"Afraid? So what? Don't those people take revenge on me because I'm afraid?" To be honest, since coming to this world, Su Jiu really doesn't know what it feels like to be afraid.

His own strength is already very strong, not to mention that there are big bosses covering him. Coupled with the bonus of the system, I am afraid that no one is his opponent at all.

"You!" The man was stunned by Su Jiu and couldn't speak. Trembling all over, at this moment, all his things were vanished. So long-term efforts, in this moment to fly to ashes.

"Who will challenge next?" Su Jiu didn't want to talk nonsense to this person anymore.

"I'm here to challenge." The person who came was none other than Chen He, who was defeated by Su Jiu last time.

Su Jiu did not expect that this Chen He would dare to challenge himself. After all, the last fiasco was ordered. All of Chen He's gods and belief races are gone. Could it be that he has some secret technique that can restore everything in a short period of time?

Su Jiu was very puzzled.

"Why do you think I'm not worthy to be your opponent?" Chen He raised his eyebrows, his words full of confidence. After all, it has been since the last time he lost. In Su Jiu's hands, time did not pass long.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be difficult to repair for a long time after that. But Chen He is different.

He was already amazingly talented, not to mention that the Divine Master of the Kingdom of Light was very generous to him. So Chen He recovered very quickly.

"Isn't this Chen He who lost to Su Jiu last time~||?" Someone in the crowd recognized it.

"Yes, I heard that he has not all races destroyed?"

"I heard that this person is very talented, and it's nothing to recover quickly, not to mention the blessing of the God Lord of the Kingdom of Light!

"Ah, ah, ah, this is really enviable!"

"Isn't the last lesson not enough? It's here again today." Some people in the crowd were a little puzzled by Chen He's approach.

Mingming had already proved that Chen He was not Su Jiu's opponent last time, but this time he hit the gun himself. Or is it that those who recover quickly are arrogant?

At first, Su Jiu was surprised that he recovered so quickly. But from the current point of view, it is impossible to see how powerful this person is.

Is it the same as before or is it more powerful than before?

Su Jiu secretly speculated in his heart.

"What? Are you afraid?" Seeing that Su 9 didn't give any response for so long, Chen He finally became impatient. After all, although the voices of the people around them were not loud, they were able to make Chen He hear them clearly.

There were some bad remarks, which made Chen He extremely uncomfortable, but he couldn't really fight with each other. This is so frustrating.

"Afraid? How could I be afraid?" Su Jiu smiled and looked at Chen He who was standing in front of him.

I don't know what tricks this guy has to deal with him. The last time everyone saw it, he was defeated by his own hands, this time he definitely came prepared.

I just don't know what his "preparation" is?

So before Su Jiu could react, Chen He took the lead in summoning his own god.

Originally, I was curious about what the god of Chen He would be, but it turned out to be a vampire bat similar to the god Su Jiu.

Chen He looked at Su Jiu with a good look, trying to see the surprised expression on Su Jiu's face. But the result is nothing.

At first, I was surprised when I saw the god Su Jiu summoned by Chen He. But then it was discovered that this vampire bat was different. It's not of the same class as your own vampire bat.

Su Jiu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Summons your own mad knight at random. As soon as the mad knight came out, the blood would flow into a river.

See the gods summoned by Su Jiu. Chen He sneered in his heart. Thought his mad knights could withstand his own vampire bats?

However, Su Jiu directly ignored the expression on his face.

When the mad knight rushed forward and faced the vampire bat. Su Jiu also summoned a ghost while Chen He couldn't stop.

In fact, in the past battles. Su Jiu rarely uses the deity ghost. On the one hand, the lethal power of the ghost ghost is too powerful, and on the other hand, he is afraid of accidentally hurting his own people.

(Nord's) ""- Su Jiu, you are just like that, the last time I was careless!" Originally, Chen He was still wary of Su Jiu, thinking that he would have something behind him, but judging from the current situation, this Su Jiu obviously didn't have anything behind.

So he used his nirvana with confidence.

With a wave of his hand, all the vampire bats were attached to the mad knight. Crazy sucks the blood of mad knights.

However, no matter how the mad knight tore those vampire bats, they couldn't tear them down.

Although those mad knights were very furious, but to no avail. Those vampire bats were tightly attached to it like leeches.

Chen He looked at Su Jiu proudly.

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