If Zhao Minghuang didn't know what Su Jiu meant at first, he could probably guess what Su Jiu meant by now.

It should be that Su Jiu noticed something and wanted to draw out the person behind him, so he deliberately created the illusion of conflict between the two of them.

"I told you that I couldn't keep up with you, I told you to hurry up, but you didn't listen, and now you're blaming me again?!" Thinking of this, Zhao Minghuang also pretended to be very angry and replied to Su Jiu.

After hearing Zhao Minghuang's words, Su Jiu felt fortunate for a while, it seemed that Zhao Minghuang knew him very well.

"In the beginning, I didn't let you come because you had to follow me, why are you regretting it now? If you regret it, go away!" In order to make this phenomenon more real, Su Jiu kept saying those things. Extremely angry words.

As for the person hiding in the dark, looking at the fierce expressions of the two people's original words, and being able to vaguely hear the content of his two people's words, he roughly guessed that the two people were having a conflict.

In my heart, I began to secretly rejoice, it seemed that I finally had the opportunity, and I no longer had to freeze in this dark mountain col.

Although the mountain looked as warm as spring, the temperature at night was still very low. He really didn't want to spend the night in this mountain, and he wanted to go back and eat something delicious.

"Okay, then let's go our separate ways now!" All of them angrily dropped these words and walked forward quickly, regardless of Zhao Minghuang who was standing in the distance.

And Zhao Minghuang also looked very angry, and walked back angrily.

When that person saw that Zhao Minghuang and Su Jiu were separated, he felt that his chance had come. So he couldn't help keeping up with Zhao Minghuang, trying to seize the opportunity to take Zhao Minghuang in one fell swoop.

After all, he had followed Su Jiu and Zhao Minghuang for a long time, and he knew that the power disparity between the two of them was huge, and the only one who could hope to win was Zhao Minghuang.

However, Zhao Minghuang has always been with Su Jiu and the others so that he can't find a chance to start.

It seems that the relationship between the two people is not as good as the legend? After walking for such a long distance, conflicts began to arise.

The more that person thought about it, the more he felt that he was really lucky. He finally received a task. He thought there was no hope of completing it, but he never thought that God would really open his eyes.

When you go back, you must offer a few more pig heads to God.

After Zhao Minghuang separated from Su Jiu, he has been paying attention to the movements around him. He doesn't want to be a turtle in a urn.

He also knows that his strength is not as good as Su Jiu, but it is enough to want to deal with those who come to assassinate him.

Because he knew that in the eyes of outsiders, he was just a scumbag who was inferior to Su Jiu in martial arts. What's more, who can be sent to assassinate the two of them, what kind of person? It must be that they don't know much about the two of them.

And along the way, his performance has always been timid, and he has not shown much of his strength, which will definitely make the other party think that he is a better person to deal with.

The person who wants to ambush in the dark will definitely come and attack himself, and he must improve his precautions. Don't make a sneak attack at that time, and he will really become someone else's prisoner.

Su Jiu walked forward, turned around immediately after a short distance, got into the woods next to him, and followed Zhao Minghuang secretly.

After all, he still believes in Zhao Minghuang's strength, but what if there are too many people from the other side and he can't deal with it?

What's more, the sky has gradually turned dark. If it is really delayed like this, he and Zhao Minghuang will definitely get separated. There are many dangers in this mountain. Whether it is him or Zhao Minghuang, as long as someone is alone, It's impossible to get out intact.

If Zhao Minghuang really couldn't get out of this mountain, how would he explain to his cheap master when he went back.

At this moment, Su Jiu suddenly heard the sound of fighting coming from the front.

"Who are you? Why did you come to kill me?" Zhao Minghuang's angry voice could be heard vaguely. But judging from the tone of this voice, I felt that he was deceiving the other party.

It's just that this method is really not clever, except to paralyze the other party and make the other party think that he is a powerful and brainless person, it has no effect.

But the complaints returned to the complaints, Su Jiu quickly followed to see what was going on in front of him.

However, by the time he arrived, Zhao Minghuang had already ordered the man to be tied to a tree, and stripped the man of his clothes.

"..." Su Jiu didn't know what to say. Why did he only know today that Zhao Minghuang still has such a hobby?

"Don't look at me like this, am I not afraid of him running away?"

Could you prevent him from escaping? Su Jiu was very speechless. He had never seen Zhao Minghuang make a move, but he didn't expect that this guy would be a blockbuster if he didn't say anything.

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