"What's going on? Why is that light getting closer and closer to us?" Zhao Minghuang was a little confused about the situation.

"I don't know if there should be any treasures, let's go, let's go and have a look." After speaking, Su Jiu raised his feet and walked over there.

And the forest over there looks very dense, and there seems to be something. However, what was it, Su Jiu couldn't see clearly.

So Su Jiu decided that he was going to go up to the thing and take a look. So he took Zhao Ming and Huang to the front without saying a word.

However, when they approached and looked up again, it seemed that the beam of light was still standing there and did not move, and their distance was just like when they first saw it, and there was no change at all.

At this time, Su Jiu suspected that he was caught in some kind of fantasy, otherwise what would happen if there were 24, and he couldn't get in touch with that distance.

And from the current situation, the distance between them and the inner uterus has not been shortened by half, so what is the distance they have traveled?

At this moment, Zhao Minghuang also looked back at Su Jiu, his eyes full of doubts. But Su Jiu knew when he saw Zhao Minghuang's eyes, I'm afraid Zhao Minghuang's guess was similar to what he guessed.

"It may be that we have entered some kind of illusion, which is why we are in this situation. What should we do next?" Zhao Minghuang had a little experience of this situation after experiencing the previous incident, and he immediately responded to the situation. For Su Jiu, he spoke out the doubts in his heart.

"I don't know, let's stay where we are for a while." This mountain is too weird, and Su Jiu doesn't know why there is always a feeling of unease, this kind of uneasiness is like something big will happen later. Same.

However, at this moment, Su Jiu felt the mountain move. Could it be that he had an illusion? Su Jiu turned to look at Zhao Minghuang, and found that Zhao Minghuang's face was the same as his own.

Then it means that it is not that there is an illusion between them, but that the mountain is really moving.

But what exactly will happen, Su Jiu doesn't know.

So Su Jiu decided not to wait any longer and immediately followed Zhao Minghuang to the front.

But after walking for a while, Su Jiu thought about it and felt that something was wrong, because they had already inquired around before entering this mountain range. There were very few people in this mountain range. How do you explain seeing so many people in the mountains?

And the way to enter this mountain range is only the one they took, so how did those people get in, and the two of them didn't even notice.

But if they really followed the two of them all the way in, how could they have not noticed it until now, then it can only explain one problem, these people have already been waiting for them in this mountain.

So who is going to the trouble to lead them into this mountain range?

Since they were led into this mountain range, but they didn't kill them, what exactly was the picture of the other side?

All those who don't understand these questions, and don't know what the person behind it is, but he can be sure of only one thing, that is, the person behind this is definitely not the Lord of Light.

"There's a cliff ahead, how do we get there? Or let's take a detour!" Zhao Minghuang walked in front of Su Jiu and saw it first, and there was a bottomless abyss in front of him.

After hearing Zhao Minghuang's words, Su Jiu immediately went to the front to check what happened. As a result, he also saw such an abyss, which seemed to be bottomless, but the opposite was a different scenery.

Su Jiu has some doubts in his heart, because the data he saw in the palace before has records about these, some places look like an abyss, and the opposite side looks like spring flowers are blooming, but in fact it is just an illusion, when you step on the abyss After that, there will be different discoveries.

Thinking of this, Su Jiu immediately put his feet on the abyss. When Zhao Minghuang saw it, it was too late to stop him. Just when he thought that Su Jiu would fall into the abyss, he found that Su Jiu was standing above the abyss safe and sound.

Zhao Minghuang looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, not knowing what to do. Because he has never seen anything like this since he was a child. If he said it, no one would believe it.

But in fact he is like this, it really happened in front of Zhao Minghuang.

"It's okay, just follow." Su Jiu looked back, Zhao Minghuang encouraged Zhao Minghuang to follow in his footsteps, but Zhao Minghuang couldn't move his legs.

"Trust me, as long as you look straight ahead and firmly believe that there will be a deer under your feet, you will be able to step on it." Su Jiu knew that for Zhao Minghuang, this was really a deep appointment that he couldn't overcome by himself. fear.

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