That's right, after all, Zhao Minghuang is the son of the God of Tianwu, and the one who knows Zhao Minghuang the most is probably the God of Tianwu, and the one who knows the most about the God of Tianwu is none other than Zhao Minghuang.

"Master, we have just entered another illusion at the city gate. The level of the illusion is not high, but it is very strange." Seeing Zhao Minghuang's appearance, I knew that this person must be his master, and there was no question.

It's just that he didn't expect that the illusion that Su Jiu had thought would take some effort was directly deciphered by the master's two sentences. Could it be that the master's power is already terrifying to such a degree?

But according to Su Jiu's guess, his master doesn't seem to have reached this level yet.

"Oh, this is not in a hurry. Come in with me first, and then we will talk about this issue in detail." God Lord Tianwu was urging Su Jiu and the others to enter the city again, but Su Jiu intuition that 003 must be there. What is the problem, he glanced at Zhao Minghuang.

I found that the statue of Zhao Minghuang was a little dull, and it was completely different from the personality just now. Could it be that this Zhao Minghuang has been controlled by someone?

That person also seemed to feel the difference, so he immediately made Zhao Minghuang live again, but it was too late, Su Jiu had already noticed the difference in Zhao Minghuang, so Su Jiu directly slapped the fake Zhao Ming The emperor was hacked to death.

Su Jiu had already guessed that there was a problem here, because according to the character of his cheap master, he would definitely not come to the factory gate to pick them up, not to mention that Zhao Minghuang just acted too unlike himself, after all It was impossible for Zhao Minghuang to treat his master so intimately, because he knew that his master hated this kind of behavior the most.

The reason why he kept waiting for them was that he wanted to see how they wanted to act, to see what they did, until he found out that the fake Tianwu God Lord had been trying to let them enter a beautiful woman in front of him. If they go, obviously if they really go in, they will probably be more fortunate, but not necessarily.

Because these people just wanted to make Su Jiu's hands get more lives, it is also possible that after he entered, he was bewitched by those people, and then started killing in the city.

But either result is not what Su Jiu wants to see.

"Su Jiu, Su Jiu!" The voice of Zhao Minghuang calling him suddenly came from his ear. Su Jiu looked around to watch the play, but found that there was not even a single figure, and the surroundings were all foggy.

Zhao Minghuang looked at Su Jiu who fell into a coma and fell asleep for a while, and couldn't help but be very anxious. They were already about to reach the Tianwu Divine Kingdom. Why did Su Jiu suddenly fall into a stupor on the way? Can't wake up.

Seemingly hearing Zhao Minghuang's call, Su Jiu slowly opened his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhao Minghua looking at him a little worriedly.

"What's wrong with me?" Su Jiu looked at the surrounding scenery and found that he (cefa) was not far from Tianwu Divine Kingdom. Could it be that he is still in the illusion? Why does this illusion seem so real?

"We were talking when we were walking just now, but you suddenly fainted while talking. I was so scared that I called your name, but you didn't respond at all. Fortunately, you finally woke up." Zhao When Emperor Ming said this, she breathed a sigh of relief, because she was really afraid that Su Jiu would never wake up again. If Su Jiu really couldn't wake up, he didn't know what to do.

How could I suddenly fall into a coma? Something must be holding me back, so I fell into that person's trick. Su Jiu just woke up, his head still hurts a little, he rubbed his head.

"Let's go, let's go back first, this road is too dangerous, what about Xue Tao?" The two of them were already used to being around each other, but he suddenly realized that after he woke up, he didn't seem to feel anything. to the existence of Xue Tao.

After hearing Su Jiu's question, Zhao Minghuang also quickly looked around, and found that Xue Tao, who was originally bound, had long since disappeared, not even the rope.

Zhao Minghuang's face turned pale in an instant, because he didn't know what happened. He just cared to take care of Su Jiu after seeing Su Jiu suddenly fainted, and he didn't notice Xue Tao at all.

"Forget it, since we can't find him, let him go. Whether he is dead or alive has nothing to do with us." Su Jiu also seemed to have seen the true face of this man, so he stopped pursuing him. .

Actually it's not, so I don't plan to pursue this person, but Su Jiu feels that he has more important things to do, and he wants to confirm.

"You went down the mountain so soon, and I was sent to pick you up from the depths of the sky. I didn't expect to meet you as soon as I left the city gate." Xu Tao, who walked past the city gate, saw Su Jiu and the others at a glance, And he greeted the two of them very warmly, and he was no different from Xue Tao, who had been tied up before.

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