"It turns out that it was me who lost, and I am willing to admit defeat." The man no longer hesitated or struggled, because he knew that he was not Su Jiu's opponent anyway.

Because Su 9's ability is there, whether it is IQ or the gods he possesses, he is not Su 9's opponent.

However, Su Jiu doesn't have much feeling about this. After all, since he traveled to this world, he has been constantly welcoming him. Whether it's developing or securing a victory, in short, he is winning. Any ideas, just listen to it.

That person also knew that he was probably just a little ant in Su Jiu's eyes "Nine Four Three", and even he himself felt that he was too small, so he consciously retired from the ring.

However, the Lord of Light, who saw this scene in his eyes, hated Su Jiu so much that his teeth tickled, but he still couldn't do anything about it.

If he was in a ring with Su 9 at this time, he might become a joke in other kingdoms of God.

After all, Su Jiu's rank is not as high as it is, and if he goes up to challenge Su Jiu at this time, it is easy to be said to be bullying others with power and bullying the big with the small.

But if he just returned to the Kingdom of Light like this, he felt that he couldn't take such a breath.

He spent so much money to make a fire phoenix that was so easily destroyed by Su Jiu, and even became Su Jiu's thing, how could he not be angry.

Unexpectedly, this Su Jiu is really surprising, no matter how well he prepares, this appeal always seems to be able to turn bad luck into good luck.

Su Jiu looked confidently at the onlookers in front of him: "If anyone else is interested in my shrine, you are welcome to challenge me, and of course if you just want to challenge me, you are welcome at any time."

However, after listening to Su Jiu's words, the people around him lost their voices, but no one came to the stage to challenge Su 9.

It seems that everyone is very aware of their own strength. Su Jiu smiled and left the ring.

"Why aren't you reconciled? Don't you want to see Su Jiu so powerful?" A voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the Lord of Light. The Lord of Light was unprepared, and was startled by this voice.

"You don't have to look for me around, I'm standing in a place you can't see." The voice sounded again, it sounded as if speaking in the ear of the Lord of Light, but the Lord of Light looked around, but still found nothing.

"Who are you? Can you get used to what he has to do with you?" The Lord of Light didn't know who the other party was, so he was full of vigilance, and just by hearing this voice, he knew that he was definitely not enough for the other party to play.

He didn't want to get involved with this kind of person. As for whether he could get used to Su Jiu or not, it was his own business that had nothing to do with others.

"As long as you promise me one condition, I can help you get rid of Su 9, or let Su Jiu be brought under your command, I can do it." The voice ignored the words of the Lord of Light, and said what he thought. meaning to be expressed.

However, the Lord of Light did not buy his account.

"I don't know you, and as for what you said, I'm not interested." It's straightforward to be around, rejecting the voice, but the voice doesn't seem to want to stop there.

"Really? You have to think about it clearly. If Su Jiu grows up in the future, the first one to destroy will be your God of Light..." The voice still began to bewitch the God of Light and didn't stop at all. the meaning of.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. As for what happened to Su Jiu, it has nothing to do with me!" At this time, the Lord of Light was a little panicked, after all, what he did to Su Jiu, his own heart Still clear.

In fact, what this voice said is not wrong. If Su Jiu really grows up in the future, the person who suffers is indeed himself.

This is why he has been targeting Su 9 for so long. But he didn't want to win Su 9 by making a shady deal with some kind of person.

It may sound a little ridiculous, but it has extraordinary meaning to him. Because for him, he himself is extremely disgusted with this dark transaction.

Although he himself may not be so clean.

"Are you sure you don't need me to help you? With your current strength of 4.9, you are no longer his opponent. Even if you don't cooperate with me, I will find other people. You can guarantee that other people can be like you. Bright and upright?" The voice was still chattering about the various benefits of working with him, and there was also a mockery of the Lord of Light in his voice.

On the surface, it sounds like he knows the God Lord of Light very well, but the Light God Beast knows that this voice is definitely not the voice of the people he is familiar with.

Could it be that a lot of power has been secretly grown here? However, all the people are not aware of it? Then this power is really too scary.


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