Zhao Minghuang stared at Lin Qiunan in front of him, he didn't feel that he was not Lin Qiunan's opponent, let alone Ouyang Qing.

It's just that this Lin Qiunan didn't know what kind of kung fu he was practicing, so his strength naturally increased greatly in such an instant, and in such a short period of time, he was almost defeated by him.

"How? If you still don't admit defeat, I'm going to use my trick." Seeing Zhao Minghuang and the others' faces getting worse and worse, Lin Qiunan knew that it was almost there, and if he persisted for a while, he would be able to win. Now, their gods can be strengthened again in this way, but they didn't expect the bones of these two people to be so hard, and they have persisted for so long.

His own strength is very clear in his heart. He knows that if he persists like this, it will only do him harm and no good. Moreover, he can feel the power of the black shadow being weakened. Could it be that this Su Jiu is not dead yet? ?

"Why is this mountain range so strange, I've walked for so long, but I'm still wandering around in the same place." The Lord of Light muttered to himself, he really didn't know that this mountain range would be so strange, if he knew in advance, he would He definitely wouldn't come in so rashly.

It was only through his cooperation with that person that he also knew some insider stories. He was sure to buy a house in this mountain range, and it was God Lord Tianwu and God Lord Guiyuan who signed a contract with each other.

It's just that he doesn't know what treasures are in this mountain. He doesn't want these treasures to fall into the hands of others, so he also wants to get a piece of the pie, but he ends up getting lost in this mountain.

It's just that he couldn't find a way out, and he didn't see any other living creatures in this mountain. Only at this time did he feel panic, and he might have entered a trap.

"Waste! If you don't have that ability, don't rush into this mountain~||." Suddenly a voice sounded, scaring the Lord of Light, and when he looked back, he found that it was the man in black.

Originally, he thought that the man in black was gone, so she wanted to sneak in and brush it, but she didn't expect that she would fall into this fog before she walked a few steps away, which happened to be caught by the black-clothed man. People got caught.

"Why did you appear here, haven't you already left?" It's very strange about the election, this person has already left, and now suddenly appears here again, is there something wrong?

"If I didn't show up here, I'm afraid you would be trapped here. Isn't it ridiculous that the dignified god of a country is trapped in this small mountain?" The man in black was really saying something. No affection left.

The Lord of Light is embarrassed.

"Then take me out since you're here, I really can't get out." The Lord of Light knew that this matter was his own fault, so he told the man in black in a good voice. .

After all, it's really the same as what the man in black said. Wouldn't it be unfair to die here? It's not worth it if the treasure was not found.

The man in black looked at the Lord of Light with disgust, and in the end said nothing, and immediately walked out of the mountain with the Lord of Light.

"Why do we have to turn around and around when we walk, I'm dizzy." The Lord of Light is a little strange, why does the man in black carry himself in this way? But the magic is, according to this In practice, he really did not fall into that strange circle again.

""~What did you say? That mountain range is infiltrated again, other people?" God Lord Guiyuan was very shocked when he got the news, because he didn't know who else could enter that mountain range besides his own. inside.

Except for Su Jiu, of course, Su Jiu is an exception.

"It's weird, how could this happen?" The person on the other side was also very surprised. He didn't know how such an accident could have happened. The plan was to blow up this mountain range now.

However, it was destroyed by an inexplicable person. If the fuse is just a click, they will almost all be invalidated. They have to find someone to buy the fuse again, which will waste a lot of time, and also It can only be discovered by Tianwu God Lord.

(Nuo Zhaohao) "Otherwise, I'll go take a look." One of the subordinates of the Lord Guiyuan suddenly stood up and volunteered, but the Lord Guiyuan glanced at him and said nothing.

At this moment, the holy dragon and the fire phoenix actually merged together! Su Jiu was very surprised, and looked a little overwhelmed by the scene in front of him, after all, he had never built such a scene before.

And this light is too powerful, so that all the darkness can't help but make people ignore it.

And it looks like they have a follow-up reaction to take place.

Su Jiu stared at everything in his eyes, for fear that he would miss something.

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