The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 413: A Bold and Crazy Idea

The reason for the mysterious boss is that the boss who traded with him has been shrouded in a fog. It is estimated that there has been an agreement. Commander Xie did not introduce him. There was nothing extra than a greeting. comminicate.

Lin Xiao didn't care about this, whoever he was, as long as the things were true.

Next, under the leadership of this mysterious boss, I visited this little crystal wall Universe.

The main plane of this universe is located in the center of the universe. It is actually smaller than the general large plane. However, this plane is the largest in this crystal wall universe and is the center of the world. It is estimated and called the main plane. In addition to the main plane, there are seventeen minor planes of different sizes, and hundreds of extremely small demiplanes are attached to the edge of the crystal wall of the main plane.

It may be that this mysterious boss has been in business for a long time, and there are already a large number of intelligent lives in the main plane. Except for the indigenous life of this world, the worms in the underground, those who occupy the dominant position in the main world are still migrated. Humanity.

This is very good.

Apart from humans, there are no other alien races on the main plane, but in other large and small planes other than the main plane, Life contains other alien races, common dwarf orcs, plus a large number of Magical Beasts, even giant dragons. Quite a lot, in a small plane, the total number of Life is about a hundred.

On the main plane, because humans are outsiders, they have been at war with the aboriginal worms located underground for many years. Under the interference of the mysterious boss, the two sides have been in a balance of power, and no one can destroy the other.

Lin Xiao could understand this behavior, and he would do it if he replaced it.

In addition to having an opponent to maintain human growth, it is mainly a crystal wall universe if it wants to grow, it must have enough creatures and complex ecology, so that more crystal wall origins can be produced.

The humans in this world develop common magic technology. Under the promotion of this mysterious boss, the development of magic technology is not bad. Looking down from the sky, the construction styles tend to be modern cities scattered in the plane. , There is a magic airship flying in the air, and every mage gathering place can see a dazzling magic light pillar rising into the sky. This is a powerful magical structure similar to a mage tower.

The elite army has powerful arms, equipped with magic cannons and wizards. The underground indigenous worms are not their opponents at all, but humans have nothing to do with the worms hiding in the ground for the time being.

At this time, the identity of the mysterious boss in this world is the God of Creation. He has been silently controlling the progress of civilization in this Universe behind the scenes. If Lin Xiao obtains the Universe after trading with him, he can decide for himself to continue. Reap the power of belief and the origin of the crystal wall in the way of behind-the-scenes black hands, or directly step onto the stage from behind the scenes to actively control the process of world history.

Under the restrictions of the mysterious big boss, there is no true god in this world now, and the method of conferring gods is blocked. The demigods are the limit, and these demigods have been controlled to become his subordinates to stabilize the world.

If the transaction is completed, Lin Xiao's strength will definitely not be able to suppress the world's progress, and the restrictions on the gods will definitely be broken, so he must and can only take the initiative to step up to the stage and take the initiative to monopolize the faith.

After the transaction was completed, Lin Xiao would ask the other party to take away all the demigods. The legend with the strongest strength was still some distance away from the demigods, and he still had time to solve this problem.

Lin Xiao already had a solution in his mind, and it was done once and for all.

This is a crazy idea that his mind flashed after seeing the content on this quotation.

Yes, this idea is quite crazy, it is estimated that no one would think of it.

He will not continue the mysterious grazing method and continue to harvest faith as ordinary people imagine, but...

His gaze is not at all about the faith of this world and the origin of the crystal wall, but to swallow the entire crystal wall system.

That's right, he wants to swallow the entire crystal wall system.

After understanding the situation of this crystal wall, an idea emerged in his mind irresistibly, whether he could use the crystal wall's will as a medium to slowly swallow the source power of this crystal wall through the authority of the crystal wall master. , The underlying basic law, and the entire crystal wall.

This crazy idea comes from the crystal wall original core shell that has been integrated into his soul. The crystal wall shell's predecessor ended up like this because the original source was swallowed by the will of other universes. If he can find a way to replenish it, it will happen. What?

The original core shell of the crystal wall is here, and the underlying basic law network has been reshaped inside, which shows that this thing can be repaired by reverse engineering, which gave him this crazy idea.

Slowly collecting the source force to repair it is too slow, what if it directly swallows a crystal wall system?

Perhaps this small crystal wall system is not strong enough, even if it is swallowed, it is impossible to repair it, but at least some of its power can be restored.

Think about it, even if this thing only restores part of its power, it is extremely terrifying, and his strength will rise to the point where he does not know what it is.

So his method is as simple as that, directly devouring this crystal wall universe.

As for the creatures in this universe, don’t worry, devouring a crystal wall universe is an extremely time-consuming project. Even with the aid of a good fortune cube, it is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of years. According to the comparison of the time flow between this world and the main world, he graduated from university. It is estimated that this huge project will not be completed.

During this period of time, it was enough for him to attack a plane in a foreign land and move all the creatures of this plane to it.

As for whether there will be a large number of deaths, he can't control it.

As the saying goes, once the power is over, the birth of any true god is accompanied by death and killing. On the way of plundering resources and power, I don’t know how many creatures will die. He can remove most of them. It’s already pretty good. He doesn’t care if he is cruel It also happens from time to time that it is allowed to fend for itself.

Before that, it is estimated that there will be hundreds of years before the origin of the crystal wall can be devoured to have a huge influence on this world. During this time, it is impossible to do nothing. Lin Xiao already has an idea in his heart. He is going to let his parents come over and let them replace himself. Unify the beliefs of all intelligent lives in this universe, and enshrine gods in this world before swallowing this crystal wall universe.

It would take hundreds or even thousands of years to devour, and the massive power of faith for such a long time could not be wasted, and it was impossible for him to stay here all the time, just because his parents hadn't been ordained.

As the saying goes, one person gains the Tao and the chicken or dog ascends to heaven. Although he hasn't gained the Tao, but he is out of it. His parents are quite good to him, and his mother is very fond of him. It is his responsibility to help his parents to enshrine the gods.

As for the rest of the family, let’s leave it alone for the time being. After the parents use the power of faith in a dozen large and small planes in this Crystal Wall Universe, they may be able to separate some of them if there are extras.

The largest piece of meat has been eaten, so it’s okay to divide the soup scraps.

Although most of the cousins ​​have no abilities and can't be great, but they are still fine.

In this era, there are roughly two types of power to establish in the main world, either establishing a school or establishing a family.

There is no limit to small forces, either a team of adventurers, a consortium company, or the establishment of like-minded internal hills within a large force, and so on.

It's too difficult to build a school, and Lin Xiao doesn't have this interest, but it's easy to build a family, just support the same clan casually.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao decided to go home after the transaction was completed. Anyway, he didn't even need to take the college entrance examination, and now he was about to take a holiday, so he just went home to talk to his parents about it and let them relocate.

The transaction was witnessed by Xie Tianyan. He and Lin Xiao traveled throughout the Universe of Crystal Walls. In addition to the main plane, there were also 17 other large and small planes. Even the Indigenous World of the Insects in the Underground World went around, and these Write down all of them, and then communicate with Gaia's will to trade his authority.

The transaction went smoothly. After all, the authority was his, and Gaia's Will had no independent will, so it was impossible and impossible to interfere with these, as long as both parties agreed.

Moreover, Commander Xie Tianyan witnessed the whole process, and no one dared to cheat or make small moves at this point.

This mysterious big boss may be a super divine power that is not inferior to Commander Xie, but the power is definitely not as good as the big boss in charge of a military area. It is impossible to make small moves while obtaining what is needed.

After the transaction was completed, Lin Xiao obtained a chaos tablet that the mysterious boss gave him. This is an artifact specially forged by the boss, imitating the artifact fate tablet of Toril Multi-Universe, and has the control of this crystal wall. The Universe's unborn crystal wall will power, possessing this artifact, can control the world and suppress any strong man born from this world.

His Majesty Io, the supreme god of Toril's Multiverse Universe, is in charge of the fate tablet. He has the power of consecrating gods with one word and depriving the priesthood of the gods with one word. Even a strong god-tier power cannot avoid the deprivation of the priesthood. Its power is super terrifying.

This mysterious tycoon created this artifact called the Chaos Tablet for this purpose. According to his expectations, if the Crystal Wall Universe develops in the future, plundering enough resources and the power of the origin to promote the world, he himself uses the power of promotion. Stepping into the realm of great god-tier power, at that time you can control the gods in the world like His Majesty Io, the supreme god of Toril's multi-universe.

And now this artifact is back to Lin Xiao, with this, he is the actual controller of this Crystal Wall Universe.

Holding a chaotic clay tablet in hand, you can now exercise some of the powers of the master of the crystal wall system within the scope of this crystal wall universe, such as conferred gods...

The premise must have sufficient divine power and divine support.

Next, Lin Xiao stayed in the Crystal Wall Universe for five years. Most of the time, he was understanding the details of the world, receiving the power left by the mysterious boss and controlling the super hidden circle outside the Crystal Wall.

Although this crystal wall universe is small, its value is quite high. Without this hidden magic circle exposed, if a strong person passes by, it is easy to find the abnormality of this universe as long as you put a little will into the universe.

As for the forces left by the mysterious boss, it is actually the world's largest neutral organization-the Mage Association. Not very big changes in the plane can be affected by the Mage Association.

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