Zhao Minghuang didn't know what was going on, but he saw Su Jiu slowly walking towards the trees, thinking that it was because Su Jiu found these trees, so he was going to find out.

However, at this moment, those trees seemed to come to life suddenly, and there were generally some buds.

"Su Jiu, come and see that this tree has sprouted, and it is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!" At this moment, Zhao Minghuang is like a child who has discovered a novelty, calling for his companions to come together Observed.

However, when Su Jiu arrived, the trees suddenly stopped growing, as if something in Su Jiu could restrain them from growing.

Su Jiu didn't understand why this was, so he approached other trees to see if there was such a surprising phenomenon.

As soon as Su Jiu left those trees, they started to grow, but the surrounding trees were still dead, and there was no recovery. Only the family in front of Zhao Minghuang showed signs of sprouting and growing.

Could it be said that this tree has something to do with Emperor Zhao Ming? But logically it shouldn't, or does the person who arranged this mountain have some origins with Emperor Zhao Ming?

As soon as I think of these, Su Jiu immediately thinks of his cheap master. The temptation and this mountain range were originally created by their cheap master, and the hidden treasures inside were also placed here by his master, just to wait for the destined people.

Su Jiu looked at Zhao Minghuang.

Finding that Zhao Minghuang was still confused, it seemed that this Zhao Minghuang didn't know anything about it, and he didn't find it at all.

However, at this moment, those who pursued Su Jiu suddenly also stole the other side of the abyss.

Those people originally thought that Su Jiu and the others were not moving so fast, but they didn't expect that when they arrived, Su Jiu and the others had no idea what method they had used, and he crossed this abyss.

Now they are standing in front of this abyss and can't do anything, because this side looks like if they fall into it, it will be forever, and they have no way.

I can only watch Su Jiu and the others get farther and farther away, until they can't see it.

"Waste! Even a person can't stop it." Suddenly a figure appeared in front of them, and they couldn't see the real appearance of that person, and could only judge who the other party was by listening to the voice.

"It's our fault, please punish the young master!" Although the group of people had never seen what their shooter looked like, they could tell by listening to the voice that he was their young master.

It's just that they don't know when their young master came here, and they didn't notice anything.

So it's no wonder they can't catch up with Su Jiu and the others.

What's more, the shooter never thought that these people could kill Su Jiu. He thought that this group of people could at least slow down Su Jiu's progress a little bit, but he didn't expect to be killed by Su Jiu.

Thinking of this (ceej), he couldn't help but feel a little angry, what kind of thing did he raise?!

"Let's do it for now. You guys will wait here and wait for them to come back and do it right away. Grab what they got, or you'll see it." Of course he didn't want the lives of these people, but he also Knowing the weight of these people, as long as they can hold on for a while, he will have a way to take the things in Su Jiu's hands.

I originally thought that when they started, I would be able to come to support immediately. But I didn't expect that something suddenly happened to the ancestors, and he still needed to solve it. However, this solution only took a day or two, and a great opportunity was missed abruptly.

By the time he came back, most of her people had already lost, and only those who had not undergone surgery still survived, but the people before they were not alive or dead, and I don't know what happened to those people. Thinking of this young master There is some irritability.

The group of people is uneven, some are loyal to him, but some are doing things with money. If they are caught, the consequences will be disastrous, but if they are not caught and die, then of course it would be better. thing.

However, for now, those people are really not alive or dead, and even he doesn't know what happened, so he has to go back and make arrangements to prevent those people from being caught and biting back.

Even if those people told his secret, he had nothing to be afraid of. He was afraid that Su Jiu had already brought someone to kill him before he was ready.

All this ability he has quietly seen in the crowd, with all the ability to want to destroy him, it is simply a matter of minutes.

That's why he's so obsessed with what Su Jiu has in his hands. After all, in his opinion, Su Jiu is invincible and invincible because of what he has.

Thinking of this, he also wanted to thank her for her comfort. If his uncle hadn't let him pay attention to Su Jiu, of course she wouldn't have found out that Su Jiu was so unbelievable.

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