The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 340 Unexpected Operation

Race: Little Murloc

Category: sub-racial

Level: Lower race

Occupation: None

Talent: Murloc domineering body (pseudo).

Skills: None

Expertise: None

Physique: 3 (1 point for adults.)

Strength: 3 (Equivalent to twice the strength of an adult man.)

Agility: 1.53 (land and water)

Spirit: 3 (born with a certain mental energy, after induction may be able to become a spellcaster)

Evaluation: A powerful aquatic race, more powerful than murloc relatives.

The newly born murlocs are still a low-level race, but they are equivalent to second-level creatures when they reach adulthood, and they have a not-small Ascension compared to before.

Because it is still a low-level species, the upper limit cannot exceed the third-level species level. However, after many adjustments, the current little murloc has not only reached the limit of the species gene can be carried, but also has unified abilities. When promoted to the third-level, the individual attributes will be changed. Comparable to the weaker middle-level fourth-level creatures, and the powerful pseudo-dominant body is not inferior to many middle-level species.

If you add the attribute bonus of the treasure, it can reach the limit of the fourth-level species, it is definitely a supermodel species.

However, because the newly adjusted bloodline comes from the great naga, after the little murloc is promoted, the murloc warrior is no longer a way of promotion, and can only be promoted from an adult second-level murloc warrior to a third-level murloc warrior.

The newly born little murloc has a basic lifespan of 50 years as an adult, and a lifespan of 70 years when promoted to the third-level. Compared with the large naga, it can be said that it is a few hundred years, but it is definitely a long life for the lower species.

Moreover, Lin Xiao's God's Domain is loaded with the God's Domain Heavenly Ancient Card, which can increase the life span of all family members in the God's Domain by 20 years.

The total life span of at least 70 years and at most 90 years is very exaggerated among the lower races.

It is worth mentioning that after this blood pulse modulation, because its blood is from the big naga, the size and appearance of the little murloc has changed, which is hugely different from before.

The current little murloc has a basic height of about two meters as an adult, his body and limbs are stronger and stronger, his hands and five fingers are more flexible, and he can use a variety of complex tools and weapons.

The whole body has a layer of scales similar to dragon scales but only fish scales. The tail is also smaller and more like a large naga. The most important thing is that the head is no longer a fish head, but a shrunken dragon head, but without dragon horns. , The appearance is not as hideous and terrifying as the head of the giant dragon, in short, it is not enough visual impact.

It can be said that the current little murloc has nothing to do with the murloc from the surface. Anyone who comes over to see will not think that this is a murloc, but that it is a subspecies of the big naga.

"Little Naga?"

Lin Xiao pinched his chin, and he also felt that the original name is now out of place. This thing does look like a shrunken version of the big naga now.

"Well, let's call it the little naga! It just so happens that the little naga has evolved into a big naga!"

He immediately made a decision to officially rename the newly born little murloc to Little Naga.

After the adjustment of the little naga, the next step is the highlight, establishing an evolutionary chain between the two species of the same blood line, the little naga and the big naga.

The method is very simple. Put the two species cards of the little naga and the big naga into the good fortune cube at the same time, and then take out the dragon evolution system that was saved before.

This thing has no entity, but an intangible existence similar to the law. If there is no good fortune Rubik's Cube to accommodate, it can only be constrained and preserved with divine power. If it is handed over to a mortal, this thing will instantly dissipate invisible.

If there is no good fortune Rubik’s Cube, at least the mastery of the creation clergy must reach a moderate level of divine power to try to establish an evolutionary chain between the two species. This behavior itself is a rather high-end creation law behavior, and the true gods have never thought about such things at all. .

If anyone knew that he, a high school student who was not even a demigod, could do such a high-end method at this stage, he would probably not believe it anyway.

Yes, it's not surprise, but you won't believe it at all, just think you are teasing me?

Through the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, Lin Xiao started this super-high-end creation behavior that ordinary true gods can’t involve. With the continuous good fortune energy injected into the dragon evolution system, Lin Xiao’s will sinks into the Rubik’s Cube, and he carefully understands how to follow this dragon. The evolutionary system slowly merged into the law of creation produced in the little naga species.

Creation, creation.

This behavior is a real means of creation, which will naturally cause resonance with the law of creation, and we can understand this law by observing this resonance fluctuation.

By observing this super high-end creation behavior, Lin Xiao's comprehension of the law of creation has progressed by leaps and bounds.

In just a short time, the mastery of the law of creation changed from 4.84% to 4.85%, and a series of mysterious knowledge related to creation appeared out of thin air and was firmly grasped in his mind.

At this moment, Lin Xiao felt as if he was flying in the ocean of knowledge. Countless knowledge and rules that he had never understood before, never knew about creation were perfused into his mind, and countless previously ignorant knowledge suddenly awakened at this moment. , Know as if you are initiating.

Constructing an evolutionary chain between the two species is a very high-end creation method. Only the god of creation with a full-time clergy and a god level of at least ten or above can barely do it. Non-full-time may require strong god-tier power. Can only try, it is just a try, in fact, there is no guarantee of success.

After all, there are so many races in the world, but there are very few species that really have an evolutionary chain.

Lin Xiao didn't even have a demigod involved in such high-end creation behaviors many times, it was like taking the paper and copying it directly during the exam, and the score was not a flying increase.

Before I knew it, I didn't know how long it took, when Lin Xiao came back to his senses, the construction was over.

When I wake up and check the cube space for the first time, the dragon evolution system has disappeared, leaving only the two species cards, the little naga and the big naga, lying quietly in the mist of good fortune energy.

His gaze fell on the little naga species card, and a new talent that had not been seen before appeared in front of him.

Talent: Bloodline evolution.

Attribute: The little naga and the big naga have the same blood. When enough conditions are met, the little naga can evolve into a big naga.

A very simple sentence, but it means that the two species, the little naga and the big naga, have formally established the blood bond. In the future, the little naga can evolve into a big naga as long as they meet certain conditions.

As for this so-called condition...

The first is to reach the third-level of the limit of species, and after many battles to accumulate a lot of combat experience and species experience, there will be a chance to initiate a bloodline leap, and there is a certain chance to evolve into a big naga.

Each little naga has only three chances of bloodline transition in his life. Generally, the first time has the highest success rate. If the first time is unsuccessful, there are still two opportunities later, but the success rate will decline as the age increases. Low, if three bloodline transitions are unsuccessful, the next life will not be able to evolve.

Generally speaking, the probability of evolution is still not easy to say, and it seems that the success rate is not very high.

But for the little Naga, the chance to have a carp leaping over the dragon gate is already very good. Anyhow, there is a chance to change his destiny, which is much better than before.

Looking at my own attribute panel again, it is not surprising that the mastery of the law of creation is huge. Ascension suddenly reached close to 3%. Now it has 7.42% of the mastery of the law of creation, which is extremely exaggerated.

At the same time, the law of truth has also increased by a percentage of 0.2. This is because creation is also a part of truth. The more rules and laws he masters, the more truths he masters, and it will naturally increase.

The mastery of more than 7% of the law of truth is naturally not for display, but...

Let's put it this way, now Lin Xiao can no longer need a good fortune Rubik's Cube, and start a simple species transformation based on his own ability.

It may be a bit reluctant to create new species directly, at most creating some non-intelligent beasts and the like, and it has not been possible to create a variety of potential high-intelligence species.

But this is a good start. It cannot be done now, but it will be possible in the future.

Next, I took advantage of the fact that the child of the nightmare’s realm had not yet fully docked with his own realm, and reloaded the little naga and the big naga in the realm.

Especially the little naga, because the species has changed so much, it still needs to undergo metamorphosis.

Fortunately, it doesn't take much time, enough to complete the transformation before the two worlds are fully connected.

After finishing this, Lin Xiao checked that he had 144 units of good fortune energy left, and silently put away the two systems of dragon blood inheritance and dragon language magic.

It took more than one hundred units of good fortune energy to build this evolutionary chain, and the rest is definitely not enough to load the other two systems.

With the reloading of the Little Naga Species Card, all the little murlocs in the huge God's Domain entered a state of metamorphosis, and dense cocoons of evolution appeared in the God's Domain.

No matter the old murloc or the little murloc, whether the murloc warrior or the murloc warlock, all enter a state of metamorphosis at this moment.

After the transformation, more than 20,000 murloc warlocks among the little murlocs will disappear, and all will become little naga warriors, full of chopper professions.

However, this is only temporary. The current big naga does not have the talents of the law system. When the dragon language magic system is loaded next time, the big naga will fully integrate all the dragon talents, and you can get a unique one based on the dragon language magic system. The bloodline warlock system of the little naga.

Just as the kobolds occasionally awaken the kobold dragon vein warlock, the little naga will also awaken the little naga warlock.

Probably because it was a low-level species, the little naga's transformation speed was very fast, and the first little naga that succeeded in transformation appeared in Lin Xiao's sight in less than an hour.

The shell of metamorphosis like an egg cracked open, and a head of about two meters tall was covered with fine scales, the dragon head had limbs, and a little naga that looked like a half-dragon appeared in his field of vision.

As the first little naga came out of the shell, more and more little naga transformed successfully. Lin Xiao was surprised to find that the countless lines of faith representing the little naga in the sea of ​​gods changed steeply after each little naga transformed. Roughly bigger.

The power of faith they provide has increased.

After comparison, Lin Xiao found that if the previous little murlocs could provide about one-third of the power of belief of humans, the current little naga could provide half of the power of beliefs of humans.

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