Now that there was no follow-up trouble, Lin Xiao calmly counted the benefits.

As for the clone that was sent to the Crystal Wall of the Evil Abyss, it should be dead. Using a clone to exchange these resources, which are worthy of him, is quite worth it.

First of all, the crystal token that represents the second-stage qualification of the Vientiane Ruins is put away first, and this is definitely not available now.

Then there is the astral giant ship. This thing is only the size of a palm in your hand, but it can be zoomed in and out freely. At its maximum, it is larger than when it was transformed into a ghost ship. It can be tens of thousands of meters long and contains an independent half position. It can accommodate a huge army in it.

In fact, this thing is a war fortress that can cross crystal walls, cross planes, and cross the material world and star realms.

Moreover, this thing can be changed freely. When Lin Xiao saw it, it was a dilapidated ghost ship, but it can actually be transformed into a void battleship in the main world, or a fortress, or a floating city, etc., and even Super large creatures such as giant dragons or astral whales can be simulated.

The most important thing is that this thing can grow and become stronger, and its internal independent demiplane has plane origin and will, and by strengthening this plane origin and will, this star realm giant ship can continue to grow.

This is a good thing. Lin Xiao thought for the first time that he would formally enter the Alien Crystal Wall Plane and invade the Native Plane after he was college.

The third good thing to count is the origin of the crystal wall of the 100 units.

This thing is very easy to handle. It is directly thrown into the good fortune cube and converted into good fortune energy. One hundred units of crystal wall can be converted into one thousand units of good fortune energy, instantly becoming rich.

In addition to the remaining and successively refining and challenging the own evil spirit body, he now has a total of 1016 units of good fortune energy, directly getting rich.

But there are other treasures to watch at this time, and Lin Xiao didn't deal with this stuff now.

The fourth good thing is the eternal fire. For the players in the gods domain who are not in the gods, the best use of this thing is to put it in the own gods domain. Almost 10,000 people and 10,000 people would choose this way, but Lin Xiao It is not.

Originally, he had planned this way before, but when this thing was put into the good fortune cube and transferred to God's Domain, the crystal wall system's original core shell in God's Domain sent an extremely strong desire, and there was an endless desire for this eternal fire. Information, so...

Of course, he couldn't put the eternal fire into the crystal wall system's original core shell without paying any attention, but put the two into the good fortune cube, and use the good fortune cube to evaluate the result of the fusion of the two.

The result of the evaluation surprised him.

According to the evaluation of the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, because the eternal fire is a part of the core of a crystal wall universe, it is the manifestation of the laws and rules of a crystal wall universe, which means that this thing actually contains all the laws and rules of a crystal wall universe. trace.

If it is integrated into the outer core shell of the crystal wall system in his hand, with his previously reactivated crystal wall will as the core, he can re-weave the basic rule network in the bottom rule network of his crystal wall system original core.

As we all know, the rules and rules of each crystal wall universe are different and have unique characteristics. However, in addition to its uniqueness, there is a basic underlying rule network that is common to all crystal wall universes.

For example, water can extinguish fire, fire can boil water, gravity, magnetism, gravitation, dryness, life and death, etc. These are all basic laws of the bottom layer, and any crystal wall universe is universal.

If there is any crystal wall universe whose rules are different from these basic underlying rules, it is not that the basic underlying rules are different, but the unique rules of the crystal wall universe cover the underlying basic rules.

It’s like a plane full of undead and dead. Living people can survive for a period of time. Sacred spells can also be used here. Regardless of how high the requirements for casting and how weak the power is, as long as the living people can exist, Sacred Spells can be used, indicating that the basic underlying rules are the same.

It is also like a sea full of water, which can also ignite fire. Whether it is brought by a volcano that erupts on the bottom of the sea or a flame cast by a Transcendent spell, it shows that no matter how absolute the rules seem to be in any crystal wall universe, it is all Performance, the underlying basic rules are the same.

What Lin Xiao has to do now is to integrate this eternal fire into the core shell of his crystal wall system, and reshape the underlying rules of the foundation with the previously activated crystal wall original consciousness as the core.

As for the unique rules, there is no way right now, and I don't know which kind of unique rules is better for a while.

Fortunately, this is not anxious, just weaving the basic low-level rules do not know how long and how long it will be completely completed.

In fact, this eternal fire is just the beginning. It can only get the rough of the underlying basic rules network, and it needs to consume a huge amount of good fortune energy to slowly fill it up.

Yes, this time it is not a large amount but a massive amount.

Reshape the underlying rule network at the core of the Crystal Wall Universe. Think about it and know how high the requirements are, even if you hold a thousand units of good fortune energy now, you won’t be able to use it.

It's not that good fortune's energy has devalued, but that what he has to do is too high-end.

This is something that the great god-tier dare not do. He, a small newcomer who is not even a demigod, dares to touch this kind of thing.

But when I think of the benefits of doing this kind of thing, no amount of investment is worth it.

But before he was about to start the fusion, Lin Xiao stopped suddenly, and after some thought, he actually put aside his hand beforehand, and fetched the ball of light that exudes dazzling light, which is the Vientiane God Store.

He remembered that all treasures would have crystal wall origins, and as the highest treasure, there should be a large number of crystal wall origins in this Vientiane God Treasure.

The next thing to do is too important. Even if he holds a thousand units of good fortune energy, he is a little guilty. First turn on the Vientiane God Treasure, and get more good fortune energy to stabilize it.

It is very simple to open the gods, reach out and press into it, a light curtain pops up from the light ball that gods have transformed into, and a series of prompts appear on the light curtain in front of him.

Ignore the series of gadgets that are useful for heroes. Regardless of how good treasures and barracks are, he can't use it without a hero level. He focuses on the part that is useful for Gods Domain players.

The first is the origin of the crystal wall, which is exactly one hundred units, and one thousand units of good fortune energy.

Two five-star ancient cards with very strong crystal light.

Yes, there are only two, but Lin Xiao, the richness of crystal light, has been seen on that flame melting sea card since history.

Look carefully, one is called "Eternal Cloud Palace" and the other is called "Eternal Cloud Sea", which is a set of matching cards.

The Eternal Cloud Temple can summon an altar that is similar to the eternal fire seen by the incarnation in the Vientiane Ruins. It can summon a seventh-level Titan giant every month, and each consumes ten units of divine power to replace the summoning resources. Ten years can consume one hundred units of divine power instead of summoning resources to summon a Thunderlord with strength up to Tier 8.

It can be said to be quite powerful and terribly powerful, but there is a setting that is speechless to him, that is, the summoned Titan Giant or the Thor Lord cannot leave the God Realm where the Cloud Temple is located, which means that it cannot be pulled out to fight. Can only guard the home.

This setting directly cut the effect of this card by a large margin, and Lin Xiao looked disappointed.

But it’s normal to calm down and think about it carefully. If this thing can be taken out to fight, it’s not a five-star card, and the average god card may not be comparable.

The Eternal Cloud Sea is a special environment card that can form a sea of ​​clouds and mist like a fairyland, which is very beautiful.

Of course, being beautiful is only incidental. The actual effect is that any creature in the sea of ​​clouds can greatly extend the lifespan, approximately double the lifespan of the creatures in it, and it is not invaded by all diseases, and its strength will not fade.

It seems a bit tasteless, it can be said that it has no combat effectiveness, but in fact...

Let's put it this way, this thing is used late stage, and it is really tasteless for the pre-university Gods domain player.

However, he only needs to occupy a card loading slot, not for nothing, he loaded both the Eternal Cloud Palace and the Eternal Cloud Sea into the space of Heaven and God Realm.

It happens that the sea of ​​clouds surrounds this divine realm space, and heaven is more like heaven.

Yundian can summon powerful Titans, and when the number is large enough, the fighting power will be considerable.

Then, the third treasure of the Vientiane Godzang is a sword with a palm full of colored gemstones, surrounded by colored stars, very beautiful.

Remains: Sword of the Prophet Zarank (third-order higher relic)

Passive effect 1: Load into God's Domain, all attributes of all dependents +2.

Passive effect 2: Loaded into God's Domain, the mental strength of all family members is strengthened by 200%.

Passive effect 3: The guidance of the Prophet Zarank, all the dependents will be guided by the Prophet Zarank when making any decision, and there is a high probability that they will make a better choice than themselves.

Evaluation: From the Twilight Era of the Gods of the Vientiane Crystal Wall System, the Great Prophet Zarank, "guide victory in my name".

There is a high-level treasure in the Vientiane God Treasure, not to mention, this one alone is worthy of the name of the God Treasure.

The treasures are very similar to the treasures in the Vientiane ruins. In other words, the treasures are imitating the treasures, but the effect of the treasures only affects the heroes under his command, and only in the Vientiane crystal wall system. It will be useless if you leave that world. The actual value is far more than Not a treasure.

The legacy treasure is far inferior to the treasure in terms of attribute bonus. A high-level legacy can only add two full attributes. If it is replaced with a high-level treasure, it will definitely have more than this value.

But this bonus affects the families of the entire God's Realm, even if the family members leave the God's Realm to fight on a foreign plane, it can take effect. It is very powerful.

Lin Xiao immediately loaded this treasure into God's Domain, juxtaposed with the other two treasures.

Then, there is the last treasure in the Vientiane God Store, a group of fist-sized colorless, transparent and incomparably pure prismatic crystals.

At first glance, he thought it was a crystal, but when he got it, he knew that it was a purely regular aggregate with a very simple function. Refining it one by one

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