However, the bear just didn't give them a chance to react, so he directly looked for Su Jiu to attack.

After Su Jiu saw this mutation, he knew that things would not be so simple. Sure enough, the bear couldn't bear it anymore and started to attack.

Before Zhao Minghuang could figure out the situation in front of him, he had already been pulled away from the bear's attack by everyone.

Seeing that he hadn't attacked the target he wanted to attack, the bear became a little angry in an instant, so he immediately flew towards Su Jiu quickly.

Originally, Su Jiu thought that this bear was just more vicious, but did not expect this bear to be able to fly "Nine Four Three".

"Damn! What kind of magical species is this? How come I've never encountered it before?" Zhao Minghuang looked at the scene in front of him with a full face. He had never seen such a surprising side before, thanks to Su Jiu.

If Su Jiu tried his best to come this way, he wouldn't have seen such a strange sight.

But Su Jiu frowned, and Zhao Minghuang felt that the guy in front of him might not be easy to deal with.

"This bear is very strange, it can even fly..." Zhao Minghuang actually wanted to ask me if there was any way to subdue this bear, but the words turned a corner.

This is all so cool, he wants to take it back as his mount, but looking at it, this bear is probably going to fight them to the death.

I am afraid it is not so easy to be tamed.

Hearing Zhao Minghuang's words, Su Jiu glanced back at him, but said nothing. Because only Su Jiu knew in his heart that the bear wasn't just mutated.

I'm afraid I have to talk about other things behind my back.

Because as far as Su Jiu observed this mountain range, there should not be such a ferocious monster in this mountain range, not to mention that the snake is also very strange.

Su Jiu had never seen such a strange snake before. And since he entered this hillside, he did not find that the snake that the snakes killed before was extremely normal, so where did such an abnormal snake come from?

Could it be that someone deliberately put such a snake to confuse them?

And at this moment, because they haven't known anything for a long time, they have already had little strength, and they are definitely not the opponents of this ferocious animal.

I don't know what's behind it, but people want to eat them both to death.

Could it be that it was the last time the Lord of Light?

"How? Did they eat that snake?" The man appeared beside Guangming's hand, staring at the mountains in the distance.

The mountain range is cloudy and sunny for a while. Coincidentally, it was the mountain range where Su Jiu and the others entered.

"No, a bear that suddenly appeared, ate that snake for me." The Lord of Light shook his head regretfully.

That kind of pearl is not easy to obtain, he also spent a lot of effort to obtain this pearl.

However, he did not expect to be swallowed by a bear.

Thinking about the bright skills, I still feel that I have lost blood.

"I didn't expect that the first battle of the Lord of Light would be so lost." The man seemed to be gloating, as if he had forgotten that they were grasshoppers on a rope.

"Then you must have a very good solution, and then it's up to you." Guangming even wanted to settle down for a while before targeting everyone, but he didn't expect this person to be so impatient...

Nothing was ready, so he was in a hurry to shoot Su Jiu. He has already begun to regret a little and wants to conspire with him.

But the man seemed to see nothing, and he immediately rushed towards the mountain.

The bear found that his several attacks did not hit the target and became more and more furious, and his size increased several times by his fury.

"What should I do? This bear is getting bigger and bigger, and we will definitely not be able to beat him if we drag it down." 9 At this time, Zhao Minghuang also discovered the difficulty of this bear to tame, and he no longer wanted to keep this bear. as a mount.

But I didn't expect that Su Jiu didn't say anything, only knew that he rushed towards the bear.

Just when Zhao Minghuang thought Su Jiu would be swallowed by the bear, the bear nimbly avoided Su Jiu's attack.

"..." It seemed that he was worried again for nothing, as long as he lay down well this time, Su Jiu would definitely bring himself to lie down and win.

"Ignition. 35 just avoided the attack of a 4.9 bear, Su Jiu turned his head and said to Zhao Minghuang. There is no solution to all the wars of this bear. He has a snake head like that on his back, and the snake is probably still the same. Poisonous.

If he guessed correctly, someone must have put the snake here on purpose, and the bear was also brought here on purpose.

I just don't know if the person behind this is one person or several people.

Because as far as Su Jiu knows, no one has such a talent.

The only God of Light, I'm afraid it's enough for him to find this snake, let alone this flying bear.

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