The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 317 Tier 4 Remains Shield of Truth

According to Nijrum, the large flesh and blood monsters are nearly ten meters in size, and have caught up with the sixth-order Transcendent creatures in terms of physique, strength and recovery ability, and some super-large ones are comparable to the seventh-order creatures. At that time, four to five thousand were accumulated there.

This uses a large number of low-level nightmare creatures as cannon fodder to consume his vital power, and then uses the dead cannon fodder flesh and blood to create high-end combat power.

"What a wretched tactic!"

If it weren't for discovering these anomalies, and another black dragon could touch it in, waiting for the opponent to create a large number of high-end flesh and blood monsters, he might suffer a big loss.

Now that I know it, I can't wait for the other party to continue to grow.

Lin Xiao immediately mobilized all the dependents, including the various golems and war weapons stationed in God's Domain, and moved forward in three ways. Among them, the main attacking direction of the middle road was the direction of the several flesh and blood lairs.

His sudden attack did not exceed the expectations of the opponent. The Nightmare Child also knew that this was the most critical battle. He did not dare to continue to garrison troops. The main force in the middle road advanced less than ten kilometers before encountering the main force of the enemy.

Nearly five thousand and six high-end combat power, including more than 30 giant seventh-order flesh and blood monsters, and two legendary nightmare creatures. At the same time, although the son of the nightmare has not descended the incarnation, Lin Xiao can still sense that the opponent's body has awakened, and whenever needed Can enter or support the battlefield.

This battle is basically a decisive battle, which directly determines who wins and who loses. Once lost, it is completely over.

For this reason, Lin Xiao has decided to defeat the opponent even if he pays a high price, and I will talk about the future things later, and now if he loses, it will be gone.

For this reason, he is ready for the real body to come, and once the critical time comes, his real body will come.

The two huge armies slowly approached, without any tactics, pushing forward.

Accompanied by a dull explosion, the first wave of fire rain technique from the fire element arrived, and hundreds of advanced fire elements simultaneously summoned fire rain to turn the sky into a world of fire.

But the opponent was also well prepared. The nightmare creature activated its own nightmare power to resist, and the newly prepared flesh and blood monster also strengthened the resistance to flames. The fire and rain sprinkled in the sky would do less damage to the enemy than imagined.

When more than a dozen giant fire elements of Tier 7 began to jointly display the pseudo-legendary fire method, the opposing nightmare lord did not hesitate to interfere with it, and personally resisted.

This nightmare son has a very sufficient reserve of nightmare power. He has blocked more than a dozen waves of earth-shattering pseudo-legendary spells a dozen times in a row, and the opponent’s aura is only weakened by more than one-third in his senses. But after stopping, the breath slowly recovered.


The stabbed stone fist of a rock golem hit a wolf-shaped nightmare creature, and a part of the stone thorn smashed part of it into the body of the nightmare creature. The nightmare creature went mad and bit the golem rock arm into a gap.

Not far away, a steel golem smashed half of a bear-shaped nightmare creature with a punch, and another human-shaped nightmare creature pierced the steel golem’s back with sparks splashing. The body of the golem turned 180 degrees, and its arm was a big sword The head of the humanoid nightmare creature was cut off.

Compared with the stone golem, the steel golem's body is much harder.

Three nightmare creatures divided a little murloc into corpses. Not far away, a large Shura naga jumped over and split a nightmare creature in half with a knife. The other side was cut off by a sweep of the horizontal knife, and the last one was fiercely pounced. When he came up, he was smashed into the air by the long and thick dragon tail of the Naga, and the Daguan knife smashed the nightmare creature in the sky, and the internal organs were spilled on the ground.

A giant flesh-and-blood monster with a height of more than 20 meters smashed a Tier 6 water element with one blow. Slardar, who was observing the battlefield from a distance, ordered several water elements to be removed, revealing a head more than ten meters long. The seventh-order Shura Naga knight, the thick dragon's tail flicked out of the ground, and it was slashed in the air.

The giant flesh-and-blood monster recoiled without fear, and the two large monsters slammed into each other frontally and made a dull crash sound.

After a brief wrestling, the big naga smashed the larger flesh monster away without any suspense, and the more than ten-meter long sword swept away a large piece of flesh.

The flesh and blood monster roared and fought back, but it couldn't hurt the agile Naga at all. Instead, with the flash of the knife, pieces of flesh and blood larger than the round table were cut off, and the huge flesh and blood monster was cut in less than half a minute. It was a whole circle smaller, and the flesh and blood was pus and yellow mucus spewed out, and he was finally cut off to Death.

At the same level, the flesh and blood monster with no size and strength is not the opponent of the big naga at all.

Regardless of physique, strength, speed, or combat experience, the big naga crushed this flesh and blood monster.

In the rear, two legendary creatures from the Nightmare Realm are gaining momentum, and they cannot avoid entering the battlefield in this battle.

The flame lord Culbert, who had been replenishing his energy, slowly got up, and a bunch of fire elements followed him into the battlefield. The land along the way was melted into a lava stream by the terrifying heat.

On the other side, Slardar also picked up one of his commonly used weapons, a recast super long sword. He now has several sets of weapons carefully crafted for him by the dwarves of the earth, except for the one that is dozens of meters long. In addition to the big anchor, there is a huge shield and a super huge sword tens of meters long, as well as a huge bow, and a dozen super throwing spears tens of meters long.

Legendary creatures can only be resisted by legendary creatures. Although the lower-level Transcendent creatures can besieged and killed, the loss will be great, and he is reluctant to bear it.

Moreover, the low-level Transcendent creatures besieged and killed the legendary creatures, the premise is to restrict the opponent from fleeing, if it can't be restricted, it will not be enough to kill.

Lin Xiao, the two dependents of own, is quite confident. After all, whether it is the flame lord or Slardar, he is the leader of the same rank. Slardar can challenge the legend of the eighth rank at the seventh rank. Creatures, now they have reached rank eight, it is still easy to hit the same rank.

The four legendary creatures slowly approached, the flame lord faced the six-winged winged man who was also the law system, and Slardar faced the legendary nightmare behemoth that was dozens of meters high.

Lin Xiao raised his head and looked into the distance. The Nightmare Lord's power was extremely active, and he might help his own subordinates to interfere in this battle in the next battle.

Or, he would attack his incarnation.

So he obediently retreated to the center of the battlefield, back under the protection of his subordinates.

With two seventh-order mages and four seventh-order Shura great naga, even legendary creatures can resist for a while.

With a roar that shook the sky, the flame lord was the first to attack. The huge flame body that reached hundreds of meters in flames boiled, and a halo of flame hero exploded. Along the way, the nightmare ash was burned by the flames, and he stretched out his hand to the sky. False grasp, and flames flew out of the many fire elements that he was accompanying to gather towards his raised hands.

Seeing this, the six-winged man on the opposite side waved his stick, and the void in front of him shrank inward, and the power of the nightmare around him gathered in front of him to form a whirlpool, which quickly condensed into a ball of pitch black light. A thick black thunder light burst out and smashed over the sky.

Culbert yelled at this, and the flame streamer accelerated into his raised hands to form a fireball surrounded by white flames with a diameter of tens of meters. With his arms swung downward, the white flame streamer spread out on the surface of the fireball. A flame giant slammed into the void.


The force of the unimaginable flame pressed down to form an arc-shaped light wave, like a shield, blocking the sky lightning, emitting a dazzling fire light.

The flames and the black lightning disappeared, and Culbert smashed the hammer again, and a thick and terrifying line of fire like an aurora blasted from the surface of the hammer through the void and rushed towards the six-winged man. The scepter in the opponent's hand moved forward. The huge jewel black light on the top of the scepter lit up, and the nightmare power reunited around it once again converged to form a ball of pitch-black light like a black hole facing the auroral line of fire.

Compared with the battle between the two legendary creatures of the law system, which is full of flowers and blazes, the battle between Slardar and the legendary nightmare behemoth on the other side is not so much.

The two powerful beings slowly approached each other, and the subordinates between them, no matter which side they were unable to withstand the increasing pressure of the two, avoided forming a clearing.

When the two sides approached less than 100 meters, a beam of light fell on the head of the legendary nightmare behemoth, and its aura rose rapidly. At the same time, accompanied by the behemoth's roar, the power of the nightmare gathered on the surface of the behemoth within a few kilometers. Layer black armor.

Then, the behemoth slashed down with a heavy step.

On the other side, Slardar raised his head steeply, without seeing any movement, a circle of invisible energy exploded from him, and the surrounding airflow was squeezed and twisted to form a circle of colored halo.

This is a vision formed by squeezing the air too powerfully, and ordinary legendary creatures and even legendary dragons can't do this.

Then, Lin Xiao saw the strength of the nightmare Realm dome nightmare converging to form a giant hand and pressed it down, and at the same time the legendary nightmare behemoth had already been slashed down.

In other words, when this legendary nightmare behemoth was cut down, the children of nightmare began to interfere in suppressing Slardar, but did not dare to take it personally.

Then, the avatar of Lin Xiao only felt the steep expansion of the space in front of him, and a super strong sense of presence forced out of the seal and hit the legendary nightmare behemoth, too fast, even his avatar could not see clearly.

At this moment, Xueliang's knife light sounded and stopped abruptly with a stern roar, and then a thick pillar of blood rose into the sky, and the head of a huge beast flew hundreds of meters high and fell to the ground.

Legendary nightmare behemoth, kill in seconds!

On the other hand, Slardar was kneeling on the ground with a knife, and the surrounding air was invisibly distorted. With him as the center, the ground collapsed more than three meters to form a huge crater. Numerous large cracks spread in all directions around the collapse. In the center of the crack, the corpse of a giant headless beast stood in place, and blood gushed down its body like a fountain.

With the intervention of the Nightmare Child, he forcibly beheaded a legendary nightmare behemoth, and Slardar's strength at this time had already exceeded Lin Xiao's own expectations.

Such a strong family member, he felt great pressure.

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