The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 546 God's Domain Church and Army Adjustment

There are only two so-called good things secretly, one is the sword of Duroel Titan in his hand, the embryo of an artifact. .

This is an artifact created by the Star Soul Duroel. The materials used are quite advanced. It also contains a trace of the origin of the ancient god of the Xiantian Titan. It contains Duroel’s power and power at this stage, but because of its quality and implications. The upper limit of the power is very high.

After using the good fortune Rubik's Cube to take away the artifact from the Star Soul Crystal Wall system, he obliterated the imprint of the ancient god of Titan in the artifact, and now it is just a simple artifact.

Although Lin Xiao is still a demigod, his true strength is barely comparable to the true god who has just been appointed as a god, but he still doesn't have a life artifact in his hand.

It used to be that materials were difficult to find, and real artifacts were not easy to forge. This is not like the dwarves in the novel looking for precious materials to build a artifact, it's not that simple.

Actually it is not said that it is impossible. If there are really materials suitable for forging artifacts, and the power of the clan is infused with divine power, it is not impossible to forge them.

It's just that such artifacts are generally semi-sacred artifacts, at best they are sub-sacred artifacts, and it is generally impossible to forge real artifacts, especially the natal artifacts of each deity.

The artifacts of the gods are roughly divided into four categories, namely, semi-sacred artifacts, secondary artifacts, true artifacts, and natal artifacts.

These four categories only refer to the differences in types, which have a certain relationship with power, but they are not absolute.

There is no need to explain the semi-sacred artifacts. There are only ordinary semi-sacred artifacts and high-grade semi-sacred artifacts for semi-sacred artifacts.

Secondary artifacts generally refer to artifacts forged by mortals. Just like many novels, some forging Great Masters or coincidences or the power of certain races to forge a artifact. This artifact may be of varying power. Generally, it is also possible to have super power in certain aspects, such as the legendary Sword of Excalibur, which has super high extra damage and breaking defense capabilities against divine creatures.

True artifacts, artifacts forged by the true gods, are also the most common artifacts among gods.

In fact, natal artifacts are actually a kind of true artifacts, all of which are called natal artifacts, because natal artifacts are mixed with the divine power, divine nature, blood and even the soul of the forging deity. They can perfectly fit the forger and can exert their own mastery supernormally. the rule of.

Having said that, many true artifacts were once natal artifacts.

The natal artifact was held by other gods after the forger fell, and if it could not exert its power supernormally, it would be the same as ordinary artifacts. Most artifacts in circulation today were once the natal artifacts of a fallen god.

Lin Xiao polished away the Titan brand contained in Duro's Titan Sword, just wanting to use this embryo to forge a natal artifact for himself.

After all, after a period of time has obtained the origin of the ancient Xiantian god sent by the master of the Star Soul Great World, he will reconsolidate a unique body of the ancient Titan with the priesthood and characteristics of the gods he now masters, incarnate as the ancient Titan, At that time, use this artifact embryo to rebuild a powerful and infinite potential Titan sword for yourself.

The classification of true artifacts is very simple, from the lowest one-star to the highest five-star, but after the five-stars, there are two stronger levels of high-level artifacts and super artifacts.

The embryo was taken out of the good fortune cube, and it was automatically turned into a golden eight-star card.

In addition, there is another card with purple light in the good fortune cube, but it only has six stars. He took out the card, and it was imprinted with a very beautiful woman's portrait, named Ephelia.

Yes, he brought back the soul of the own high priest before returning, ready to reshape the body of the Protoss for her and make her the high priest of his church.

The pope of the church is Slardar, but Slardar’s power is too strong, and many weak planes will strongly reject his super-powerful life form to enter. At this time, the church needs some weaker and capable leaders. Ephelia is the high priest he is fond of.

According to Lin Xiao's original church setting, there is no position of high priest, but it can be added at any time. He is ready to take advantage of this time to adjust the church structure and prepare for the next step of the canonization.

He didn't have much time. With the promotion of the crystal wall origin core of the fusion soul, the speed at which he swallowed the Moon Heaven Realm further accelerated.

This is not the point. The point is that after a period of time the deal with the human dominance is concluded, he will obtain the body of the ancient god of Xiantian and condense the body of the ancient god of Titan. By then, the swallowing speed will be greatly increased, and the destruction of the moon universe can be foreseen. Time is within a hundred years.

Swallowing the Moon Heaven Realm, the Crystal Wall Elemental Core will definitely be promoted again. By that time, his accumulation will reach an unpredictable level. At that point, he will basically reach the limit of the Demigod stage, unless he swallows another powerful one. Crystal Wall System, otherwise, even if another ten thousand years pass, he will still be in the demigod stage. At this time, he must have a deity.

In other words, after the destruction of the Moon Heaven Realm, he would have to prepare to be a god, and waiting any longer was just a waste of time.

Therefore, Lin Xiao will only have two tasks in the next 100 years, one is to transfer the believers in the Moonlight Realm, and the second is to prepare to be a god.

Returning to the core of the Divine Realm Palace, Lin Xiao took a pure celestial blood essence and put it into the good fortune cube, put Ephelia’s soul card into it, and then put a full ten units of divinity, a thousand units of pure Divine power, one hundred units of good fortune energy, and bestows ancient god power-life.

All kinds of resources are invested, and they are perfectly integrated with the power of the good fortune Rubik's Cube, condensed into a huge light cocoon and taken out.

The light cocoon split open, and a flawless jade body appeared in front of him, her eyes swept across her exquisite undulating body, her hand stretched out and the beauty opened her eyes, and a strong breath of life emerged.

High Priest Ephelia: Mythical hero, demigod, the elect of the Lord of Truth and Creator, in charge of Sacred, the priesthood of life, and the life of the priesthood of the ancient gods.

When Ephelia was born, Lin Xiao immediately released two metaphors. One metaphor was to reorganize the church structure, and the other metaphor was to formally form a church corps.

The original church structure was abandoned, and now a new church structure is reorganized, based on the church structure of many sons of God's Domain on the Internet, and combined with the actual situation of the family members.

The new church implements a dual pope system, with the highest rank being Pope Slarda and High Priest Ephelia.

Among them, Pope Slardar is in charge of all the affairs of the entire church and the church's military force. The high priest Ephelia is in charge of all believers and external missions. Slardar has the highest status in terms of title and power, and the high priest is second only to the pope. .

The second stratum of the church, the division hall, the knights, and the bishop's department are three parts, each of which is divided into different positions due to status and power.

For example, the trial hall is divided into trials and heretical rulings.

The Knights are divided into internal and external parts. The internal part generally refers to the paladins stationed in the headquarters and the main divine realm. The external part generally refers to the church army that conquered the foreign and native people. This part will be very large in the future. If there are a large number of foreign positions Regardless of the territory, both the expeditionary force and the garrison will add up to a very large scale.

The bishop's ministry refers to priests, cultivators, and other religious clergy, who are mainly responsible for preaching.

The clergy of the entire second class of the church, whether they are chief judges or legion chiefs, are collectively called cardinals. Each of them holds great power. There are twenty-four in total, and there will be only twenty-four in the future, which will not increase.

Below the cardinals are the archbishops of the major dioceses, the bishops of the minor dioceses, high priests, priests, priests, etc., which are not much different from the previous ones and have not changed much.

After adjusting the church structure, the next step is to form a legion to prepare for future expeditions to foreign land.

The family members in God's Domain have accumulated to this point, long past all the family members of the primitive family and the top rank segment. The elites at the university level are now taking the elite route, selecting elites from many family members and arming them.

Lin Xiao is no exception, and he has been preparing for this a long time ago. After the Aka Furnace clan was prepared, he let them begin to forge sophisticated weapons and equipment, and then let the Protoss clan enchant magic equipment. Now he has accumulated There are as many as three to four hundred thousand sets, including Protoss, Little Naga, and humans and other races. They are all sophisticated quality sets, including full body armor plus weapons and other accessories.

The excellent craftsmanship of the Red Furnace Clan and the enchantment of the Protoss can easily sell thousands of divine powers, and ten sets of a unit of divine power can be easily sold outside.

The four families of God's Domain, the Little Naga, the Big Naga, the Protoss, and the Crimson Furnace.

Among them, the Red Furnace Clan is forged full-time and does not need to be in the army, although they have not weak combat power.

The little naga now has 1.1 million in number. With such a huge population base, many little naga bloodlines are transformed into big naga every day, but Lin Xiao does not expect the little naga to have much combat power. , Selecting nearly 200,000 elites from the little naga does not need them to go to the front line, just stay behind to maintain order.

Don't worry that too many small naga will affect production. This is just a militia, and in most cases, production is required. It is not a full-time soldier.

The main combat power of God's Domain is the Great Naga and the Protoss, as well as the believers of the Blood Warlock in the Moon Heaven Realm.

In addition, it won’t be long before he has all the subordinates in the Star Soul Crystal Wall System that merge the blood crystals of the Great Naga and the Protoss. There are about one hundred thousand or so. The subordinates of the eighteenth-order legendary level will also be sent by the human master.

However, these subordinates are not living beings, but puppet-like creatures created by means of creation. Even if they have a limited life span, they cannot reproduce. If they die, they cannot regenerate.

Therefore, these cannot be regarded as the main force training, the main force still depends on the family members and the followers of the blood warlock.

Of course, no matter how you say it, the subordinates of the sixth-order Transcendent level who are in their early 100,000s are a very powerful force at the moment. They can be used as the vanguard of the first batch of expeditionary forces to enter a foreign land.

As for the Great Naga and the Protoss, they must be the absolute main forces. The number of troops to be formed has not yet been determined. For the time being, only five ten thousand Great Naga Legion and two ten thousand Protoss Legion will be formed. The remaining adults will not be trained for the time being. Form an army, anyway, the average strength of the two races is very strong, and can be called up at any time when needed.

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