The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 137 Give You Five Minutes of Show Time (3)

Seeing that Shi Hao signed the contract with the gods, Su Jiu's mouth twitched, Laozi saw how arrogant you were for a while.

"Su Jiu, are you ready?"


Shi Hao looked at Su Jiu, and as the words fell, he saw one million ninth-order werewolves raised their heads to the sky and let out a long roar.

"Come on, there are eight more behind.

Su Jiu said indifferently.

"Hey, kill me!


Shi Hao snorted coldly, waved his hand, and saw a stream of light burst out from the ten thousand werewolves, cutting through the sky and attacking the shrine.

To deal with Su Jiu, only 10,000 werewolves are enough!

"Look at what this kid will do. Although there are only 10,000 werewolves, they have already reached the ninth order, which is enough to destroy a palace."

"I'm looking forward to his kneeling and begging for mercy for a while, it must be ridiculous.


Seeing Shi Hao start to act, everyone stared at the screen and waited for the result.

Looking at the incoming attack 24, Su Jiu still looked indifferent, which made Shi Hao even more unhappy.


"Boom boom...

In the next instant, thousands of streams of light fell on the shrine, and roars sounded one after another.

I thought that even if the palace was not completely destroyed, more than half of it would be destroyed, but it quickly made everyone show a surprised expression.

I saw that under the attack of the werewolf tribe, the palace was not damaged in the slightest, and even the bricks and tiles on the palace were not affected.

"What's the matter? Why doesn't this palace hurt at all?"

"Impossible, these are all ninth-order races, is it possible that Su Jiu can build a god-level palace?

"Even if it is a god-level palace, under so many attacks, it shouldn't leave a trace."

Everyone was full of doubts, and Shi Hao frowned. He didn't expect the first round of attacks to have no effect at all.

"Go on, I'll give you five minutes to act.

Su Jiu said lightly, and even lay down on a boulder next to him and rested, looking completely unconcerned.

"I really miss you!

"The Claw of the Wolf!"


Shi Hao snorted coldly. This time, he directly let the 100,000 werewolf clan unleash their skills, only to see the wolf claws all over the sky falling towards the shrine again.

Should it work this time?

This is the unifying thought of all.


Another roar sounded, but soon everyone was shocked again.

Because the shrine still hasn't been damaged in the slightest, even if the werewolf tribe's skills exploded, they didn't leave a trace.

"How is this possible? Could it be that this is a mid-level fetish?"

"If it is really a mid-level fetish, it is impossible for a ninth-order race to leave the slightest trace, but how can Su Jiu have such a palace?"

"If the palace cannot be destroyed, doesn't it mean that Su Jiu is already invincible?"


Everyone has doubts in their hearts, and at the same time, they thought that Su Jiu was just humiliating himself, like a clown jumping beams, and some people began to shake.

"What's the situation in this kid's palace?"

Gao Yunchang looked at Tang Ming, who was the head teacher, maybe he knew the mystery.

"This, I don't know either.

Tang Ming shook his head, how did he know that Su Jiu had such a hard palace.

"Hmph, even if this palace is a fetish, what can Shi Hao's werewolves do to the palace, but how can Su Jiu make Shi Hao admit defeat?"

"Yeah, is it so stalemate? Then this challenge is still a joke!

"Don't forget, Shi Hao is a god, he still has Taoism, this palace may not be able to hold on.


Other teachers are still not optimistic about Su Jiu, and many of them have decided to resign when this matter is over.

Gao Yunchang frowned, but he didn't say much. Now he can only see what means Su Jiu has.

"Are you of your race and didn't eat? Actually, you can let your race go together, I don't mind. Su Jiu looked at Shi Hao and said lightly.

"Damn it!

"The Claw of the Wolf!"

Shi Hao's face sank as he let the werewolf race explode again, this time with 500,000 races.


But the result is still the same as before, the shrine has not been damaged in the slightest, and it is still intact.

"It's all said to go together, or you can let your race climb directly to the palace to attack, so maybe it will be successful."

Su Jiu said with a smile, "By the way, the time is almost over a minute, and your time is running out.

"Fuck, this Su Jiu is so shameless, he even dares to mock him, he really thinks he is invincible.

Su Jiu's attitude made everyone watching the live broadcast even more unhappy, but there was nothing they could do.

With seriousness in Shi Hao's eyes, he knew that he could no longer underestimate Su Jiu, otherwise he would become a joke soon.

"Wolfman Transformation!"


Thinking about it, the million werewolf roared once again, and at the same time, the blood around the body was entangled, and the size of all werewolves also skyrocketed in an instant. From the previous two meters to five meters high, the strong body seemed to contain infinity. general strength.

"It seems that Shi Hao is serious, these werewolves were originally at the peak of the ninth rank, about to step into the god level, and now they have been strengthened, their strength is comparable to the god level.

Seeing Shi Hao's actions, Ye Yu, the lord of Lingfeng Divine Kingdom who was watching the live broadcast, said in a deep voice.

"This Su Jiu does have some tricks, no wonder he dared to challenge us so confidently before."

"What about some doorways, even if he can't destroy his palace, he can't help these werewolves.

The other gods spoke one after another, and Huang Guwen, who was at the top, also looked at the live broadcast screen, his eyes flashed with cold light, and Su Jiu's performance made him a little interested.

"The Thunderbolt of Sirius!

"Boom boom...

Also at this moment, a powerful force erupted from the bodies of the millions of reinforced werewolves, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, with countless thunders entangled in it.

"Destroy me!

Shi Hao let out a loud shout, and saw a white light appear, and a thunderbolt fell towards the shrine with terrifying power as if tearing apart the space.

"It shouldn't be able to stop it now, the attack of so many werewolves together is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"The power of thunder that has been condensed by millions of werewolves, if it falls, even a god-level powerhouse will be damaged. 35

"Hurry up and win, Laozi can't stand Su Jiu's arrogant face anymore.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Thunder finally fell on the shrine.


A loud noise appeared, and the entire shrine was directly swallowed by the thunder, and everyone swallowed. Now the palace should have been destroyed.

After a full minute, the thunder slowly dissipated, but when everyone saw the next picture, everyone took a deep breath.

The palace still stands intact.

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