The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 157 Do you want to be my apprentice? (1)

Kingdom of Light.

"Lord God, I have already found Su Jiu just now, this kid is not willing to sell that shrine to us.""

"At the same time, I also inquired that in addition to our Bright Divine Kingdom, there are several other Divine Kingdoms who also went to discuss with Su Jiu, but all of them were rejected.

"Also, I found out that Su Jiu has been protected by the supervisors.

Listening to Liu Heng's words, Qiao Zilian narrowed his eyes.

"Since he didn't sell the materials of the shrine to others, we still have a chance, and I believe that the Department of Supervision will not agree to let him trade the shrine with any kingdom of gods."

Qiao Zilian said.

"Lord God, then let's go..."

"After all, putting this shrine in Su Jiu's hands is still risky, and it's safest to have it in your own hands."

Qiao Zilian's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face, "I remember that there is still half a month left, so Su Jiu is going to take the provincial exam. 55

"Yes, there is still half a month before the provincial exam. With Su Jiu's strength, he will definitely become the champion. Basically, there is no suspense."

Liu Heng was stunned for a moment, "The Lord God means that we can take the opportunity of the provincial examination to snatch the shrine?"

"That's right, during the provincial exam, it's normal to have a loss. 24, you can arrange it and let people be prepared."

Joe nodded.

"However, this Su Jiu can summon the gods, and even if the shrine is found, the people we send may not be able to obtain it.""

Liu Heng frowned, Su Jiu could even crush the kingdom of God, let alone an ordinary high school student.

"Since the rules do not say that gods cannot be summoned, then we will make rules, and I believe they will all accept these rules.

Qiao Zilian said with a smile.

Liu Heng nodded and quickly understood what Qiao Zilian meant. Now Su Jiu is strong, but more because of the gods he summoned.

If you can't summon the gods, the opponent is just an ordinary high school student, and it will be much easier to deal with.

And now that Su Jiu is in the limelight, there must be many people who want to defeat Su Jiu. Once the rules for not being able to summon gods come out, they will definitely get the approval of countless people.

"Lord God, even if you can't summon the gods, how do you deal with the ruthless snapping of fingers that Su Jiu used before?

Before Su Jiu snapped his fingers ruthlessly, even the ninth-order race could be wiped out. This move alone made the opponent invincible.

"Then ban the law.

Qiao Zilian thought about it and said.

Liu Heng was stunned for a moment, the Lord of God is really ruthless, and even Taoism is banned. In this way, he can only compete for the strength of races.

"Don't worry, Lord God, I know what to do."

Liu Heng nodded and then walked outside.

"Su Jiu? I want to see how you can make waves without Taoism and spirituality! 35

Qiao Zilian sneered, but if he knew that Su Jiu's relentless snap of his fingers was useless, he wouldn't be so proud.

On the other side, Su Jiu also ushered in an uninvited guest in the Dao domain world.

Looking at a middle-aged man in front of him, Su Jiu frowned. Although this man looked no different from ordinary people, he had a unique temperament.

It seems that at this moment, his Dao domain world is the other party's, and he is the outsider.

"I don't know what happened to the senior here?"

Su Jiu looked at the man and asked, and was also curious, didn't he say that the people in the supervisory department were protecting him, why did he let this man run in.

"Boy, don't think about the people in the supervisory department, in front of this seat, they are just little babies.

The man said lightly, as if he had seen through Su Jiu's thoughts.

Su Jiu didn't say a word, this man seemed to be a strong man, maybe someone from the supreme kingdom of God.

"I won't say more nonsense, I heard that you will be able to ban the magic field, show it for me to see." The man said.

"Senior, who are you?"

Su Jiu asked with a frown.

"If you know the realm of forbidden magic, then you are qualified to know who this seat is."

Hearing this, Su Jiu hesitated for a while, then nodded, he wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

He is not afraid of the other party, no matter how strong the other party is, he can still be stronger than the gods, but now he can summon two gods.

"Dao Fa! Forbidden Demon Realm!


Immediately, Su Jiu gave a soft drink, and a field force instantly enveloped the man, and the man's eyes also showed a surprised look.

"It's really the realm of forbidden magic, and it's smoother than the little guys in my family."

Looking at the field around him, the man nodded secretly, and then a golden streamer flashed in his eyes.


The next moment, I saw that Su Jiu's forbidden magic domain was broken open in an instant, and he didn't even have the strength to resist.

"Senior, now you can say who you are.

Su Jiu looked at the man and asked.

"You kid is interesting, you can understand the realm of forbidden magic by yourself, and you are indeed qualified to know this seat. 99

"This seat is Zhao Tianwu, the lord of Tianwu Divine Kingdom, have you heard of it? 99

the man asked with a smile.

"Zhao Tianwu?"

Hearing the name, Su Jiu's eyes were full of shock.

He has already done his homework, how could he not know the name, Tianwu Divine Kingdom is one of the supreme Divine Kingdoms.

And in the supreme kingdom of gods, there are also divisions, there are the upper three kingdoms, the middle three kingdoms and the lower three kingdoms.

The strength of the Shang San Divine Kingdom is the most powerful, because its Divine Lord has lived for countless years and is also the founder of the Divine Kingdom.

The God Lord of the Middle Three Kingdoms is the inheritor of the previous God Lord. Although the strength is not as good as the God Lord of the Three God Kingdoms, 897 also lived for more than 100,000 years.

As for the next three kingdoms of gods, the new inheritors have just taken over for about ten thousand years, and their strength and foundation are the weakest among all the supreme kingdoms of gods.

This Zhao Tianwu was called one of the strongest people in the world, Su Jiu did not expect that the other party would come to him in person.

"Senior Zhao's famous junior naturally knows, but he just doesn't know what Senior Zhao has come to find me for?"

Su Jiu asked.

"This demon-forbidden realm is a unique method that I have comprehended. For many years, only people in my Tianwu Divine Kingdom can know it. You kid is not from my Tianwu Divine Kingdom, but you know this method. You know what it means. ?

Su Jiu was taken aback, what does it mean?

Means stealing your jobs?

"Senior, do you want to take back my Taoism? 35

A cold light flashed in Su Jiu's eyes, with the opponent's strength, it was really easy to do this, but he wouldn't sit still.

Feeling the coldness on Su Jiu's body, Zhao Tianwu was slightly surprised.

In the case of knowing his identity, he still has the courage to resist, which is really interesting.

But think about it, if you don't have the guts, how can you dare to challenge the nine kingdoms of God.

"I haven't been so conceited yet. You have comprehended this method yourself, and that's also your chance. This time, I came here mainly to ask you, do you want to be my apprentice?

Zhao Tianwu looked at Su Jiu and asked with a smile.

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