The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 359 First Contact with the Power of Transcendent

"On the other side is the void fortress of the spirit race. Although the relationship between the spirit race and our humans is not like the enemy of the nightmare world, it is still an enemy. After the arrival, whether the son of the nightmare or the son of the spirit domain, don't be soft as long as you see it."

As the void battleship gradually entered the port, she explained the situation to him one by one.

The rank of the elite second lieutenant Lin Xiao still has a certain status here. After coming out of the void ship, he directly entered the fortress with the army, and obtained a separate room in the barracks under the Yanhuang No. 5 theater. The Jinsisi room is next door.

After that, he directly applied to the fortress to come, waited in line, and stayed in the room all the time without going out.

This is in accordance with Xie Yufei's instructions, to do as little as possible here.

With the start of the new semester, the original peers have been promoted to high school one after another, the original high school seniors have been admitted to university one after another, and the elite students of the new high school three have begun to prepare for promotion to the demigod. This world has entered a lot of self-proclaims. In the eyes of elite students.

Although the world is dangerous, there is always a brave one to give it a try.

At the same time, due to the dangers of the world, progress has been slow. Now the military has gradually loosened restrictions and allowed more people to enter the world to explore. As there are more people, competition will naturally come.

Fortunately, the Yanhuang No. 5 battle zone to which Lin Xiao belongs, internal competition will be restricted to a certain range, but other battle zones are hard to say, let alone other forces in the main world.

We must know that the competition between forces and forces is much fiercer than ordinary people think. This world Gaia's will attaches so much importance to it. Any one of the forces can take the lead and make great achievements. The blessings of the will of the world and the tilt of the world's luck will all Has a huge impact on the balance between forces.

According to the information given by Xie Yufei, it is best to keep a low profile in the fortress and not to conflict with the elites of other forces.

However, at the end of the information, she reminded her that if conflicts are unavoidable, they cannot be counseled and must be won.

The army and young people all have Blood Qi, so how can they be persuaded in the face of provocation.

Lin Xiao said that I should keep a low profile. Of course, I am not afraid of things. The main reason is that most of the battles are meaningless to him and have no interest.

To put it bluntly, his current strength has already surpassed that of high school students. In the high mid-rank segment, he doesn't think anyone will be his opponent. Even if the Dragon Emperor Wu Zhonglin comes to him, he is confident enough to defeat him.

In this case, he certainly has no interest.

But if he doesn't look for things, it doesn't mean that things don't come over.

On this day, he was chatting with Jin Sisi in the room, discussing about the situation of the world, while talking, he from time to time looked at her heroic and beautiful face and curvy and attractive figure, she was rarely dressed today. The whole body armor is only in casual clothes.

Just as they were talking about how to face different situations if they can successfully awaken, the door was knocked suddenly, and he came to the door in doubt. There was an LCD light screen behind the door, which showed three people in military uniforms standing outside the door. Young white man with a straight posture.

Opening the door, the leading white young man's eyes fell on the golden eagle mark representing the elite rank on Lin Xiao's shoulder and epaulettes, and both his legs paid him a military salute.

He replied, and asked suspiciously:

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

The leading man solemnly took out a beautiful invitation letter and handed it over, and said in a deep voice:

"The first expeditionary army, the second division, the brilliant battle group, Alec, in the fortress of Shenying II, hereby invite students Huiyao Linxiao to participate in the party organized by Your Excellency Uther!"

"Your Excellency Uther?"

Lin Xiao was a little impressed, as if he had heard of this name.

At this time, the head teacher's voice came from behind:

"Uther was the president of the last student union of Paradise Mountain and one of the deputy rankings of Tianjiao. Now he is ranked thirty-third on the potential list of Tianjiao."

Jin Sisi came along, and said to Alec, who had stunning eyes:

"Please tell Classmate Uther, Classmate Lin Xiao will pass."

After receiving the invitation letter, he closed the door to block their gazes in the stunning gaze of Alec and his companions. Lin Xiao turned around and Jin Sisi said:

"Uther comes from the Holy Light family among the three glorious nobles of the Noble Council, and the Holy Light Family is the neutral leader in the Noble Council. You must be the upper elite of human civilization in the future. Necessary."


"Moreover, it is also for you to prepare early after entering university in the future."

Jin Sisi's slender fingers lifted up a trace of hair, and he glanced at his unscrupulous eyes and hummed:

"There is one thing you may not know. When you enter the demigod, the school's restrictions on you will be further lifted. At that time, you will no longer be restricted from fighting for family background and interpersonal relationships. At that time, you can directly from the family. Get any resource support that does not exceed your current level. By that time, the competition will be much fiercer than it is now. When you face any competitor, it is not only the individual, but also the support of the family behind the other party."

After a pause for Lin Xiao to digest the news, she continued:

"At that time, the role of individual talents will be further weakened, and many elites who were a little behind because of their talents will catch up with the support of their families."

She said to Lin Xiao with a serious expression:

"Your talent is very good, but your family is too bad. Your parents are only demigods, and they can be said to have almost no help to you. If you want to continue to maintain the current lead in the college demigod stage, you must There must be back-end support and a sufficiently powerful back-end."

Lin Xiao was silent, and Jin Sisi continued:

"Although you have a good girlfriend, it's just your girlfriend and not your wife after all, and the gap between you and her family is too big. Maybe the one who doesn't mind letting his daughter marry, but you want the one who finally agrees , You must rely on your own ability to prove that you are worthy of her, then you must not borrow her resources too much. I believe you know this very well."

"As for my support for you is limited, it's not that I don't want to fully support it, but that the resources that I can control mainly lie in my current identity. Most of my personally owned resources are useful in the high mid-rank segment. There are not many resources in the demigod phase, and..."

When she said this, she paused suddenly, she didn't know what she thought of in her eyes, but she quickly disappeared and said:

"Maybe you know that I also come from a powerful family, but the family has changed many years ago, and the family power has shrunk sharply, and most of the family power has been invested in other places. All I can give you is my personal support. I cannot borrow the power of the family. ."

"Of course, you can rest assured that although I don’t have many resources at the demigod stage in college, they are all top-level resources, which are very useful to you. And if your performance can exceed my expectations of you, maybe the teacher will come up with My father put together a dowry prepared for me."

In the next sentence, she looked half-joking and half-serious.

Lin Xiao touched his nose and joked:

"Then I will work hard to get the teacher's dowry!"

Although it seemed like a joke, he didn't have a hippie smile on his face, instead he thought about Jin Sisi's words very seriously.

Her remarks were indeed surprising, whether it was the school's liberalization of demigods, but the heartfelt words of the head teacher.

From what she said now and what she said before, we can hear that her family should have undergone some major changes and become weak. She also had to return from Outland to the main world to become a teacher, in order to cultivate one. The super elite who can be ranked on the deputy list of Tianjiao and even on the top list of Tianjiao come out, in exchange for the universal wishing technique of Gaia's will on the second list of Tianjiao and the top list of super elites.

Lin Xiao, the universal wishing technique ranked on the deputy list of Tianjiao, is still useless, but he has seen another shrunken version in the evil nightmare world before, and it can be said that it is indeed very magical.

After a little thought, he suddenly asked:

"Can you tell me, what are you doing with this permission?"

Jin Sisi unexpectedly looked up at him, her eyes flickered a little, and said:

"It's okay to tell you, it's not a secret, I want to use it to save my father."

? ? ?

"My father is trapped in a forbidden place in the chaotic void and cannot escape. It is a forbidden place that has a certain risk to the great god-tier power. I need to use this authority to invite a great god in the name of the will of Gaia's world. -tier strikes hard."


Lin Xiao had nothing to say, a forbidden place with a certain risk to the great god-tier force, no wonder no one dared to save it.

The great god-tier force is certainly not easy to risk, only relying on the will of the Gaia world in the form of tasks can invite a great god-tier force to take action.

"Well, you can't help with this, so work hard, try to widen the gap with other elites within this year, and the pressure in the demigod stage of college will be less."


He answered softly.

Jin Sisi stretched out her hand to stroke his head and said softly:

"Go, just take it for relaxation and get to know more friends."

"okay then!"

Having said that, what Lin Xiao could say, he could only shrug his shoulders in response.

At this time Jin Sisi reminded again:

"By the way, there should be elites from other forces participating in the conference, most of them are college-level elites or top three-level elites. At that time, someone may challenge you. You are welcome to defeat them."


He already had psychological expectations about this.

As written in the invitation letter, half an hour later, Lin Xiao put on an elite second lieutenant's uniform and went out alone to the location of the banquet.

It is located in another area of ​​this war fortress, and the aircraft has to undergo an inspection when it crosses different areas.

The aristocratic council implements the aristocratic system of ancient times. The entire power is composed of three glorious nobles and a large number of nobles at all levels. Every officially recognized noble is eligible to join the aristocratic council as a member of the ruler. The specific power is determined by strength. However, the three glorious nobles have the absolute power of the noble council.

Like the aristocracy in ancient times, the nobles of the noble council are called the nobles of gods, the lowest level is called the knights of gods, and the lowest is the true god level gods.

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