The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 488 Lightning Specialization

The next thing is to run honestly, rest for a night in the birthplace and set off again. After returning to Moonlight Town, I found that a lot of players have come here. Walking out of the town, I found that many players have chosen to specialize.

For example, fighters can be transferred to be good at using various weapons, uniform offensive and defensive weapon warfare, good at outbreak of violent warfare, also known as berserkers, and defensive fighters who are good at defense.

These are the three conventional warrior routes. Like the mage, there are various rare specialization routes for warriors, such as famous magic swordsmen, knights that can fight with mounts, and so on.

Half a day later, he once again left the area of ​​Moonlight Town and entered the Lightning Hills. This time he walked during the day. He only encountered two monsters along the way, and died once.

This time, I didn't dare to die, and honestly ran the corpse to resurrect.

Compared to Moonlight Town, which is a large forest, the Lightning Hills is a typical hilly terrain. It is desolate at first glance. There are few vegetation on the undulating hills. The biggest wonder is that from time to time in the distance, there are thick lightnings falling from the sky. , Even if it is a clear day, there are thunderbolts from the blue sky.

According to the coordinates, the location he needs to go to is at the deepest part of the Lightning Hills where there is the most thunderbolt. There is no road, and he has to cross the wilderness with more than 30 level monsters...

"Ma, this is too ridiculous!"

He has a plan to give up returning and choose a specialization first.

But they have been running for so long, and it is too difficult to give up directly, only to bite the bullet and move forward.

After running along the road to the point closest to the coordinates, leave the road and enter the wasteland.

I saw the sand arched up a hundred meters away, and soon a sand scorpion larger than a tiger came out, and after a round, he watched him motionless from a distance.

"The warning distance is so far?"

Looking at his current level again, he smiled bitterly:

"Well, this is normal!"

It is level suppression. The sand scorpion level is 30 second-level, and he is only ten first-level. The twenty-level difference allows the opponent to discover himself from a distance.

Just as he passed through a second-level wild area in the sixth-level of novice village before, he passed directly by a gray wolf. The gray wolf not only did not attack him, but avoided him a little bit.

He tried to move forward slightly, and the sand scorpion quietly fell down after not taking a few steps, and his brown eyes were fixed on this side.

"Good fellow, you can't get mixed up."

Lin Xiao simply backed away, and Sha Xie stood up and stared here.

"never mind!"

He simply turned around, the level difference is too much, it is impossible to pass through this wasteland into the depths of the lightning hills.

Sighing, he got up and walked towards Sand Scorpion, ready to kill the Sand Scorpion, and then directly resurrected in the graveyard between the hills and Moonlight Town, which would save a few hours of running time.

The death penalty in this game is different according to the resurrection method. If the corpse is resurrected, only one-tenth of the current level of experience and equipment damage will be dropped, that is, the equipment will be durable. A lot of money must be spent on repairs before it can be used.

If it is resurrected by a resurrection spell, only part of the equipment will be damaged, and no experience will be lost.

If you give up the corpse in the cemetery and resurrect it directly, or force the resurrection at the hearthstone binding point from the decline of the soul before, in addition to the loss of the resurrection of the running corpse, there will be a ten-minute period of weakness, and all attributes will be reduced by 75%.

If you die once in the late stage, you will definitely lose a lot, but now the level is low and the upgrade is fast. One-tenth of the experience loss is not a big deal, and it can be made up soon.

However, when the sand scorpion rushed to knock him down, black and gray in front of him, Lin Xiao suddenly realized that he had not resurrected in the cemetery he had expected, but another cemetery he had never seen before.

"Ma's! I ran too far."

There are several cemeteries on each map for the player's soul to resurrect and run the corpse. Generally, the place where the soul is resurrected is the cemetery closest to the place of death. Obviously, this cemetery is closer than the previous cemetery.

This is embarrassing.

He opened the map speechlessly, but his eyes lit up and he said after a long while:

"Whether Marty is counted as a mountain and river, there is nowhere to go, Willow Anhua is another village?"

On the small map, he resurrected directly in the middle of the lightning hills, quite close to the coordinate location.

So close...

Lin Xiao ran the corpse seven times in a row, and finally found a huge stone tower.

The so-called corpse running is to rush out from the resurrection point at the fastest speed. Don't be afraid of encountering monsters. Keep running until Death.

Then the soul goes to find the corpse to resurrect. In just a few seconds after the resurrection, the player is in an invisible and invulnerable state, and will not be attacked by monsters. Take this opportunity to run out of the monster guard range and continue running until the next monster is killed. , And then continue to use this method to run the corpse until you reach the destination.

This high tower is located in the deepest part of the lightning hills where lightning is densest. A thick lightning strikes the tower from the sky almost every few seconds. Occasionally, when it is dense, dozens of lightning strikes at the same time. The scene is quite similar. Spectacular.

There are no monsters near the tower, and around the tower, only a closed stone gate is seen. Two huge stone beast statues stand at the door, and the eyes are two huge sapphires.

He approached the stone gate, the statue on the left lit up, the sapphire in his pupils burst into light and looked at him, a voice sounded:

"Please show your pass!"


Lin Xiao was wondering, the pupil of the statue on the right bloomed red and illuminated him, the red light became brighter and brighter, Lin Xiao felt inexplicable heart palpitations.

"What pass?"

Seeing that the dangerous aura became stronger and stronger, he quickly took out the token he had previously obtained from the Master Moonlight Town and handed it over. The light swept across, the red light disappeared in a flash, and Shimen quietly retracted:

"Pass Detected, Allow Pass!"

Entering the tower, there is an empty hall. Two NPCs are chatting, one is the junior lightning mage Phil, and the other is the intermediate lightning mage Dalia. There is a centaur servant cleaning and hearing the sound of the stone door opening. The two NPCs turned their heads, and the junior lightning mage Phil said:

"It's been a long time since I saw the arrival of young apprentices, are you here to learn lightning spells?"

Lin Xiao nodded seriously:

"Yes, I heard that lightning spells are very powerful, and I came to learn from afar."

Junior Lightning Mage Phil said with a smile:

"Choose wisely, then now you can find us to learn lightning spells."

"Can you learn now?"

"Yes, I can learn now."

This was really beyond Lin Xiao's expectation. He had thought there would be any tasks before, but he didn't expect to learn directly.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it is normal. The player in the early tenth level came out of the novice village and passed through the more than 30-level monster area to come here. It is not a small test in itself, the real test has long passed.

Then he talked to Phil, and a light curtain appeared in front of him, showing the various lightning spells he could learn.

Compared to other lines, the number of spells for Lightning Specialization is not much, but they are all powerful spells.

However, he is only ten first-level, and can only learn four lightning spells, namely Chain Lightning, Lightning Shield, Lightning Strike, and Lightning Force Field.

And the level is not high, because he has no money to learn higher levels.

Second-level Lightning Chain: Throw a chain of lightning that can bounce four times on targets within 90 yards, causing 55-75 points of lightning damage to the first target. After that, the damage of each target is reduced by 15%, up to four targets.

Magic power consumes 35 points, and the casting time is 2 seconds.

First-level lightning shield: cast a lightning shield lasting fifteen minutes on yourself or teammates, reducing lightning damage by 50% and 120 armor points, inflicting lightning equal to the caster’s intelligence *0.6 to any melee attacker Damage and cause a slight paralysis effect. The paralysis effect lasts for three seconds.

Magic power consumes 45 points, is instant, and has a cooling time of 15 seconds.

First-level lightning strike: Summon a bolt of thunder to bombard enemies within 120 yards, causing 375 lightning damage and interrupting the target's spellcasting.

Magic power consumes 60 points, the casting time is 3 seconds, and the cooling time is 5 seconds.

First-level Lightning Field: Summon a lightning ring to impact surrounding enemies, causing 128 points of lightning damage to all enemies within 60 yards, stunned for two seconds and then paralyzed for four seconds.

Magic power consumes 60 points, is instant, and has a cooling time of ten seconds.

This is all the effect after the Protoss talent is added. Compared with other specializations, the Lightning Specialization spells are less but powerful.

After he chose to specialize, all the spells he had learned before disappeared. He now only has these four spells, and the professional talent tree has also been opened.

Lin Xiao opened the talent tree and found that there were two talent trees, one called Skywrath and the other called Thor.

Carefully check the talents in the two talent trees, and understand the meaning of the two talent trees.

Skywrath talent tree follows the single-outbreak route.

Thor's talent tree route is to take a large-scale route of the group.

The talent tree can have both, but because of the limited number of professional talent points, it is destined to focus on only one of the talent routes. If you have a part-time job, only two are not strong.

After checking the two talent trees, Lin Xiao decided to take the route of Thor's talent tree.

Initially, there are two talent options to choose from, namely Lightning Extension and Strengthening Lightning Chain.

The lightning extension talent has a fifth-level, and the range of the first-level Ascension lightning spell is 1 yard per liter.

There is a third-level to strengthen the chain of lightning, with one ejection target per liter of the first-level Ascension.

This doesn’t need to be considered. He has three times the range advantage. Why use this? Directly strengthen the chain of lightning. At two points and full points, two additional ejection targets are added. The two-level chain of lightning can eject four targets, and now it can eject six. indivual.

After learning the skills, temporarily unable to learn new skills, he directly sent the hearthstone to Moonlight Town.

Learning from the previous lesson, he bound Hearthstone to Moonlight Town.

After ten seconds of continuous casting, he appeared in the Moonlight Town Hotel. There was a burst of brisk music in his ears. The hotel was full of people, including NPCs and players.

After wasting a few days, many player levels have caught up and came here.

There are more people on the square outside the hotel, and there is a small box under the eyelids. These are various channels. At this time, the regional channels are full of information exchanged by players. There are chats, teams, transactions, etc., which attracts him the most. The focus is on the information of a team.

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