"The ten-year period has come, the four major guilds...Ah!"

Lin Xiao was sitting on the viewing platform of the Lightning Tower, holding a bottle of fruit juice wine in his hand, looking at the lightning that fell from time to time in the distance with a bit of emotion.

It has been ten years since coming to this world, and Outland has finally opened.

After ten years of upgrading career, he can be considered to have visited most parts of the world, especially after the sixtieth level, he learned the teleportation spell. The situation is somewhat understood.

The situation on this plane is very similar to the legendary Azeroth, and he seriously suspects that the big boss has been to the Titan Crystal Wall system where Azeroth is located.

However, it is only very similar, just imitating, this plane is still very different from Azeroth.

First of all, there is no Azeroth Star Soul inside the planet, nor the Well of Eternity, nor the ancient gods, but there are rumors of Titans.

Star Soul Crystal Wall System!

Lin Xiao guessed that this crystal wall system might have the conditions for the birth of star souls, and perhaps the legendary creation titans were the two big men.

In the past one or two years, he has tried to trace the traces of the Titans in ancient legends after leveling. He has indeed found traces of them in some legendary places, but the time is too long, and the remaining traces have long been lost at any time. Did not find anything of value.

Later, he determined that this plane was just a planet that roughly imitated Azeroth, and it looked a lot like it on the surface, and there were no secrets at all.

Until he walked around the whole world for seven or eighty-eight, Lin Xiao had given up his mind and concentrated on leveling.

The sixty eighth-level level is very powerful on this plane. It is necessary to know that a true dragon with pure blood is only about eighty-level, which is enough to show how high his level is.

Of course, although the level of the dragon is not much higher than him, he is a lord template, also known as the BOSS, even if he really rises to the 80th level, he can't do it, unless he can also Ascension template.

Yes, the player can also Ascension template, the first ordinary template, promoted to elite template through special rituals, and finally hero template.

However, these template promotions have not yet been opened, they will only be opened after opening the door of the outer domain and entering the outer domain, and they require extremely harsh conditions.

It's a pity that there are not many monsters of level 60 or 70 in the late stage that allow him to brush unlimitedly. Even those powerful copies also have CDs, and they can't be unlimited. Otherwise, he must be brushed to the upper limit of the 70th level of species.

Speaking of this, the current group of players who choose strange races from non-mainstream are now expected to cry to death. The lower races they chose, such as kobolds, goblins, jackals, and even murlocs, are mostly between forty and fifty. No matter how hard you try, it’s hard to upgrade, and you can’t catch up with other mainstream players.

But there is no absolute thing in the world. Most non-mainstream players are miserable, but some players have changed their destiny depending on the talents and characteristics of their own races. The talents of these low-level non-mainstream races have magical effects in some aspects.

For example, if the Murloc race encounters Murlocs in the wild, they are born with neutral reputation, and will not be actively attacked by wild Murlocs. They can also receive the mission Ascension reputation from some large Murloc tribes to gain some benefits.

The most famous is a murloc player named Yu Sheng You You found a huge crowd of fish in the Sea of ​​Mist. It took several years to frantically gain reputation, and finally became a cult reputation.

As a result, being the first player to brush the prestige of this branch small race to worship has gained huge benefits.

A set of epic equipment unique to murloc worship prestige, with attributes comparable to a T2 level suit.

Murloc’s exclusive priest and warlock professions, although they have few skills, have very powerful effects. The most important thing is that they do not conflict with their own professions and can be part-time, which is very powerful.

Some extremely rare treasures. It is said that the player is now working on an orange legendary artifact of the Murloc clan, and I don’t know when I can get it.

You can hire a small team of ten elite murlocs with a forty fifth-level level to kill monsters and level up for yourself, and the hired murlocs can also be trained and upgraded, and you can specify the transfer fighter or the warlock priest, and you can make NPC specials. Equipment increases strength and so on.

Imagine how cool it would be for a player to have ten forty-level elite babies who can be upgraded together to upgrade and fight monsters. You must know that although the game is digitized in this world, it is not a real game after all. Controlling pets or subordinates is directly verbal. Commands instead of rigid commands, flexibility is much stronger than games in ancient times.

So the first murloc player to eat crabs has already exceeded the upper limit of forty fifth-level murlocs, and now has fifty first-levels.

Ten elite murloc babies have died one after another. Now there are seven, and all of them have reached level 50. Each is equipped with a set of sophisticated NPC-specific equipment, which is very good than the murloc. It is the glass of the murloc. .

This makes other players very envious. Many non-mainstream races have a lot of learning, such as kobolds and kobold tribes, goblins run to brush goblin reputation, and they really mix up the differences.

Among them, what impressed Lin Xiao the most was that the two bears opened up the reputation of the Timbermaw bears and the dead wood bears, two feuding furbolg tribes. These two tribes are very powerful, and the lowest level is 50 fifth-level or above.

Originally this prestige should be difficult to brush, but the two of them together decided to cooperate and gave each other their heads madly. I don’t know how many times they just brushed up their prestige after they died. Even though they haven’t worshipped prestige, they are already revered. A lot of benefits have been obtained.

After all, the bear is much stronger than the murloc, and it is more valuable to cultivate.

This made Lin Xiao envious, but the race he chose was a Protoss, which was definitely the only seedling in this world, and there was no place where he could brush his race prestige.

Fortunately, the door of Outland is about to open, or it is opening.

Players are not required to participate. As soon as ten years have passed, NPCs have discovered a foreign world. Many players who are doing prestige missions in major forces are aware of this, and a small number of elite players still participate.

Although Lin Xiao's reputation in the entire human camp has reached admiration, he did not participate, but waited silently, waiting for the foreign land door to open.

Waiting for a long time, until one day, a light curtain suddenly popped up in front of all the players, a huge and simple door slowly opened, and a steady stream of Devil gushed out of the door, and he naturally knew that the door of the foreign land had been opened.

"Warriors, the door to foreign land has been opened. It's time to build meritorious services."

After the routine declaration, it is the focus of this coming:

"The door to the foreign land has been officially opened, and all descendants with a level of more than fifty must enter the foreign land."

"Open up Gaia's world prestige!"

"Open the Outland Native Prestige System!"

"Open the Team Fortress system!"

"Kill the Son of Nightmare and get meritorious service!"

"For more details, please go to Outland to explore on your own!"

A series of prompts almost swept the screen, Lin Xiao calmed down and looked at the prompts slowly, in order to understand clearly and not to omit them.

The Gate of Outland is located in the Cursed Land. It was originally an upgrade location around level 50. There were all undead creatures above level 50. When Lin Xiao and all members of the Girlfriends Guild who reached level 50 and above came to the cursed land At that time, I saw that most of the cursed land had turned into a huge fortress. Countless elite soldiers from humans, orcs, elves and other races above fifty fifth-level gathered here to kill the Devil that emerged from the gates of foreign land. biology.

He raised his head and looked into the distance, a huge green beam of light rose into the sky, spreading across the sky, the sun was blocked, and the sky and the earth were dim.

This alien gate is located in a large basin with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. It is surrounded by six huge towers up to two to three hundred meters high. Each of the spires shoots out a huge beam of light into the basin, turning into a huge light net. Enveloping the entire basin, it also prevents flying monsters rushing out of the alien door from escaping.

At this time, they could not enter the door. They had to wait for the NPC to remove these monsters, and then send the strong to build an outpost.

They received several killing missions from the quartermaster, formed a large team and entered the Great Basin.

Soldiers lined up with shields, and dozens of wizards in the rear cast blizzard and fire rain respectively. Blizzard is an area spell for ice specialization, and fire rain is an area spell for fire specialization, just like Lin Xiao’s thundercloud. .

However, their damage is far worse than his, and the cast range and spell coverage are also by a large level. It summons a huge thundercloud from the Devil group, and suddenly hundreds of lightning strikes at the same time. The number of injuries soared.

These Devil levels are at least 50 fifth-level and above, and the blood volume is about three or four thousand. Among them, many elites have 12,000 blood.

With various equipment and talent bonuses, his thunderclouds are increased by another two hundred percent. A wave of thunderclouds lasting fifteen seconds can cause over 10,000 total damage to each target, plus he is up to sixty. The eighth level suppresses the fifty fifth-level and more than tenth level. Basically, the ordinary Devil in the range can be killed in a single wave, and the elite Devil can be broken into residual blood or blood skin.

It's a pity that lightning spells are best at high damage bursts. There is no slowing method, and there is no slowing in the professional talent. If there is the slowing effect of the ice method, none of these Devils can escape.

Fifty fifth-level ordinary monsters have no experience, only elite monsters have dozens of points, but this experience is very cool for members of the team with an average level of 50 or higher.

It took a full month and a half to open the door. During this period, the NPC organized several strong players and a large number of elite soldiers to kill in the entrance, and was forced to return several times. BOSS.

In this kind of plot task, once you die, it is really dead, and it will never be refreshed in the future.

During the period, Lin Xiao once followed the killing door. As soon as he entered the door, he felt the violent energy in the void. What he saw was an aurora that traverses the void, surrounded by the desolate land of green lava flowing across, and the foreign door they opened stood tall. On this desolate land, nearby Devil died seven or eight, but a large number of Devil rushed here from afar.

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