The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 655 The City of Chaos and the Son of Nightmare

Although the Great Arcanist Brigade has no shadow yet, with the efforts of Fu Haofei, it has selected about two hundred children of God’s Domain from the tens of thousands of reserves. The children of God’s Domain above demi-gods are generally not interested in taking the mage route. Generally, you start learning at the first-level of divine creatures.

The reserve of the battle group has been replenished in more than two hundred years. There are now more than 63,000, which is about one-sixth of the heyday of the giant battle group.

Among them, there are more than 7,000 advanced demigods, more than 40,000 ordinary demigods, and more than 167,000 divine creatures remaining.

The number of official members has increased. At the beginning, there were only 26 people. Now there are 33 people. In 200 years, there are only seven people. In addition, Lin Honglinbao and Fu Haofei have only 36 official members in the battle group.

The reserve can be replenished one after another through the theater, but the regular members cannot supplement, and can only train them by themselves.

It can be seen from the process of Lin Xiao that the gods were conferred at the time, the gap between the demigods and the true gods is very large. The gods are far more troublesome than the foreign natives. Now the battle group does not have a stable world in its hands, so naturally it cannot be large. Scale cultivation.

The added seven new gods are all new gods who rely on their own to make gods, four of them are now his gods in the dark realm, and the other three are on other planes of this crystal wall universe, not on the main material plane. .

After selecting about two hundred master learners, Fu Haofei directly led them out of the outpost and entered a large plane in the CY-00801 Crystal Wall Universe. He is now a member of the Principality of Garman in this large plane. The Chief Archmage is also the Chief Archmage of the Garman College of Masters, which is commonly known as the Dean.

Learning spells requires a good atmosphere. Fu Haofei brought them into a special mage academy, and let the guide inside teach them the basic courses first. He can’t teach more than two hundred apprentices by himself, and he can return to the Lord’s world to learn about the Lord after he has almost learned it. The world's improved arcane system is more powerful and complete than the native wizard system.

When they left, Lin Xiao stayed here for the same amount of time. After agreeing to attack time with Major General Shan Jianfeng, the incarnation quietly left the outpost and returned to the main material plane.

The target he chose was the base of the Nightmare World in the Crystal Wall Universe CY-00801. Located between the main material plane and the bottomless abyss, there is a city of chaos in the center of a plane called Dark Highland. A super Devil warlock ruled by the real god named Lady Chaos.

It is said that this Devil warlock named Chaos Lady has the blood of the Chaos King, one of the three ancient giants of the bottomless abyss of the Crystal Wall Universe. It is also said that Chaos Lady is one of the illegitimate daughters of the Chaos King. According to records, this powerful The lady has ruled the city of chaos for more than five thousand years. During this time, countless Lords of Devil coveted this gate to the bottomless abyss, but until now the lady of chaos has been firmly in control of the city.The main target of the descendants of the Nightmare God’s Civilization in this Crystal Wall Universe is not the main material plane, but the bottomless abyss.

Yes, they took the route of Lord Devil of the Bottomless Abyss. A large number of children of the Nightmare God’s Domain descended into Bottomless and became a Devil. With their own power, they quickly rose to defeat the Lord Devil and even the Lord Devil in the Devil level to replace them. Now The descendants of the children of the nightmare are already a huge group of forces that cannot be ignored in the bottomless abyss.

Therefore, the base of the children of the nightmare inside the world is placed in the closest place to the bottomless abyss. The dark high-status surface is one of the few entrances and exits into the bottomless abyss. The base can enter and exit the bottomless abyss as quickly as possible. abyss.

The reason why it is not placed directly on the edge of the bottomless abyss is because it cannot be released.

Not to mention the influence of the huge chaotic consciousness of the bottomless abyss on the base, if the base is placed on the edge of the bottomless abyss, it will be corrupted by the abyss consciousness as a plane and dragged into the abyss.

The almost endless levels of the Bottomless Abyss were not created out of thin air. It was basically the power of the abyss capturing other planes to make it corrupt and degenerate, and finally dragged into the abyss to become a part of it.

Of course, only the bottomless abyss in Toril's multi-universe is truly endless. CY-00801, the world rules and the same crystal wall universe as Toril's multi-universe, is not endless. After all, this It is just a medium crystal wall universe, the planes of the entire world are counted, and the abyss is impossible to be endless.

According to the information published by the travel god five hundred years ago, the total number of bottomless abysses in this world is about nine hundred. It may have increased a little in the last five hundred years, but it is certainly not much.

The dark high-level plane is called this name because the only continent on the entire plane is a plateau continent with an average elevation of nearly 1,500 meters. There are no beaches on the edge of the continent, only cliffs that are thousands of meters high. Under the cliff is densely packed gravel and icy water.

It is said that many tens of thousands of years ago, there was still intelligent life on this plane, but as the power of the abyss eroded, the entire world quickly degenerated and degenerated, although for unknown reasons this plane was not dragged into the abyss and turned into a level of the bottomless abyss. But the entire plane has long since turned into an abyss, and there are no living things inside, only undead or abyssal creatures wandering across the continent.

The City of Chaos is located at the center of the plane. It is a huge fortress made up of gray boulders surrounded by a large active volcano spewing out from time to time with black smoke mixed with Mars, which leads to the chaos of the bottomless abyss. The gate is actually inside the central crater.

From time to time, a figure spews out of thick smoke from the crater of the volcano, and from time to time a figure burrows into the volcano.

The City of Chaos has a lot of people. After all, among the many entrances and exits of the Bottomless Abyss, this one is the safest and the easiest. Naturally, there are a large number of powerful people of various races who want to enter or leave the bloody plain of the Bottomless Abyss.

It is worth mentioning that there is no The Underworld devil in this world, and the target of the bloody battle of Devil in the Bottomless Abyss is replaced by the gods. The true gods lead the Divine Kingdom Legion to garrison the first floor of the abyss to fight against Devil.

The reason why the City of Chaos was not taken over by the gods was because of the absolute neutrality of Lady Chaos.

Although she is a descendant of the Chaos King, one of the three giants of the ancient abyss, the Chaos King died tens of thousands of years ago, and she has long been unaffected by the abyss.

In addition, the gods do not need to go through the gate of chaos to go to the abyss. The true gods can rely on their own ability to go directly to the abyss without passing through these intersections.

On this day, a small area of ​​the unstable space above the huge city of chaos was distorted and a little space was torn apart. A human mage wearing a black robe and standing on an ordinary wooden staff came out of it, not far from a tall tower. The warlock stationed glanced at him and then looked away.

There are no less than a dozen such masters coming every day, as long as you don't make trouble, no one cares who you are.

This black-robed mage is an incarnation of Lin Xiao in disguise, first come to see the situation of the nightmare world base, by the way, see the customs and customs of different planes of this world.

Although there is nothing to see in a group of undead Devil...

However, as soon as he arrived, he immediately sensed the aura of a dozen children of nightmare in the city.

"Sure enough, it is the home base of the children of the nightmare."

The powerful divine mind swept across, and immediately swept the details of the sixteen children of the nightmare.

Most of the sixteen children of the nightmare are Devil, and the rest are other races with Devil power. The strongest of them is a legendary dragon transformed into a human form, and the strength is not strong compared to him.

The strongest is the Lord Devil. These abyss lords who are the lowest equivalent to the demigod and the strongest in their own territory are comparable to the true gods, generally stay in their own territory, and at most one avatar will go out, and it is unlikely that the real body will run out.

The Abyss Lord has an extremely powerful strength bonus in his own territory, similar to the Kingdom of God, but weaker than the Kingdom of God.

Some powerful lords who unify the entire abyss level will obtain the effect of virtual gods in their own territory, and have the strength comparable to true gods.

The overall strength of the abyss is inferior to the gods, but the gods in the abyss can't help them, unless the pantheon gods can work together, which is obviously impossible.

If nothing else, at least the god of chaos would not agree.

The abyss is a combination of chaos and evil. Chaos is one of its essence and one of the important sources of the power of the chaos god. Once the abyss is destroyed by the gods, the chaos god's power will decline sharply, and no one will be willing to change it.

Although the City of Chaos is one of the important activity areas of the Nightmare Child, Lin Xiao's strength is too strong, and the Nightmare Child who stayed in the city did not find him.

It is worth mentioning that after his incarnation was enshrined in this world, the breath from the main world on his body has disappeared. The son of nightmare cannot sense him through the breath of the main world, but he can sense the son of nightmare who still retains the breath of the nightmare world. .

He didn't alarm the children of the nightmare in the city, these few were not worthy of his exposure, he just entered the city and walked straight to the city lord's mansion.

Soon before coming to the largest tower in the city, guarding the door are two flesh and blood puppets up to 20 meters high. These are a legendary-level golem made of flesh and metal. It has all the advantages of a metal golem. It has flesh and blood to make up for the shortcomings of pure metal golems, and its combat effectiveness is very powerful.

Lin Xiao appeared in front of the city lord’s mansion without any concealment. The two flesh and blood puppets immediately looked up at him. Two huge blood rubies bloomed with red light toward him, but when they approached him, the light refracted in other directions, and the two flesh and blood puppets suddenly Losing the target, the red eyes shot everywhere in front of the door, but he could not be scanned.

At this time, the gate of the high tower opened loudly, and a clear light fell and quickly transformed into a phantom woman with a delicate figure but unable to see her face. She bowed to Lin Xiao and asked in a crisp voice:

"I don't know which palace descended to be impolite!"

Lin Xiao glanced over the phantom, raised his head to look at the tower, and said with a slight smile:

"Don't you ask me to go in and sit down?"

"It's an honor!"

The woman's phantom turned around and stretched out her hand to give in, and a layer of barrier light on the surface of the door dissipated.

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