"what happened!"

Jovis looked around quickly and ordered loudly:

"Turn off all searchlights and give up the original plan for everyone to board the ship."

eyes reveal looked around, suddenly raised his head to look into the depths of the island, his calm eyes showed a hint of shock, and the next second he turned around and shouted:

"Everyone has it, leave the island immediately!"

"The main gun is ready, aim at the island, and listen to my orders!"

At the same time, he said to Elton and Hall who are still on the island in the channel dedicated to the children of the nightmare:

"You two don't care about your subordinates, come back quickly."

Hall asked in the channel:

"What do you see?"

Jovis didn't hide it and replied:

"I see the mountains in the island moving."

The sons of the nightmare were shocked, and they were still thinking of saving Hall and Elton by the way, abandoning them and rushing to the already activated iron-clad battleship.

"Isn't this a mine island? How could it?"

Jovis stared at the behemoth that moved again in the distance. This time it moved more than the last time. According to his experience...

"I suspect that a god came on this island by accident, which caused Bernie and others to die."


This name shocked the hearts of the children of the nightmare. They looked at the island in amazement, just to see the black mist-shrouded mountain range on the island suddenly move, and everyone's heart jumped with it.

The two nightmare sons boarded the ship at super fast speed, and the monster with countless tentacles pulled the body from the ground and turned into a small building-like sphere and rolled into the sea. When passing by the ironclad ship, many crew members felt sick. , Dizzy, many crew members who were close to the ship's side subconsciously climbed onto the ship's side and wanted to jump off.

Fortunately, a nightmare child stretched out his hand, and everyone came back to his senses with a crisp bang.

The tentacle group burrowed into the sea and disappeared. The ironclad ship had been activated but temporarily stopped on the shore to meet the remaining men.

But at this moment, there was a low and unconscious roar from the center of the island. A wave of air pushed the gray mist, and the crew who had approached the battleship and were about to board suddenly swept to the ground. , The gray mist swept across the iron armored ship, and the crew on the deck all fell down. Only six children of the nightmare and a few powerful blood-borne warriors could stand still.

At the same time, the towering mountain peaks in the distance began to...lift up, and a faint but fearful will was slowly awakening.

"Leave them alone and leave immediately!"

Steam gushing from the chimney of the ironclad ship, and the huge warship slowly moved away from the shore, leaving dozens of exploratory team members who fell less than 50 meters from the shore.

However, no one accuses death at this time, because the mountain range in the middle of the island has risen several hundred meters, and the depressing and terrifying will has awakened, and when they swept unconsciously, everyone could see the surrounding islands. Countless strange creatures in the sea are leaving this sea area.

Six children of the nightmare stood on the deck and looked into the distance, and the other nightmare, Max, said in a shocked tone:

"Is that the god of this world?"

Jovis nodded:

"If you guessed correctly, it should be."

After speaking, he turned around and clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention and said:

"Don't look at it, so as not to attract his attention, the warship is going to speed up to leave this sea area, and report the news to Your Excellency Ganyren, please take action by Yourself. This is no longer the level that we can reach."

"However, Lord Ganilun is chasing and killing a human arrogant, I'm afraid there is no time."

"Then wait until Your Excellency Ganilen is free. Anyway, these have nothing to do with us."

The sons of the nightmare were silent.


Another deafening loud noise attracted their attention, and they subconsciously cast their eyes to the distant sea. In their shocking eyes, the endless sea arched up a huge arch of several kilometers in diameter. The next second was frightening. The chill came, and everyone vaguely...

"Look no more."

Jovis slapped several companions awake several times in a row. The children of the nightmare were shocked to find that they did not know when they came to the edge of the deck. Before doing anything, they heard their companions sternly yelled:

"Don't think about anything and leave the deck immediately."


The sky-shaking roar sounded, accompanied by a huge wave tossing and throwing down the one-hundred-meter-long iron-clad ship, the ice-cold and bone-chilling hint of spirit.

However, this spiritual hint could not affect the children of the nightmare, and they didn't even react quickly to the cabin.

The people who got into the cabin breathed a sigh of relief. The children of the nightmare looked at each other, and one of them asked:

"What was that just now?"

Jovis said solemnly:

"It's another god!"

"Another god?"

"He seems to be heading to that island."

"What does he want to do?"

No one answered, but they had the answer in their hearts.

Elton looked at the others, including Captain Jovis, who looked a little excited and eager to try, but no one spoke first.


There was a huge roar again in the distance, and an even more terrifying low roar. The eyes of the six children of the nightmare lit up at the same time, and Jovis stood up fiercely and shouted:


The other five nightmare children also stood up and whispered:

"Then do it."

Jovis took a deep breath to calm his excitement, and whispered:

"Don't get excited, first look at the situation, and then find the right opportunity, we..."

The depths of the island, in the depths of the mountain peaks in the eyes of the children of nightmare, are actually a huge meat ball occupying an area of ​​more than three kilometers in the center of the island.

The surface of this huge meat ball is full of wrinkles, and the surface is full of hard cuticles, which looks like a rock.

There is no living thing on Roshan, only that Roshan's breathing ups and downs every few days.

This breathing fluctuation has become more frequent recently, which usually means that the sleeping person is about to wake up.

In the eyes of outsiders, this Roshan is about to awaken, and in the inner core of this Roshan, in the inner space of the tough flesh wall, a gray chaotic vortex full of evil and destructive aura is slowly rotating, and the center of the vortex exudes a mysterious aura. The Rubik's Cube, which is between the real and the illusion, is slowly turning, and every time it turns, there is a hint of gray gas ejected from the cracks in the Rubik's Cube and merged into the chaotic vortex.

good fortune Rubik's Cube!

Lin Xiao’s good fortune cube.

If someone can see the inside of this good fortune cube at this time, one can see that there is a gleaming sphere in the center of the space where there is no boundary inside the cube, and outside the sphere is a thin chaotic vortex. .

If you look closely, you will see that these thin chaotic vortices are actually composed of remnants of souls like weird sludge.

The crystalline sphere rotates slowly, constantly emitting a trace of invisible attraction. This intangible and qualitative attraction spreads and drifts into the surrounding chaotic vortex, and the remnants of the soul are constantly seduced by the attraction into the crystal sphere.

Along with an indescribable mysterious wave gushing out, a trace of gray gas spurted out, and the inside of the crystal ball shone again, and the invisible attraction exuding became stronger.

Inside the crystal ball, there is an ocean of incomparably pure and infinite light. The center of the ocean is surrounded by the transparent figure of Lin Xiao, and a circle of light blooms behind him.

This is his soul, and the pure and incomparable sea of ​​light around is the remnant souls that have been thoroughly purified by the good fortune Rubik's Cube.

With that nightmare will and soul aggregate wanting to swallow his divine soul and occupy his divine body at the same time and be swallowed by the good fortune cube, all the children of the nightmare fall, and the war is over.

No one knows the situation after the war, because since the soul entered the good fortune cube to save his life, Lin Xiao didn’t know everything outside, only knew how long the refining started, using the power of the good fortune cube to refine the nightmare. The incarnation of the will and the assembly of the soul.

Among them, the incarnation of Nightmare Will was refined by him early, and for this reason, almost all the remaining good fortune energy was consumed. Therefore, the next refining soul aggregate does not have enough good fortune energy, so it can only be slowly watered. Now this soul aggregate has hundreds of Ten thousand souls have been refined more than 90%, and it won't take long for them to be completely refined.

As for the gleaming sphere he was in, it was not an anomaly caused by the refining nightmare will incarnation and the aggregate of millions of souls, but the original core of the crystal wall system.

Yes, it is the core of the crystal wall system.

While refining this nightmare will incarnation and millions of souls, especially after refining the nightmare will incarnation, he found that own soul could not bear the power of this nightmare will at all.

Whether it is quality or quantity, he can't bear it.

After all, it is the will of the nightmare, a huge crystal wall universe with many great masters, hundreds of powerful kings, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of nightmare lords comparable to the true gods, the civilization of the gods, even if there is only a trace of power and level it possesses People cannot imagine how it is possible to carry it at his current level.

In fact, fortunately, the position that appeared at that time was the Battle of God's Domain. The Realm limit of the three Nightmare Children was only the eighth limit of his power. If they were placed in this world at that time, what he had to face was definitely a real God-level existence.

And such a powerful existence, even if there is only a trace of power, he used the good fortune cube to consume almost all of the good fortune energy.

The origin that Lin Xiao couldn't grasp at all wrapped his soul and almost assimilated it.

So Lin Xiao had a whim, took out the crystal wall system origin core, and used it to carry this origin beyond his digestion range, and then put his soul into the crystal wall system origin core shell and slowly digested it.

But there was a new problem at that time. The origin of this nightmare volition was indeed solved and digested, but a new problem appeared.

When his spirit entered the crystal wall system origin core to digest the nightmare will origin, he found something... which was strange and shocking.

He found that the origin of the nightmare will, after entering the core shell of the crystal wall system origin, fits this thing beyond imagination, and as soon as it enters it, it blends into it harmoniously.

Then, with the infusion of the nightmare will in the core shell of the crystal wall system, the original consciousness began to be spontaneously born. Change and sublimation

Yes, it is consciousness, not will.

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