel appeared in front of him:

"Please assign initial strategic attributes!"

There are four strategic attributes on the panel, namely physique, strength, speed, and wisdom. The first three represent the attributes of the family members or units to be summoned. Intelligence represents the prerequisites and power for the learning of strategic spells.

Just like the hero invincible game, the strategic attributes can be directly added to the family members or units under your command.

A little strength is equivalent to increasing the strength of an adult male.

For example, adult males have only one strength. If they have five strength attributes, even if they are all ordinary militiamen, they can get a power bonus equivalent to the superimposition of the strength of five adult males.

This strategic attribute bonus is for all arms under his command.

Lin Xiao's incarnation descended, his divine level was only fourth-level and only four strategic attributes. He thought for a while and added a little physical, two strengths, a little agility, and no intelligence to the four strategic attributes.

After adding the points, close the attribute panel, and a new interface pops up immediately, with three options on it, namely, units, resources, and treasures.

Arms is a random arm card, which can summon a team of armies that can only be used in the ruins to fight for yourself.

Resources refer to the resources needed for recruiting various types of arms or directly recruiting one's own family members. They are three basic resources: gold, wood, and ore. They may also be rare resources such as mercury, gems, crystals, and sulfur.

Treasures, you can refer to the treasures, most of their attributes can directly affect all the units under their command.

Normal players can only choose one of three to start, but Lin Xiao has a total of seven additional tabs given by his teacher and brother-in-law. In addition to the initial one, he can choose seven additional times.

This is the extra resources given to him by the head teacher, and he can choose seven times at the beginning, which is quite scary.

Some people may think that Jin Sisi did not seem to give him any resources to take away his unlimited desire technique after ranking on the deputy list of Tianjiao. It is a loss. Even many of the things given now are the school's original, and use the school's some to be a favor too. Hang up and wait.

That's because many people's definition of resources and opportunity is simply to give good things crudely, thinking that this is called providing resources.

In fact, it's not only that, it's too elementary, but people don't know that real good things are often not available for money, such as opportunities.

It is true that most of the cards and legacy fragments that Lin Xiao exchanged before were from the school, but if she did not give her permission to exchange unlimitedly, where did he get so many legacy fragments into good fortune energy?

Not to mention that the protagonist’s talent school will definitely support it.

This is true. In his talent school, he will definitely cultivate it, but training in the name of the school is different from Jin Sisi's full support.

The name of the school must also be implemented by someone. Personal interests are not shared, and they are also fully cultivated. How can the Jinsisi who have common interests have the same support as another representative of the school.

For example, the six additional tabs Jin Sisi gave him. If Jin Sisi has no interest in him, and consider it in the mind of a class teacher, he must also consider other outstanding classmates in the class. Maybe he can only get three. Zhang may also.

A total of six, you took half of it alone. Who dares to say that there is no focus on training you?

This is the gap.

In addition, don't compare the infinite wish technique in the future with the value gained now.

Let's take another simple example, such as playing a game and giving you an option, starting with a first-level epic weapon that can be used unconditionally, or waiting for you to graduate before giving you a top god outfit.

Or give you 100 gold plus a first-level epic weapon and a set of initial blue suit at the beginning, and a top graduation costume will be returned after you graduate.

Which would you choose?

Of course, it’s the first-level epic weapon. Graduation weapons are all about the year of the monkey. Starting an epic weapon plus a suit is completely an artifact.

With these starting resources growing rapidly, those top god outfits in the future will not be casually brushed.

Lin Xiao chose one of three resources, and got ten thousand gold coins, one hundred wood and ore, no rare resources.

Then use the seven tabs one by one, select three resource cards, two arms cards, and two treasure cards respectively.

In the end, he received 40,000 gold coins, 400 wood and ore.

Two first-level spearmen cards, each can summon a hundred first-level human spearmen, and need 1000 gold coins to activate.

Two random treasure cards, each get a power fist strength +1, life ring physique +1.

After the seven tabs were used up, the mechanical voice sounded again:

"You will have one year to explore and develop in the ruins world. Every three months, the biological strength in the ruins world is +1. After one year, you will start to refresh the treasures. Please pay attention to the treasures to refresh their orientation."

"The initial summoning core is zero level and has a population limit of 100. Each battle will receive a certain number of points depending on the performance, and accumulate enough points. Ascension level, the core level Ascension will gain certain strategic attributes, increase the upper limit of commandable units, and open the point ranking after one year. ."

"The sources of points include killing creatures in the ruins, destroying nests, killing BOSS, defeating or killing other contestants, opening treasures, etc., and you will get points that vary depending on the difficulty."

"The game will start in ten seconds, please be prepared!"

The next countdown is constantly beating.

Ten seconds passed in a flash, and as an invisible wave swept across, Lin Xiao found that the surrounding fog was beginning to fade, and soon disappeared, revealing more ruins behind the fog, and also revealing unconscious ghosts wandering back and forth in the ruins.

Most of them are first-level skeletons, and a few second-level zombies. No other undead have been seen for the time being.

He is standing in a safe area for the time being, and there are no undead in a large area around it, but it can be foreseen that it will no longer be safe soon, and the undead who loses the fog will find him soon.

Lin Xiao quickly summoned the core, a prismatic crystal, consumed one thousand gold coins, and chose to activate one of the spearman cards.

The gold coins were consumed, and a clear light flew out from the summoning core and turned into a human spearman.

This is a standard human spearman with one point in all attributes. He is wearing a thin leather armor and helmet. He is holding a long spear with a wooden iron head in his hand. He has no expression on his face, and he stands motionless when he is summoned. .

All the cards summoned were alchemy puppets made by creation, not real living people.

A hundred spearmen were summoned in one breath and filled the ruins. They were soon discovered by the wandering undead nearby. A skeleton frame creaked and walked over with a broken bone sword.

A pikeman suddenly raised his spear when the skeleton was about ten meters away and sprinted through the gap between the skeleton's bones.


The pikeman was slashed back by the skeleton backhand, and the gun was stabbed again.

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to cover his face, still MISS.

With a wave of his hand, a dozen pikemen on the side took the initiative to sprint forward. This time they were shot a few times, and the tip of the gun was poked with pale bone scraps. The skeleton shook a few times and fell to the ground, and the joints were broken and the bones scattered all over the ground.

"Kill the skeleton, points +0.1."

"Good guy, there are 0.1 points left."

The prompts on the panel are speechless.

If you want to upgrade to the first-level summoning core, you need 10,000 points, that is, you have to kill about 100,000 low-level undead to upgrade.

This is only the first-level, and the second-level third-level will be increased by geometric multiples later, so the upgrade speed is estimated to be terribly slow.

The movement here attracted the attention of the surrounding undead, a dozen skeletons and two zombies walked staggeringly.

Lin Xiao thought, half of the spearmen rushed forward.

Controlling these alchemy puppets is very simple. With your mind you can issue simple commands such as attack, stand still, retreat, and patrol.

If you want more detailed commands, you need to control these puppets one by one, and the puppets of the lowest class like the spearmen are very slow to respond to commands, and it is difficult to achieve fine command.

Lin Xiao tried, and quickly gave up.

Anyway, it's cannon fodder, and if you die, you die.

The level of the undead wandering around is not high, and it is half a catty to the pikeman, but the pikeman has his strategic attribute bonus, and the strength is far stronger than that of the skeleton zombie. A single shot can basically easily poke the skeleton bones. If it is broken, two shots can kill one. If it hits the backbone or neck bone that supports the body, one shot can kill it.

After giving these spearmen a few simple orders, Lin Xiao began to look at the ruins.

I jumped to the top of a stone pillar that was broken in half and looked at it. The faint fog covered the distance, and I could only see the nearby places within a range of less than 100 meters.

PS: There are activities in the book circle, there are ten fan titles, and those who are interested can check it out.

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