That group of black shadows wrapped Su Jiu out of breath, but until now he has not found that group of purple light, where did the purple light go?

Su Jiu searched for a long time in this marriage, but he couldn't find the purple light, and he didn't know where his unicorn went. He also tried to sense where his unicorn was, but he found nothing.

Outside, Zhao Minghuang and Lin Qiunan were fighting in full swing. Zhao Minghua's god wolf was starting to show signs of being unable to hold on. However, Lin Qiunan's coyote seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood and kept heading towards them into the palace. It seems that he is completely unaware of tiredness and pain "Nine Seven Three" pain.

"There is no way to go on like this. We have to find a way to deal with him." He asked to turn his head to look at Zhao Minghuang, and found that Zhao Minghuang's face was not very good, so I knew that the two of them might not be able to last long. .

At this moment, the dark clouds rolled over where they were fighting, and all the wolves were swarming.

The divine wolf was still glowing with a red light that seemed to be absent, while Lin Qiunan's coyote was pitch-dark, just like those black shadows.

Moreover, the black feces on his coyote who killed a divine wolf had a strong smell, until in the end it was completely indistinguishable from these shadows.

And the divine bird summoned by Ouyang Qing had absolutely no way to deal with those hyenas. Those divine birds flew in the air and killed those hyenas from time to time.

However, those coyotes were always able to evade the attacks of those water birds with agility, and those divine birds were exhausted.

However, at this time, those divine wolves seemed to be full of vitality again and attacked those hyenas.

Even the eyes of the god wolf had turned blood red, and the coyotes were not afraid and immediately swarmed up.

Zhao Minghang's face has become very bad, and Lin Qiusheng has guessed that Zhao Minghang is the last episode when he sees the changes of Zhao Minghuang. If he can beat him in this episode, Zhao Minghuang will Become your own underdog.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiunan was very happy, and his excited eyes changed color, but he still didn't notice it.

"Zhao Minghuang, if you admit defeat now, and promise to give me a small part of Tianwu Divine Kingdom, then I can consider spare your life." Lin Qiunan looked at Zhao Minghuang in a very good mood, he felt that he finally You can control the lives of these people. It turns out that the feeling of mastering other people's death is so wonderful.

"You're dreaming." Although King Zhang Ping felt that he couldn't hold it anymore, he knew that Ouyang Qing would never let this Lin Qiunan get into the city, so he was not worried about the future.

"Death is imminent, is your mouth still so hard? You don't care about your own life, don't you care about the lives of the two of them?" Lin Qiunan smiled a little grimly, watching them speak with a sense of superiority .

"I advise you not to waste your time, we will not compromise with you. Nian Ouyangqing stared at Lin Qiunan with a firmness in his eyes.

Seeing Ouyang Qing's appearance, Lin Qiunan suddenly panicked. He was not sure whether he could completely defeat these three people, and Su Jiu's side has not made any movement so far. I'm afraid this Su Jiu Jiu has been killed by his shadow...

"You see that Su Jiu has been completely wrapped over there, and there has been no movement for such a long time. Do you think he is still alive?" Lin Qiunan deliberately stated Su Jiu's condition, you and them guess Su Jiu Already dead, trying to disturb their minds and defeat them with the final blow.

But he didn't expect that King Zhao Ming just looked at him and sneered, then stopped talking, and started to deal with him with all his strength. At this time, Lin Qiunan began to panic. Although it seemed that his coyote was in a better condition than ever before, in fact He knew in his heart that his coyote had reached a kind.

If the two of them continue to attack his coyote, his coyote will devour himself.

He didn't want to become a coyote, and he didn't want the alpha wolf to take himself off, so he tried his best to win the two of them at this time.

"Don't you worry about Su Jiu at all? Even if the two of you win, I'm afraid Su Jiu's body will be cold by then." Lin Qiunan knew that Su Jiu was the death point of the two of them, so he kept pulling Following Su Jiu's matter, 4.9 was used to disturb the minds of the two of them.

Sure enough, Zhao Minghuang listened to Lin Qiunan's words, and then loosened for a moment. However, it was this moment of loosening that allowed Lin Qiunan to find the control and wave the soil directly, digging a full-scale attack. .

At a critical moment, Ouyang Qing also discovered the shortcomings of the coyotes, and used the impact of his divine bird to swoo down immediately to cause damage to the soil.

Lin Qiunan only focused on dealing with Zhao Minghuang, ignoring the divine bird that had been hanging in the sky.

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