After the people of the Kingdom of Light discussed some trivial matters, the meeting was over, and Qiao Zilian left the Kingdom of Light and went to the Kingdom of Tianwu.

In addition to the god of light, other supreme gods are also very concerned about Su Jiu's affairs, and they have sent people to inquire.

"Damn it, this Su Jiu's life is too big, this is not dead."

Du Family, Du Lei had unwillingness in his eyes, he did not expect that under the power of the gods, Su Jiu would still be alive.

"Su Jiu is not easy, so don't provoke him in the future."

Du Yuan narrowed his eyes.

If it was before, although Su Jiu performed well, he still didn't take it seriously.

But now it is different. The other party has successfully challenged the Nine Great Divine Kingdoms in front of people all over the world, and he has succeeded. His reputation is unmatched by anyone.

Moreover, he knew that Yan Mingzhi, as the head of the headquarter of the supervisory department, since he appeared in Su Jiu's Dao domain world, he must be eyeing Su Jiu.

If they still do anything now, they will definitely be targeted by the supervisory department, and the Du family may no longer exist by then.

The most important thing is Su Jiu's strength.

He knew that he could summon the gods, but he did not expect that the gods summoned by Su Jiu could actually destroy the gods summoned by the Hei Ming Kingdom.

what does that mean?

It means that even if all of them in the Du family go together, they are definitely not Su Jiu's opponents.

After all, their Du family can't summon gods.

"Brother, that's it? I really can't stand him being so arrogant."

Du Lei asked.

"What are you in a hurry, although we won't do it, I believe that many kingdoms of God will be unable to hold back.

Du Yuan sneered.

He could imagine how many kingdoms of gods had already stared at Su Jiu at this time, and maybe even the kingdom of supreme gods was staring at each other.

No matter what the purpose is, the other party will definitely not be better in the future.

If they made a move, they would be of no use at all except as cannon fodder.

Although Du Lei was not reconciled, since Du Yuan said so, he had nothing to do. After all, his biggest backer was Du Yuan.

The next morning, Su Jiu got up early and walked towards the school.

"Huh? Isn't today a weekend, why is the school so lively~||?"

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, Su Jiu found that the No. 3 Middle School was already crowded with people inside and out. There were students, but most of them were parents.

Just as he was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared behind Su Jiu.

"You dare to appear here, you don't want to live anymore? Come with me.

Tang Ming said and pulled Su Jiu to tear the space and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the principal's office.

"We will handle these things, as for the exchange at Kyoto University, let me think about it.

"The Ministry of Education and Education has allocated 100 million yuan, and some facilities are also being accelerated.

"Don't worry, sir, we will definitely not lose face in Lincheng.

When he came to the office, Su Jiu found that Gao Yunchang was on the phone, and the other party was the head of their city.

A few minutes later, Gao Yunchang hung up the phone.


Gao Yunchang took a deep breath and sat on the chair, his eyes also turned to Su Jiu, just as he was about to speak, someone ran in outside, it was Yu Qiang.

"Principal, there are not enough security personnel. There are too many people entering the school. If this continues, accidents are likely to occur."5

Yu Qiang looked at Gao Yunchang and said.

"Didn't the security bureau have been notified? Didn't they say there were more than 300 people? Haven't they come yet?"

"They've all come, but now the number of people in the school is probably more than 100,000, and there are simply not enough people in the security bureau."

This made Gao Yunchang frown, and after being silent for two seconds, his eyes lit up, "In this way, you can contact all our security companies in Lincheng and ask them to send someone to maintain order.

"In addition, starting from tomorrow, the whole school will be closed, and no one except students will be allowed to enter our third middle school!

Yu Qiang nodded and hurriedly walked outside.

"Headmaster, you are..."

Su Jiu was stunned, not knowing what was going on.

"It's not your kid's fault. After you successfully challenged the Nine Great Divine Kingdoms last night, our No. 3 middle school has become famous all over the world.

Gao Yunchang smiled bitterly and said, "You should have seen a lot of people outside just now, basically all of our parents from Lincheng, some of whom came from the next city just to visit our third middle school."

"So crazy?"

Su Jiu smiled helplessly, he didn't expect these parents to be so crazy.

But think about it, since ancient times, parents have hoped that their son will become a dragon. Now that the third middle school has been promoted by him like this, there are naturally countless parents who want to come in.

"That's not enough, an old classmate of mine told me that all the tickets for all the transportation directly to our Lincheng were sold out last night, and I estimate that the population of our Lincheng will at least double by tomorrow at the latest. "

Tang Ming said with a smile.

~Headmaster, then I..."

Su Jiu swallowed his saliva, how could he feel that he had stabbed himself.

"You don't need to worry about these things. Although the sudden increase in the population will cause a lot of trouble, it is also a good opportunity to develop our Lincheng."

"Chief Shi has also spoken to me just now, so that our third middle school only needs to do our due diligence, and he will handle the rest. 35

"If there is no accident, our Lincheng economy will at least double this year, or even a hundred times.

"Since last night, house prices near our No. 3 Middle School have doubled overnight, and it is predicted that it will continue to grow. 95

Gao Yunchang said with a smile.

Su Jiu nodded, it would be fine without him.

"Of course, as the key person in this matter, you are not completely fine. From last night to now, more than 100 universities around the world have directly given you the recommended places. If you want, even now You can go directly to university.

Gao Yunchang continued. (money money)

"Principal, I don't want to go to college just yet.

Su Jiu shook his head and said, high school is so good, why did he go to university, and he went to this year's college entrance examination champion.

"Well, it's up to you to decide this matter. In addition, there are many media who want to give you an exclusive interview. Do you want to go?

"Forget it, I'm not interested in interviews either."

I had no choice but to cooperate with Lincheng Daily before. If possible, Su Jiu does not want to have any more interviews.

"Then I will help you push them all off, and there are... soft"

Then Gao Yunchang took out a lot of information, all of which were invitations from various powerful groups around the world.

Some are interviews, some are endorsements, and there are even invitational tournaments...

The pay for each is not low, even Su Jiu is a little moved when he sees it.

"Headmaster, I just want to study hard now, let me push all other things off.

Su Jiu said seriously.

Bureau g

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