The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 484: Activate the Astral Giant Ship


Lin Xiao was stunned as if being struck by thunder, and murmured for a while:

"It can be like this!"

He really forgot this, he didn't even think of it at the time.

Xie Yufei was also speechless, and lightly slapped his forehead and scolded:

"Next time there will be this kind of information to me, the dignified elite colonel, the war captain of my Fury Combat Team won't shake people, and even forgot about your subordinates, you are not ashamed."

Lin Xiao was speechless and could only say that he would never forget it next time.

Next, I patrolled the resident of the Rageflame with her again. I haven't seen it for a while. The resident of the Rageflame seems to have expanded a bit. The men are full of energy, and they seem to be in good spirits.

After a round of inspection, I came to the warehouse of the battle group. An ordinary warehouse made of alloy. Inside was an empty room. There were more than a dozen light doors standing on the wall. Xie Yufei introduced to him that behind the light doors are independent half. On the plane, all the matter collected by the warband exists in this independent space.

A captain and a lieutenant are the administrators of the warehouse. After reading it, Xie Yufei took a storage ring from them and stuffed it into his hand, saying:

"This is the dividend of the last few actions, because you didn't arrive, so not much."

"Okay, I haven't arrived after all."

Lin Xiao didn't think too much, and put it away without even looking.

Then she turned around in the resident and came to the office area of ​​the battle group. She introduced in the front. He looked at her attractive back and swaying figure from behind, and his mind suddenly became active. What did she say? Right ear out.

Half an hour later, Xie Yufei escorted him away, watching his leaving figure, thinking of the hot eyes staring at her back all the way just now, a flush of blush appeared on her face involuntarily.

"Huh! Little pervert!"

Returning to the Moon Heaven Realm through the fortress interplanetary teleportation array, and seeing an incarnation of Lin Hong patrolling outside the Moon Heaven Realm from a distance, seeing him Lin Hong stopped patrolling and flew over, Lin Xiao asked:

"Have you found any abnormalities recently?"

"Except for occasional chaotic void creatures approaching, there is nothing unusual."

"Add this to the defensive circle."

He handed a set of magic circles to Lin Hong. This was because he felt that there was a son of the void in the crystal wall system where the big class was located, and he applied to the Fifth Military Region for a special warning of the son of the void. He could join the moon sky defense. In the circle, I dare not say that it can be detected at all, but the probability of Ascension detection can be greatly improved, which is better than nothing.

When he returned to the Moonlight Realm, Lin Xiao, the incarnation of the real body, automatically merged into it, and he immediately knew what he had seen and heard during the incarnation, as well as all the achievements of the incarnation.

The book of Wanfa, which his girlfriend lent him has not yet been returned.

Chaotic priesthood...

Twenty thousand supernatural powers...

The wrath of a high-class widow Gruul...

A Nether core...

One hundred and ten high-level energy cores, ten of which were given by a previous girlfriend, they are not useful yet.

A complete corpse...

A six-star ancient quality card that can increase 100 square kilometers of God's Domain...

Of course, there are also hundreds of thousands of natives who have received income in God's Domain. This true body was processed on his way back, and all of them were placed in the main plane of the Moon Heaven Realm, and placed in a jungle south of the main continent of the plane. .

The attempts on the last plane proved that the bloodline warlock could indeed be transformed into a big naga. Lin Xiao had an idea to promote the bloodline warlock on a large scale in the moonlight realm as a special profession for the church.

About sixty thousand bloodline warlocks can create an eighth-order legendary great naga above one hundred and fifty, what if it is six hundred thousand, six million, or even sixty million?

And this ratio is not the limit. Before, I didn't have enough time and resources on that plane, and I didn't have enough nutritious and energy-rich meat.

If there is enough time and enough Magical Beasts flesh and blood, the probability of this transformation will be ascension.

Moreover, he can also specially prepare potions that strengthen bloodlines. The main condition for the bloodline transformation of the bloodline warlock is the bloodline concentration. There are a lot of Ascension bloodline concentration potions in the world. Previously, there were no conditions on that plane. Now the real body can be established. A laboratory that specializes in this aspect, with his true body’s current mastery of the law of creation, can definitely formulate high-quality blood purification potions, greatly transforming the Ascension blood warlock.

In this way, in the future, the conditions for the bloodline warlock to transform into a big naga or a protoss will be greatly reduced.

Compared with the difficulty of promoting the eighth rank of the legendary rank, the difficulty for the bloodline warlock to promote to the seventh rank is more than ten times lower.

The God Domain Card is first integrated into the God Domain, covering an area of ​​100 square kilometers...

Will plunged into the realm of God, his gaze turned around in the huge realm, and finally fell in the realm of water element, and saw the beautiful and incomparable water elemental queen in the realm of water element.

Promoted to a demigod, Ding Dang has changed from a slap-sized little beauty to a stunning beauty now the size of an ordinary person. Seeing him descend, she flew over with joy, the blue stars surrounded by unusually good-looking, as usual Throw it into his arms.

Embracing a beauty who is soft and boneless like water, with an extremely delicate little face held high, and her own reflection in her big starry eyes, what Lin Xiao thought in her heart was that she held her tighter.

When he left from the Water Elemental God Realm, the Water Element God Realm had already expanded several times, and the land of this God Realm card was fully integrated into the Water Element God Realm.

Then return to the core of the shrine and integrate the wrath of the high legacy treasure Gruul into the gods, so that Lin Xiao will have the shield of truth and balance the two Tier 4 top treasures of Libra and one Tier 3 high treasure. Many but all of them are high-end goods.

The high-level energy core is temporarily left, which can be left to the protoss to create high-level construction golems.

There are now more than a dozen Legendary Protoss among the Protoss, and they have the ability to create legendary powerful golems such as Vajra Golems and Arcane Golems.

The chaotic priesthood exists temporarily, this thing is very valuable, and there will be no buyers for a while.

The complete corpse of the gods also exists temporarily. For the time being, the idea is to use this to create a few powerful heroes, or to get a group of legendary powerhouses out.

The flesh and blood of demigods can make heroes, not to mention the corpses of true gods.

If you don’t get a hero, separate the flesh and blood of the gods and use them for those Shura naga or Aka furnace tribes or little naga who have reached the 7th peak of strength, which can make them breakthrough extreme promotion legend, or the little naga will transform into a big naga. Ka, very easy to use.

A god-tier corpse with a height of hundreds of meters can be made, but I don't know how many legends or little naga.

Well, Lin Xiao thinks it seems better to use it for Little Naga.

He is not in short supply of legendary level combat power. Although he has lost tens of thousands of great naga in the previous battle, including more than one hundred legendary dependents, there are still more than two hundred legendary dependents. It won't take long for Da Naga's talent to recover to its previous state of more than 300.

What he lacks is the great naga race, as long as the race base is high, the legendary great naga lord will continue to be born.

Share this hundreds-meter-high god-tier corpse with the little naga, creating tens of thousands of big naga, which is more cost-effective than creating hundreds of legendary big naga.

After all, this is a philosophical question of chicken laying eggs. If there are tens of thousands of big naga, more new big naga can be reproduced in the future. As long as a certain amount of time is given, the legendary big naga born from it will definitely be more direct than direct More lords of the eighth-tier naga have been created.

This consumes only time.

"Very good, that's it!"

Write down this decision on a small notebook and plan to take time to implement it.

Then, Lin Xiao took out the huge astral ship that had been eating ashes for a long time in the warehouse, a wooden ship model that was larger than a palm-like model, and gently threw it in the void outside the main plane of Yuexiao, and the huge astral ship turned into A streamer fell into the void storm and disappeared.

A few seconds later, the Void Storm quickly expanded and exploded, and a huge...ancient sailing ship appeared in front of him.

It is still the same as when I first saw it. It looks like an ancient ship that has gone through hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes, but it looks like it was full of Death and unknown. At this time, the death on this star-bound giant ship The qi and unknown aura had long since disappeared, and there was nothing unusual except that it seemed to be full of ancient aura.

This astral giant ship is a very advanced battleship, which is higher than the various void ships currently used in the army, and also higher than the ship he is equipped with now. It is a seat built by the big men for themselves. Ship.

This astral giant ship has the ability to change its appearance, whether it is a void ship, a floating city, or transforming into a huge void creature, etc.

But the premise is to have the control center and the power core, which is the Nether core. This thing, like the floating city, needs the Nether core with infinite energy as the power core in order to exert the full power of this battleship.

The appearance of this ancient wooden hull now is the last appearance of this astral battleship, which doesn't fit Lin Xiao's aesthetic very much.

He stepped onto the battleship, stretched out his hand, and a ball of light composed of countless fine runes connected into rune chains appeared in his palm. This is the core of Nether. This thing involves the application of rules and has no entity.

Press this thing into the astral battleship, and the ball of light directly submerged into the hull.

A few seconds later, the dazzling light spurted from the hull and spread rapidly along the outer surface of the wooden boat. Wherever it passed, a layer of the wooden boat seemed to be stripped off, changing from gray to light, and the entire hull became completely new.


The void shook slightly, and Lin Xiao's eyebrows twitched. In his sense, the star realm giant ship sank for a moment and merged directly into the void.

"The Star Realm Giant Ship, it turned out to be like this!"

Lin Xiao sighed, and stretched out his hand, a ball of light that was slightly dim compared to Nether's core appeared in his palm. As soon as a layer of golden light appeared and spread rapidly, the phantom of the angel of chants slowly appeared in the surrounding void.

This is the soul of a true god. The soul and will have been erased long ago. Now it is just a pure soul. The golden light and the phantom of the chant angel are only the characteristics of the soul.

This is also a good treasure, but it can't be used by ordinary people.

Divine Soul had erased his will and was thrown into the inner core circle of the starship giant without resistance. Lin Xiao reached out and held the starship giant ship and began to edit the starship core.

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