The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 148 Crazy Huang Guwen (1 for subscription)

A few seconds later, the right foot of the Lieyang Titan God slowly lifted up. At this moment, everyone was a little nervous.

Soon, a huge footprint appeared in the sight of everyone, but in the middle of the footprint, the palace still stood in place, without the slightest change.


Seeing this scene, everyone took a deep breath with horror in their eyes.

"F*ck, I was stepped on by a god, and the palace is still intact. What kind of existence is this palace?"

"This is too crazy. Could it be that this palace is a supreme artifact? But even if it is a supreme artifact, it is impossible to have no impact at all."

"Look at the soles of the Lieyang Titan Giant God's feet, okay, it seems to be bleeding?

"Fuck, it's really bleeding, this palace actually hurt the gods?"


I saw the soles of the Lieyang Titan Giant God's feet, and a blood hole appeared at this time, dripping blood.

This makes everyone crazier.

Are the gods injured?

Or injured by a dead object?

If it was before this, if others said that, they would definitely think that the other party was a fool.

But now, seeing it with their own eyes, they suddenly feel that they have become fools too.

"Check it out for me, what exactly is this palace made of, you must find me similar materials. 55

This scene shocked many powerful Divine Lords, and hurriedly ordered their subordinates to start searching.

Before, they only thought that this palace was only tough, but now it seems that this palace is not simple.

Even the gods were injured.

If they could possess such materials, wouldn't they be able to create weapons that could harm the gods?

The gods are invincible existences, but now there is a way to hurt the gods, no matter who they are, they will be crazy about it.

Naturally, Su Jiu didn't know what impact this incident had on other kingdoms of God, and even those supreme kingdoms of God who usually did not show up became crazy.

At this moment, he looked at Huang Guwen quietly, with a smile on his face.

God is amazing?

Doesn't this hurt?

"Impossible, it's impossible, how can there be something that can't even be destroyed by the gods~||. 95

Huang Guwen was doubting life at this time. Like everyone else, he couldn't believe it was true.

But the fact was right in front of him, but he couldn't refute it.

"You have a minute. 35

At this time, Su Jiu's words brought Huang Guwen back to his senses.

Looking at Su Jiu with a smile, Huang Guwen gritted his teeth and his eyes were full of cruelty.

"Go on for me!

Huang Guwen shouted loudly, and immediately the Lieyang Titan God directly swayed the iron lock in his hand and fell towards the shrine again.

This time he had to destroy the palace.

He brought 30,000 gods to accept the challenge, and even summoned the gods.

If he left the palace intact in the end, then he would be truly embarrassed by the Heiming Divine Kingdom.

In the future, when others mention their kingdom of the underworld, they will think of the "wounded gods".

He has put everything down and must not fail.


In the next instant, the iron lock fell on the shrine, although the power caused by it was quite powerful, the shrine was still intact.

"Fiery Sun Fire!


Violet flames erupted from the body of the Lieyang Titan Titan and fell on the shrine along the iron lock.

But even if a cluster of flames can annihilate a planet's divine fire, when it falls on the divine palace, it still has no effect.

"Impossible, kill me, kill me!

"Boom boom boom..."

Huang Guwen shouted furiously, and the Lieyang Titan God also displayed various powerful means.

But even if the sky was torn apart, the shrine still stood in place, not even a trace of dust was stained.

"I didn't expect to see things that even gods can't do in my lifetime. It's too shocking."

"This is definitely something that can go down in history. It's not that the flaming titan is too weak, it's just that this palace is too perverted."

"Masters are among the people, especially in Lincheng No. 3 Middle School. Who would have thought that an ordinary high school student would have such a powerful existence."

"Could it be that only the body of the gods can destroy this palace?


Looking at the shrine that was still intact under the attack of the Lieyang Titan Titan, everyone secretly clicked their tongues.

"Hu, hu... It's impossible not to be destroyed, absolutely impossible! 35

Summoning the gods consumes physical and divine power, and controls the gods to attack continuously. Even if Huang Guwen is a high-ranking god, he can't bear it at this time.

Sweat had penetrated his forehead, but there was still disbelief in his eyes.

"God Lord Huang, half an hour is up, you lose."

At this time, Su Jiu said lightly.

Hearing Su Jiu's words, Huang Guwen slowly turned his head and looked over, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Since this palace can't be destroyed, I'll kill you!


When Huang Guwen finished his words, he saw that the flaming titan actually threw the chain directly towards Su Jiu.

""~Fuck, what is Huang Guwen doing, he dares to attack Su Jiu, doesn't he want to live? 35

"Big Boss Su Jiu is about to leave the Dao Domain World, he must not be attacked, otherwise he will die directly.

"The Hei Ming Divine Kingdom can't afford to lose too much, it's too shameless to kill a high school student if you can't win.

"Crazy, this guy is crazy, if something happens to Su Jiu, the supervisory department will definitely not let it go.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Once Su Jiu is killed in the Taoist world, it means that the soul will be annihilated, and the outside body will become a corpse.

They didn't expect Huang Guwen to be so crazy, after all, even if Su Jiu died, the other party couldn't run away.

The Department of Supervision has never made a move, that's because the two sides are in a normal battle.

But if one party's life is in danger, the nature will be different, the Department of Supervision will inevitably take action, and Huang Guwen will even lose his life.

"It's over!

And other people in Hei Ming Divine Kingdom also discovered this, and their faces turned pale.

This god (of money) was summoned by them together. Once Su Jiu dies, they will be punished even if they are not the main culprit, and may even be abolished by the Ministry of Supervision, and their life will be over.

"That's too late!"

At the same time, Yan Mingzhi, the head of the Headquarters of the Department of Supervision, frowned as he watched this scene.

Even if he enters Su Jiu's Dao domain world now, there is no way, because his power can't block the power of the gods.

It is even possible to be destroyed by the power of the sun titan together with Su Jiu.

At this moment, unless Su Jiu leaves the Daoyu world quickly, no one can save Su Jiu.

But seeing the incoming attack, Su Jiu did not leave, but a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"How dare you take action against me? Seek death! 35


The next moment, Su Jiu directly took out the holy dragon horn, and a horn sound resounded through the heavens and the earth.

PS: What about the flowers? What about the evaluation ticket? What about the monthly ticket? Why can't you see it?.

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