The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 640: Lobbying the Gods

In this Crystal Wall Universe, the three great god-tiers are above the top, and there are very few direct conflicts, but there will never be fewer secret fights.

The god of vengeance is backed by the main god of chaos, and the god of magic is also in friendship with the god of justice. The two powerful god-tier powers cannot be used directly, and the god of vengeance has no way to obtain the god of magic.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. The God of Magic can call a friend to help, and he can also join hands with the enemy of the God of Magic.

Outside Pompeii, a young man appeared out of thin air on the road in front of the city gate, but it was weird that people coming in and out around him did not seem to see him. Even if someone passed by him, he would involuntarily turn and pass by, no one felt abnormal. .

Pompeii is the capital of the Pompeii Empire. The city is nearly 20 meters high and is a super metropolis with half a million people.

Yes, in a world where productivity is low and there are no tall buildings, a city with a population of 500,000 is definitely considered a super metropolis, even if it is a famous metropolis in the entire continent.

Of course, this can’t be compared with the Cryptman’s capital. The Dark Territory’s capital, located on the second floor of the Dark Territory, was expanded and reinforced by the gods with divine power. A stone wall over a hundred meters thick directly used a stone wall with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers. The area surrounded by the whole, only opened a total of more than 20 huge city gates, which directly accommodates hundreds of millions of cavemen, which is equivalent to an independent kingdom.

Lin Xiao walked into Pompeii with his hands on his back, no one could find him.

He didn't go to the god-tier temple of revenge for the first time, but wandered around the city alone, observing the local customs and the architectural structure of the city, and comparing them with the images previously seen through the magic net planet to see if they were consistent.

Facts proved that the images observed by the artifact were real. He walked a few streets in Pompeii, and what he observed was indeed exactly the same as he had seen before.

Just when he was about to enter the palace to take a look, he suddenly stopped, the lively street became quiet, the whole world began to twist, the colors peeled off, and the whole world turned gray.

He turned his head and saw that not far behind, there was a golden light falling and converging into a golden light shrouded figure walking slowly. The projection of the God of Vengeance was a young white-haired man, and a voice came from a distance:

"I don't know who came to Pompeii from your Highness!"

"The Cryptman God has seen His Royal Highness Leztar, the God of Vengeance!"

Lin Xiao saluted and said the name of the person who came, who was the god of vengeance.

Normally, the Pompeii Empire is the parish of the Vengeful God, and Pompeii is its core. Mortals and even priests cannot find him, but the Vengeful God will certainly not know that an outsider is in his house.

When he said the name of own, it was obvious that the face of the god of revenge, Lezita, changed slightly, and he whispered:

"It turns out to be His Royal Highness of the Cryptman. Are you here for the God of Magic?"

Lin Xiao nodded:

"Just like your Royal Highness Lezta guessed, I'm here for the God of Magic. I wonder if your Royal Highness is interested in listening?"

"I am very interested, please come down and sit down in my temple."

"Can't ask for it!"

It can be seen that the God of Vengeance is very concerned about anything related to the God of Magic. After Lin Xiao came to the temple, he couldn't wait to say:

"I heard that His Royal Highness is about to compete with the God of Magic for the magical priesthood. Maybe I can help."

He was so proactive, Lin Xiao didn't mean anything, and said directly:

"If your Royal Highness is willing to help, the two kingdoms that the God of Magic snatched from His Royal Highness, as well as the neighboring kingdoms and two principalities, will all belong to His Royal Highness, and I will owe His Highness personal love."

After hearing this, Lezta's eyes lit up, and immediately nodded and said:

"His Royal Highness Lin Xiao is really generous, shall we make the Styx Oath?"

He is indeed quite generous. The main territory of the God of Magic is only one empire, five kingdoms, and a dozen principalities. He gives three kingdoms and two principalities at once. Even unrelated gods will be excited, let alone magic. The god is the vengeful god of the enemy for thousands of years, and he immediately wanted to make the Styx Oath with him.

This Styx Oath is the same as the Styx Oath of Toril Multi-Universe, and this world also has bottomless abyss and Styx.

The Bottomless Abyss is a place where the world’s filth gathers. It is a collection of ugliness, evil and chaos in the world. As long as there is evil and chaos in any world, there will be a bottomless abyss.

Maybe different Crystal Wall Universe rules have different manifestations of the Bottomless Abyss, but there will definitely be.

The same is true for Styx. As long as there is birth and death in a world, there will be Styx. It also has mysterious power. The gods also like to use Styx as evidence to swear.

Lin Xiao originally came in sincerity, and the two parties were sincere and intentional. They made an oath under the name of Styx, agreeing that the vengeful god will join the battle as an ally in the battle between the dark gods and the magic gods.

After making the Styx Oath, Lin Xiao also relieved himself, and then said to the God of Vengeance:

"I have never seen Majesty Ganier, the god of chaos, and please introduce him to me."

The god of vengeance understood what he meant in a second, and nodded:

"Please follow me."

Involving two strong god-tier systems, and eventually spreading to an estimated battle between hundreds of true gods, it will definitely arouse the attention of strong god-tier powers.

The god of magic has a very good relationship with the god of justice. It is guaranteed that the god of justice will not interfere in the battle of gods. Even if it is not directly interfered, mere verbal support will also cause unpredictable consequences. I believe many want to hold the thigh of the god of justice. The true god of God would not let go of this good opportunity to participate in the battle, which is very detrimental to the dark gods.

Of course, because their battle is a battle for clergy, once the winner is determined, a new strong god-tier power will be born, or the god of magic, a powerful clergy, the god of the sun and the god of chaos will not be willing to compete with If the god of magic is successful, the god of justice will also interfere.

But this intervention is definitely not the same as the intervention of the God of Justice. For them, they only need to prevent the God of Magic from succeeding. As for the end of Lin Xiao, they won't care.

What's more, when he is about to lose, directly attacking his godhead can be regarded as preventing the god of magic from succeeding.

To avoid this situation, Lin Xiao must find a backer, and there is only one choice.

The god of justice among the three strong god-tier forces is removed. The god of the sun has just been promoted to strong god-tier power. Both the strength and the background are inferior to the other two gods. The only one who can compete with the god of justice is the same senior and strong god- The god of chaos of tier power.

Under the introduction of the God of Vengeance, Lin Xiao obtained the permission of the God of Chaos to go to the Kingdom of Chaos God—the Kingdom of Chaos.

Compared with easily reaching an alliance agreement with the God of Vengeance, it is very difficult to obtain the support of the God of Chaos. Before going to the kingdom of chaos, the God of Vengeance told him that it would be troublesome and might pay a huge price, but Lin Xiao did not expect the chaos. The requirements of the gods are so harsh.

In other words, this is not just harsh to describe.

The God of Chaos A avatar of God received the avatar of Lin Xiao in God's country. There was not too much politeness. After hearing his intentions, the God of Chaos directly put forward his request——

Take the oath of Styx and be loyal to the god of chaos for ten thousand years!

Even for a true god who has Immortal's life, ten thousand years is a very long time. Immortal belongs to Immortal. Except for a few true gods, most true gods will not live for that long, and they will fall midway due to various reasons for choosing War Practitioner.

For Lin Xiao, ten thousand years represents ten thousand days of the Lord's world, which is equivalent to twenty-seven years, which is more than the twenty years given to him by Commander Xie.

He tried to say to the Lord of Chaos that he was willing to pay other costs in exchange for half the time. However, although the Lord of Chaos agreed, the conditions were even more difficult for him to accept. He needed to give up the priesthood of the Cryptman.

Five days later, Lin Xiao left the chaotic country disappointedly.

Of course he didn't agree, but he didn't turn his face, he just said that he needed to think about it.

After half a month, another incarnation of the god quietly left the gloomy area, and visited the world's third strong god-tier Lord of the Sun without being aware of the gods.

Two days later, he was defeated and returned.

After all the avatars returned, Lin Xiao also knew the harvest of the two trips of the two avatars.

"Perhaps I shouldn't be so anxious!"

The Lord of the Sun did not mention any harsh conditions, but for unknown reasons, he directly refused to help him, even if he was willing to pay a huge price.

This result was unexpected by Lin Xiao. He had expected that the action would not go smoothly, but he had never thought of directly failing.

Yes, it is a failure for him, the Lord of the Sun will not say it for the time being, he cannot agree to the request of the Lord of Chaos.

Without the support of the same strong god-tier power, he could not defeat the Lord of Magic.

Of course, he will not lose.

With the power of faith provided by more than 13 billion Cryptmen, even the God of Justice can do nothing about him.

With enough divine power to support, even if two strong god-tier forces attack his kingdom together, he is not afraid, he can hold it.

Not to mention mortal combat, the peculiar topography of the dark region can weaken the superiority of the surface races to the minimum, and the surface races can't attack it at all.

This is the confidence that Lin Xiao dares to seize the priesthood of the god of magic.

But self-protection is definitely not enough, he has to open up, he has to win the priesthood and promote the strong god-tier power, so that he can conquer the world.

It's a pity that his real body is not here now, and the favors of many big bosses in the Fifth War Zone before are gone, otherwise, he can think of a way to break the situation from an external perspective.

But the real body can't come back in the wizarding world now, and can't help.

"Or can this be?"

Lin Xiao thought carefully about whether he could change his mind.

Now that the god of magic has the god of justice as the backing, and the help of many friends, the god of chaos on the side will definitely participate in the interference in the future, and the god of the sun with unclear attitude, whether he or the god of magic wants to be promoted to a strong god-tier He believes that even with the support of the god of justice, the god of magic cannot be promoted to a strong god-tier force. If they can be promoted, they will be promoted early because of their relationship.

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