The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 129 The shrine in the secret realm (1)

[Notice]: Your race "Ancient War Tree" has been boosted by the super attribute card, all attributes have been increased by 10,000, and it has been successfully upgraded to the fifth rank.

[Notice]: Your race "Ancient War Tree" will get the Dao Domain bonus, and the overall attribute will be increased by 30%.

Another notification appeared, and the ancient war tree, which was originally two meters tall, began to grow wildly. In the blink of an eye, it had reached a height of twenty meters, and each one became a towering tree.

【Race interface】

【Name】:The ancient tree of war

[Occupation]: Strong people (fifth order)

[Physical]: 13201 points

【Strength】: 13452 points

【Defense】: 13254 points

【Agility】: 13894 points

【Spirit】: 13102 points

[Talent]: Absorb

[Skills]: Heavy Attack, Life Extraction, Entwined Vine, Chiba Flying

Looking at the attribute interface of the ancient war tree, Su Jiu nodded. Although he has only just reached the fifth rank, if he fights, his strength is not weak.

Moreover, this ancient war tree is good at camouflage. Those who don't know it must just think it is an ordinary big tree. Once it enters the woods where the ancient war tree is located, the enemy can only be slaughtered at will.

"Chu Qing is really generous enough, just give it a million ancient war trees.

Now that his population has reached more than 11 million, it takes 100 million people to be promoted to a national-level Dao domain. With a 30% 880 reproduction speed bonus, half a year is definitely enough.

Then Su Jiu used all the rewards obtained in the exchange competition today, making the resources of the entire Daoyu world more abundant.

[Notice]: Your race has been found in the artifact secret realm, please check it carefully.

At this time, another notification appeared, Su Jiu's eyes lit up, and there was finally a movement in the artifact secret realm.

Thinking about it, Su Jiu hurriedly entered the mysterious realm of artifacts.

"Is this where the artifact is located?"

Looking at the scene ahead, Su Jiu narrowed his eyes.

At the entrance is a staircase that is thousands of meters long, and at the top of the staircase is a magnificent black palace.

The palace is full of black twilight, and it has a somewhat mysterious feeling.

At this time, the gate of the palace was closed, giving people a feeling that strangers were not allowed to enter. When Su Jiu saw this palace, Su Jiu couldn't help but frown, as if his soul was about to be extracted with just one glance.

"System, how do I get this artifact?"

Su Jiu hurriedly asked, a palace that can make him feel bad, the artifacts in it must be amazing.

[The system prompts that this place is one of the divine artifact seal shrines. There are nine such palaces in the entire secret realm. Only by breaking through the seals of all the palaces, the divine artifact will be born. 】

"What? Nine seats?"

Su Jiu was taken aback, just this one made him tremble. If there were nine more, the origin of this artifact is not simple.

"Then how do you unlock the seal?

Su Jiu continued to ask.

【To unlock the seal, you must sacrifice with the blood of living beings. A palace requires one million living beings!】

"Fuck, one million souls? Isn't that nine million palaces nine million?

Hearing the system's explanation, Su Jiu's mouth twitched.

f*ck, he only has a population of more than 10 million, and he is absolutely unwilling to ask him to sacrifice 9 million.

Sacrifice is not just as simple as being killed. Once sacrificed, even if he has the resurrection skill, it is useless, it is really dead.

[In addition, the sacrificed creature needs to reach at least nine levels, otherwise it will be invalid. 】

"You can just say that the artifact has no relationship with me."

Su Jiu rolled his eyes.

Although the previous conditions were harsh, if he was ruthless, he could still obtain this divine weapon.

But in the end this condition is not harsh, it is quite rude!

Ninth-order race?

He doesn't have one now, and even the eighth-order races have robbed others.

"Nine million ninth-order races... System, why didn't you tell me to ask for such conditions earlier? 35

Su Jiu was a little dissatisfied. If the system had said it earlier, he would have waited to open this secret realm later.

[The system has asked before, and the host insists on opening it, and the system can only execute it. 】

Su Jiu was silent, are you asking, obviously (ceej) is just a normal reminder.

"Nine million ninth-order races, what are we going to do?"

Su Jiu frowned.

This is not something he can take out now, but he is a little unwilling to let him just give up this divine weapon.

An artifact that can be obtained at such a high price must be astonishingly powerful.

"System, what is the method of sacrifice?

Su Jiu continued to ask.

[The system prompts that when the race that meets the requirements enters the ten-mile radius of the shrine, the host only needs to verbally say the word "sacrifice". 】

"Your method of sacrifice is really arbitrary.""

Su Jiu pouted, everyone else had to prepare an altar or something, but he didn't expect that he would only need to say the word "sacrifice" here.

"If it is not my race, can it be sacrificed?

Su Jiu continued to ask.

[The system prompts that as long as the conditions are met, sacrifices can be made. 】

Su Jiu nodded, fortunately, the conditions in this regard are relatively loose, if he finds someone else to borrow 9 million ninth-order races, then he can succeed.

"But who would be so stupid to lend me nine million ninth-order races."

But then Su Jiu discovered that the most important thing was that he didn't have so many races, and he had to solve the core problem.

"Looking for Lao Tang? Or looking for the principal?"

When Su Jiu thought about it, among the people he knew, there were ninth-order races, and there were nine million in number, and these were the only gods.

"But if you ask them to borrow it, isn't it a bit too abrupt?"

After thinking for a while, Su Jiu decided not to worry for now.

If he went to Tang Ming and the others now, maybe the other party would lend him a loan, but only one day had passed, and there were still six days left.

Moreover, only one shrine has been found now, and there are still eight. If there is really no way in the end, then we can only find a solution from the school.

Thinking about it, Su Jiu began to send more races into the secret realm to find the remaining eight shrines.

Before, he was afraid of danger in the secret realm, but now it seems that it is only a threat to races above the ninth order, so he can rest assured that more races can enter the secret realm.

For the next few days, Su Jiu also went to class normally, while thinking about solving the problem of sacrifice.

The seven days are getting closer and closer, and the remaining eight shrines have also been successfully found. Each shrine is about the same length, but the race that sacrificed has not been resolved.

"Is it really the only way to find the school?"

That night, looking at the shrine in front of him, Su Jiu squinted his eyes. There was only one day left in the seven days. If the problem of the shrine could not be solved tomorrow, then this artifact would be no match for him.

"It seems that I can only ask Old Tang.

Thinking about it, Su Jiu was about to call Tang Ming, but at this time a strange call appeared.

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